12 research outputs found
Didžiosios Britanijos aukštojo mokslo kaita XX–XXI a.
The article reveals development and essential changes of higher education in Great Britain in XX–XXI centuries.
During last century Great Britain higher education system has changed dramatically – from elite higher education in the beginning of XX century, which was available for very small part of society, to mass higher education with variety of institutions and education programs. Nowadays there is almost half of Great Britain population (of certain age group) obtaining higher education certificate or diploma.
The junction of XX and XXI centuries was signed with significant shift in the gender structure of higher education students: more women obtained fist university degree than men. Ten years later the same was recorded in higher degrees.
The intense change of Great Britain higher education from elite to mass inevitably influenced the higher education finance sector. Great Britain used to cover all expenses of higher education from the budget. However, the financial crises occurred in the last decade of XX century, and the government was forced to seek for new financing models of higher education. First time in Great Britain higher education history the tuition fee was introduced. Striving to ensure the higher education accessibility for all social groups in Great Britain, the tuition fees were complemented with the grants and loans with special repayment (or without) conditions. Nevertheless, the financial reform, started in 1998, already was changed several times and has raised lots of critics.
Along with the financial reform Great Britain deals with the higher education quality issues. There was no essential discussions about higher education quality in the beginning of the XX century as it was elite higher education. Moving to the mass higher education with variety of institutions and dramatically growing student number, the quality question becomes relevant. Despite the owning the largest number of worldwide level elite universities in Europe, Great Britain seeks to ensure the quality in all higher education institutions in the country. Therefore the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education was established. The Agency puts students and the public interest at the center of everything they do. Great Britain higher education quality policy is implemented basing on the Quality Code for Higher Education.Straipsnyje apžvelgiama Didžiosios Britanijos aukštojo mokslo raida ir esminiai pokyčiai XX–XXI a. Šalyje nuo XX a. 6-ojo dešimtmečio vyksta aukštojo mokslo masiškėjimo procesas – didėja aukštojo mokslo institucijų įvairovė, gyventojų dalis, įgyjanti aukštąjį išsilavinimą, taip pat didėja moterų dalis joje. Šie pokyčiai neišvengiamai paveikė aukštojo mokslo finansavimo sistemą – ilgą laiką Didžiojoje Britanijoje aukštasis mokslas buvo finansuojamas valstybės, tačiau XX a. 10-ajame dešimtmetyje įvykusi finansinė krizė privertė ieškoti kitų aukštojo mokslo finansavimo modelių, pirmą kartą įvedant studijų mokestį. Tapo itin svarbus aukštojo mokslo kokybės klausimas. Tai paskatino Didžiąją Britaniją sukurti aukštojo mokslo kokybės užtikrinimo politiką
Nauju moksliniu tyrimu išplėtota edukologijos mokslo erdvė
On March 23rd, 2018 the defense procedure of J. Monkevičius dissertation “Factors of the Formation of Teacher Professional Learning Communities” took place in Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. The doctoral dissertation committee: prof. dr. V. Salienė (LEU), prof. dr. A. Vilkas, habil. prof. dr. P. Jucevičienė (KTU), prof. dr. R. Malinauskas (LSU), prof. dr. I. Ivanova (Latvia) noted the topicality, in current international research context, of the sis which substantiated, with the help factor analysis, the influence of various factor son the formation of teacher professional learning communities
Apgintos naujos daktaro disertacijos
Apgintos naujos daktaro disertacijos
Ugdymo(si) problemos, pagrįstos moksliniais tyrimais
The scientific community members tend to acknowledge that scientific achievements in educational sciences are much slower compared to other areas. However, it is encouraging that in 2014 responding to the challenges relevant to the system of education, the young researchers of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences searched for and substantiated solutions to a number of problems employing their original scientific research.
