
Penerapan Prinsip Public Good Governance Dalam Hubungan Internasional Melalui Perjanjian Sister City


This research discusses on the implementation of public good governance principle in International relations through the Sister City Agreement with Bandung as the example. The sister city program BandungBraunschweig is regarded as an example for other cities in Indonesia, meanwhile the sister city program of Bandung-Fort Worth is regarded as qualified to recommence the youth exchange since last year. This research of a literary nature. The research concludes that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as a form of sister city cooperation is in line with International law, and the implementation of public good governance principle is done through the partnership with regional governments of other States (sister city). Several problems that exists in the sister city program is the maintenance of documents, and the supporting resources to ease communication in sister city cooperation.IntisariPenelitian ini membahas penerapan prinsip public good governance dalam Hubungan Internasional melalui perjanjian sister city dengan mengambil contoh Kota Bandung. Program sister cityBandung-Braunschweig dinilai telah menjadi contoh bagi kota-kota lain di Indonesia, sedangkan program sister city Bandung Fort Worth dinilai mampu mengaktifkan kembali pertukaran pemuda sejak tahunlalu. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) sebagai bentuk kerjasama sister city telah sesuai dengan hukum Internasional, penerapan prinsip public good governance dilakukan melalui pembentukan hubungan kemitraan dengan pemerintah daerah di negara lain (sister city). Beberapa hambatan dan problematika yang ada dalam sister city adalah penempatan dan Pemeliharaan dokumen serta sarana prasarana penunjang guna mempermudah komunikasi Dalam hubungan kerjasama sister city

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