8 research outputs found

    Does Talking about Emotion Help Eyewitness Memory? The Role of Emotional and Factual Retelling in Memory Accuracy

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    Eyewitnesses typically talk about the traumatic events that they have experienced based on their memory. This research aimed to investigate differences between emotional and factual retelling of eyewitness in terms of memory accuracy and error. Participants watched a traumatic robbery video and were instructed to recall the events in detail. Participants were divided into three retelling conditions where they: a) discussed the robbery in a factual way, b) focused on discussing their emotional response, and c) performed unrelated tasks. Results showed that eyewitnesses who talked about their emotion recalled less detailed memories and made more errors in free recall while eyewitnesses who focused on factual detail seem to be able to maintain their memory accuracy of the event. Keywords: eyewitness memory; emotional retelling; factual retelling; memory accuracy; memory erro

    Guided Learning To Improve Self Directed Learning: A Study Among First Year Psychology Students In Unimas

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    Many studies agreed that students in higher education institution, particularly in year one, still rely on teacher-centred learning (Du Toit-Brits, 2019). This phenomenon was also found, particularly among first year UNIMAS students. They tend to wait for lecturers to spoon-feed them as what they had experienced during their secondary education. In industrial revolution 4.0 where knowledge is everywhere, learning is much easier. However, learning depends on the students themselves. University students should sufficiently equip themselves with the learning skills which prepared them to be more independent and self-directed in their learning

    Designing Emotional Intelligence Measures For Performance In High-Risk Jobs

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    Airplane crash, industrial accidents, earthquakes, massive floods, economic crisis; just to name a few of the challenges the 58-year old Malaysia is facing recently. The increase of threats in the form of economic crisis, disasters, terrorism, and crime, has increased health and safety risks in job sectors defined as ‘’high-risk’’ - mining, manufacturing, construction, agricultural, healthcare, emergency responses, security and military. Job environment in these sectors became more complex, tense, and vulnerable to occupational hazards, such as accidents, and stress and fatigue implicated health risks. Occupational Safety and Health Act (1994) is implemented to safe-guard safety and health, where the psychological factors fast became part of the recruitment and selection criterions. The specification of EQ criterions and measures for recruitment and selection, specifically for use of recruitment for high-risk jobs, however, was oftenly done lacking the validity, fairness and ethical standards. Content validity was oftenly justified based on feedbacks from only the superiors in the specific company, since in most cases, EQ consultants were hired top-down by the company superiors. This has huge legal and ethical implications. For EQ to be a legal recruitment criterion, the dimensions and criterions must be both: studied in the best scientific rigor - validated directly to the job incumbent's experience on the job, and, validated to represent across the high-risk occupational groups of similar characteristics. This study will develop and validate a comprehensive Occupational Emotional Intelligence Index based on the competency requirements of executive and non-executive front-liners in 7 high-risk sectors in Kuala Lumpur, Sarawak and Sabah. Focus group, emotional task analysis and critical incident interviews will be used to develop and validate EQ dimensions and criterions required for the job competency. The yielded Model and Index will provide a scientifically validated EQ dimensions and criterions required by the competency standards of the high-risk jobs. This Index will serve as a comprehensive reference for the recruitment and selection of executive and non-executive front-liners across Malaysian high-risk occupational groups. It is hoped that it will help minimise the risk of selection unfairness and bias, hence, legal implications

    Garis Panduan Pembangunan Program Akademik Pembelajaran Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh (Open and Distance Learning - ODL) UNIMAS

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    Garis panduan pembangunan program akademik pembelajaran terbuka dan jarak jauh (Open and Distance Learning - ODL) UNIMAS boleh digunapakai bagi semua peringkat pengajian program akademik

    Garis Panduan Pembangunan Program Akademik Pembelajaran Terubka dan Jarak Jauh (Open and Distance Learning - ODL) UNIMAS

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    Garis panduan pembangunan program akademik pembelajaran terbuka dan jarak jauh (Open and Distance Learning - ODL) UNIMAS boleh digunapakai bagi semua peringkat pengajian program akademik

    Integrating Reflective Practice and Personalised Feedback in Students’ Learning Experience

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    The innovative idea started from the scholarship of teaching and learning grant investigating the growth of reflective practice in psychology undergraduate students. Reflectivepracticeincreasestheactiveengagementofstudentsandpersonalownershipofself-development,throughtheuseofpersonalisedfeedbackasatoolforimprovinginstructionalpractice.Theprocessofreflectivepracticeandpersonalisedfeedbackrequirecontinuouseffortandattempttoscaffoldstudents’learningexperience.Thisstudyexaminesthequality of reflective practice writing which was done via the course’s E-learning page by providing personalised feedback based on five levels of reflective practice criteria

    Public Awareness and Practices Towards Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among Malaysian Population: Questionnaire Development and Pilot Testing

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