In the Committee of Joint Doctoral Studies (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, Šiauliai University and Lithuanian Sports University) Kęstutis Trakšelys defended his doctoral thesis on the theme: “Education accessibility within the context of the transformation of Lithuanian society (1990–2010)”. The Committee of the Defence Council consisted of the representatives-researchers from the Joint Doctoral Committee and Prof. Dr. Habil. Alicja Šerlong, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy of Wroclaw University (Poland). All the members of the Doctoral Defence Council unanimously emphasized that the emerging processes of transformations in the global world impose specific tasks on the system of education and oblige the school to organize the process of (self-) education in such a way, which satisfies needs of learners, modern society and the epoch. Therefore, the author of the thesis analyzed an urgent research problem identifying links between social transformations and changes in the system of education from the perspective of accessibility, while solving the problem of accessibility of education in the context of social transformations during the period, which was particularly challenging to the system of education in Lithuania (1990–2010).
All the members of the Dissertation Defence Council and opponents considered the doctoral thesis “The development of creative writing skills of primary school pupils using interactive whiteboard” by Agnė Saylik as one of the first works in Lithuania, which focuses on development of primary learners’ creative writing skills employing information and communication technologies. The members of the Committee highly evaluated the creativity of the author, i.e., her ability to create original ideas, make insights, manage the collected information, to employ a variety of methods, to cope with a big sample of respondents, to process the data in a reliable way, etc.
The members of the Dissertation Defence Council and opponents of the doctoral thesis “Expression and development of the learning to learn competence of the adults improving their qualification” written by Vilija Lukošūnienė unanimously recognized the relevance and particular innovative character of the thesis, which is said to be timely and answering the urgent challenges of today: ability to approach the competence of learning to learn through the prism of multidimensionality, autonomous learning is analyzed, internal and external factors are singled out, which result in the competence of learning to learn, the hypothetic model for development of the adults’ competence of learning to learn was designed.
Analyzing the theme “Developing entrepreneurial capacities of pupils in 9th–12th forms applying coaching in technology lessons” and being a professional teacher-practitioner, Oksana Kietavičienė perceived technological education as a continuous process and understood the necessity to integrate teacher’s and learner’s creation as well as their creative ideas and to apply them in practical pedagogical activities. The thesis was evaluated as a timely, relevant and significant scientific study, which enriches educational powers of all the social sciences and educational science in particular, targeting at nurturance of an initiator and a responsible personality, who is capable of creation, rather than on development of an executor.
Kristina Viršulienė used the time of her doctoral studies for scientifi research on pedagogical communication and her efforts were finalized by the written doctoral thesis “Student-teachers’ instructional communication skills and their development”. The Chairperson of the Dissertation Defence Council pointed out that the relevance of the theme is obvious as education is a focused development of individual’s powers on the basis of the created interaction. Pedagogical communication is a basic component of the latter and an essential area of teacher’s professional activity. Empirical testing of efficiency of the programme of educational project is one of the main advantages of this doctoral thesis and this is a new contribution to the treasure trove of the educational science.
In his defended doctoral thesis “Pedagogical substantiation of social educator’s educational environment enriched with information and communication technologies”, Rokas Gulbinas theoretically and empirically substantiated the educational environment of a special needs teacher enriched with information and communication technologies (ICT) as a prerequisite for fulfilment of special needs teacher’s functions at new quality level. This is a particularly significant empiric study, which contributed to designing of the hypothetic model of special needs teacher’s activity in the educational environment enriched with ICT, which is relevant not only as the construct of development of methodology of quantitative research but also as a model for improvement of special needs teacher’s activity under changing technological conditions.
Giedrė Misiūnienė wrote the doctoral thesis “Modelling of socio-educational activities of multifunctional center in rural (territorial) community”, which aimed to substantiate the hypothetic model of socio-educational activity of multifunctional center in rural territorial community. The Dissertation Defence Council highly evaluated the capability and commitment of the young researcher to addressing severe problems of our time, whereof scientific research, substantiation, forecasting as well as strengthening of positive socio-educational activities in rural communities and their dissemination may not only help an individual and the society but also eliminate illiteracy, exclusion and decline in value-based principles. The initiative of the author of the thesis and her academic supervisor to implement one of the fundamental goals of Dr. M. Lukšienė, i.e, to expand the network of rural and basic schools (10 forms), their activity and, thus, to enhance the national identity, culture and the image of the state, is of particular value. This objective is also outlined in the National Education Strategy for 2013–2022; therefore, the scientific interest of the young researcher to model the emerging multifunctional centers is particularly timely and significant. This is the first unique research of such kind in the country.
