153 research outputs found

    Dinamika Kehidupan Minoritas Muslim Di Bali

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    The history of Islam can be traced back almost in all regencies in Bali, suchas Denpasar City, Badung, Buleleng, Jembrana, Gianyar, Tabanan, Bangli,Karangasem and Klungkung. In this regard, the existence of Balinese Muslimhas also enriched the discourse of Islam-Hindu society in Bali. The relationship between Balinese Muslim and Hindu communities is relatively harmonic since the Kingdom era, despite some social and economic problems between both communities. This article examines the dynamics of Balinese Muslim community in some regencies. It analyses how Balinese Muslim build and preserve their religious identity in the middle of Hindu majority. In addition, this article examines the dynamics of relationship between Balinese Muslim and Hindu, including some problems faced by Balinese Muslims regarding the implementation of Ajeg Bali discourse. The social and economic problems are not only big challenges for Balinese Muslim and Hindu community to respect, understand and shared, but also for local government to solve those problems together with both communities. The latter may preserve unity between religious communities in Bali which has been built up since hundred years ago. This article recommends that local government policies should not only considered majority rights but also considered minority rights of Balinese Muslims

    Penerapan Prinsip Public Good Governance Dalam Hubungan Internasional Melalui Perjanjian Sister City

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    This research discusses on the implementation of public good governance principle in International relations through the Sister City Agreement with Bandung as the example. The sister city program BandungBraunschweig is regarded as an example for other cities in Indonesia, meanwhile the sister city program of Bandung-Fort Worth is regarded as qualified to recommence the youth exchange since last year. This research of a literary nature. The research concludes that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as a form of sister city cooperation is in line with International law, and the implementation of public good governance principle is done through the partnership with regional governments of other States (sister city). Several problems that exists in the sister city program is the maintenance of documents, and the supporting resources to ease communication in sister city cooperation.IntisariPenelitian ini membahas penerapan prinsip public good governance dalam Hubungan Internasional melalui perjanjian sister city dengan mengambil contoh Kota Bandung. Program sister cityBandung-Braunschweig dinilai telah menjadi contoh bagi kota-kota lain di Indonesia, sedangkan program sister city Bandung Fort Worth dinilai mampu mengaktifkan kembali pertukaran pemuda sejak tahunlalu. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) sebagai bentuk kerjasama sister city telah sesuai dengan hukum Internasional, penerapan prinsip public good governance dilakukan melalui pembentukan hubungan kemitraan dengan pemerintah daerah di negara lain (sister city). Beberapa hambatan dan problematika yang ada dalam sister city adalah penempatan dan Pemeliharaan dokumen serta sarana prasarana penunjang guna mempermudah komunikasi Dalam hubungan kerjasama sister city

    Synthesis of Porous TiO2 with Starch Template and Its Photoactivity Towards Photodegradation of Methylene Blue

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai sintesis TiO2 dengan cetakan pati menggunakan metode hidrotermal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji sifat kristalinitas dan porositas TiO2 berpori hasil sintesis serta aktivitas fotokatalitiknya dalam reaksi fotodegradasi zat warna metilen biru. TiO2 disintesis menggunakan pati dengan berat bervariasi (0,5%, 2,5%, 5%, 10% b/v) dan tanpa pati. Pati dilarutkan dalam etanol dan dimasukkan ke dalam suspensi titanium (IV) tetraisopropoksida (TTIP). Proses hidrotermal dilakukan pada temperatur 100 ºC selama 4 jam. Cetakan pati dihilangkan melalui kalsinasi pada temperatur 450 ºC selama 4 jam. TiO2 hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan spektrofotometer FTIR. Pengaruh konsentrasi pati terhadap kristalinitas TiO2 dikaji menggunakan XRD. Porositas TiO2 yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi menggunakan N2 gas sorption analyzer. Aktivitas fotokatalitik TiO2 dikaji melalui fotodegradasi zat warna metilen biru. Berdasarkan hasil XRD, TiO2 hasil sintesis dengan pati sebagai cetakan pori menghasilkan serbuk TiO2 dengan fasa kristalin anatase. TiO2 dengan berat pati 5% b/v memiliki fasa anatase dengan ukuran partikel 11,34 nm. Luas permukaan spesifik SBET TiO2 tersebut 110,19 m2/g dengan volum total pori 0,2 cc/g dan diameter pori 3,62 nm. Hasil uji fotoaktivitas menunjukkan bahwa TiO2 dengan berat pati 5% b/v mampu mendegradasi zat warna metilen biru hingga 56,9% dengan radiasi sinar UV selama 30 menit

    Financial Literacy Among University Students: Empirical Evidence From Indonesia

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    This study investigates the level of financial literacy among undergraduate and graduate students. The study also examines the association between the students\u27 demographic factors and their financial literacy rate. Data were collected by distributing 800 questionnaires to undergraduate and graduate students of Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, covering cross educational majors, ages, gender, education levels, marital status, income, and work experience. Out of the sample, a total of 348 respondents returned completed questionnaires, which gave a response rate of 43.5 percent. The findings show that on average 45.39 percent of the respondents answered the questions correctly, which is relatively low compared to what other studies found in other countries, such as Chen and Volpe (1998) in the US (52.87 percent), or Beal and Delpachitra (2003) in Australia (53 percent). It also seems that male students, students with economics and business majors, those with higher incomes, and more work experience have a higher financial literacy rate. Using probit and tobit regression tests, the study revealed that education levels and academic disciplines are positively associated with the financial literacy rate

    Kinetics Study of Au(Iii) Adsorption on Gallic Acid Intercalated Mg/Al-Hydrotalcite

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    Studi kinetika adsorpsi Au(III) pada Mg/Al-Hidrotalsit (Mg/Al-HT) terinterkalasi asam galat (AG) dilakukan dengan cara interaksi antara larutan Au(III) dalam spesies AuCl4- dengan sejumlah Mg/Al-HT-AG yang disintesis melalui metode kopresipitasi langsung (direct synthesis). Parameter yang digunakan dalam penentuan kinetika adsorpsi adalah variasi waktu kontak dan untuk untuk penentuan isoterm adsorpsi dilakukan variasi konsentrasi Au(III) dengan waktu kontak optimum. Analisis kandungan Au(III) yang tidak teradsorpsi pada adsorben Mg/Al-HT terinterkalasi AG dilakukan analisis dengan AAS. Adsorpsi Au(III) oleh Mg/Al-HT terinterkalasi AG yang berlangsung pada pH 3 mengikuti model kinetika pseudo orde dua dengan konstanta laju (k) 3,798x10-4 g.mg-1.menit-1serta model isoterm adsorpsimengikuti model isoterm Langmuir dengan kapasitas adsorpsi (qmaks) 625 mg.g-1
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