All the doctoral theses discussed above were defended in Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences in 2014 and their authors were conferred the degree of doctor of Social Sciences (Educational Science (07S))
Meilė Lukšienė jaunųjų tyrėjų akimis
Meilė Lukšienė, the initiator of Lithuanian education system reform, has named PhD students of education science as the hope for the further development of democracy process by doing everybody‘s job. The object of this research is the relation between young researchers and the ideas proclaimed by Meilė Lukšienė. The purpose of this article is theoretical and empirical revelation of the relation between young researchers and the ideas proclaimed by Meilė Lukšienė.
Methods of the research include analysis of scientific literature of Meilė Lukšienė and about her; empirical quantitive research (case study) and statistical data analysis. The empirical research was carried out in 2013 and included 19 PhD students of education science from Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas jaunųjų tyrėjų – edukologijos doktorantų – požiūris į Meilės Lukšienės skelbtas idėjas, atskleidžiamas pažinties lygis, santykis istoriniame kontekste, pateikiamos M. Lukšienės darbuose doktorantų įžvelgtos terminalinės ir instrumentinės vertybės. Remiantis 2013 m. atlikto empirinio tyrimo (atvejo analizė) duomenimis, reflektuojamos M. Lukšienės mintys ir kitų autorių mintys apie ją
Apginta nauja daktaro disertacija
Review of Snieguolė Vaičekauskienė’s doctoral thesis “Moral attitudes of 5th–6th form learners and their (self-) development strategies”
The review of Snieguolė Vaičekauskienė’s doctoral thesis “Moral Attitudes of 5th–6th Form Learners and Their (Self-) Development Strategies” reveals the object, the aim of the research, short description of each part of the doctoral thesis, and the main conclusions of the implemented research.The object of Snieguolė Vaičekauskienė’s research – moral attitudes of the 5th-6th form learners and strategies of their (self-) development. The aim – to disclose the expression and (self-) development strategies of the moral attitudes of 5th–6th form learners in the school of general education.The research design consists of theoretical analysis, pilot study, written survey, and action research.Snieguolė Vaičekauskienė introduces to the readers the theoretical-empirical model of the (self-) development of younger adolescents’ moral attitudes. The author assumes that three components are equally important in the process of attitude (self-) development: the attitude was analysed as an integral aggregate of the cognitive, emotional-evaluative and conative (practical) components
Quality management of non-formal education of secondary school pupils of I-II grade: accessability dimension
Tyrimo objektas – neformaliojo vaikų ugdymo(si) prieinamumas, t. y. reali paauglių galimybė sėkmingai dalyvauti neformaliajame ugdyme(si). Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti vienos gimnazijos mokinių neformaliojo ugdymo(si) prieinamumo būklę kaip šio ugdymo(si) kokybės vadybos gerinimo prielaidą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1)išanalizuoti pedagoginę, psichologinę, vadybinę ir kt. mokslinę literatūrą; 2)sudaryti neformaliojo ugdymo(si) prieinamumo modelį; 3)atskleisti vienos gimnazijos mokinių neformaliojo ugdymo(si) prieinamumo būklę; 4)nustatyti veiksnius, darančius poveikį neformaliojo ugdymo(si) prieinamumui; 5)parengti rekomendacijas neformaliojo ugdymo(si) prieinamumo kokybės vadybos gerinimui. Darbą sudaro įvadas, 5 skyriai, išvados, rekomendacijos, santrauka anglų kalba, literatūros sąrašas ir priedai.The object of the research – the accessability of non-formal education for children, i. e. the real possibility of successful participation in the activities of non-formal education for childre. The aim of the research – to identify the level and the influences of the accessability of non-formal education for children as the assumption of quality management improvement in secondary school.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta