5 research outputs found


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    Learning based of scientific approach is learning that adopts measures scientists in constructing knowledge through scientific method. Teaching materials of the scientific approach is that it included videos, flash animations, and pictures containing occurrences in everyday life as well as questions that stimulate students to discover the physics concept independently.The purpose of this study are to produce a teaching materials based of scientific approach on valid, describing the response of students after learning using this teaching materials, and describe the understanding concept of student. This type of research is the development, design by using 4D. This study has been completed in SMAN II Jember with subjects of the research is class X MIA 1. The techniques of data collection are used interviews, documentation, logic validation, questionnaire respons and tests. The results of the validation data analysis science teaching materials based on scientific approach that have been developed, the value validation from experts, which is 3,92. Student responses showed 77% positive response and classical understanding of student showed 77%. The conclusion of this study is a science teaching materials based on scientific approach logically considered in valid enough, student responses after using this teaching materials categorized in positive responses and student’s results studies expressed in undertand category

    Investigation simulation based on bio-energy local area photosensitizer in increasing dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) performance

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    The photosensitizer is an important part of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Photosensitizers function like photosynthesis by absorbing sunlight and turning it into energy. Photosensitizers also contribute to the efficiency of improving DSSC performance. This research is a continuation of previous research to find a candidate for natural and environmentally friendly photosensitizer (bio-energy) based local area in Indonesia. The photosensitizer used in this simulation is Tagetes erecta, Nyctanthes arbor-tritis, Brassica rapa Sub. Sp pekinensis, Delonix regia, Lawsonia inermis, Callistemon citrinus, and Daucus Carota. The purpose of this simulation is finding several candidates for bio-energy local area photosensitizer that produce high efficiency by displaying J-V curves and P-V curves. The highest efficiency was produced by photosensitizer Tagetes erecta at 1.5% [Voc 0.6385 Volt, 0.00383 A / cm2 Jsc, FF 0.605 and Pmax 0.00148 Watt], while the lowest efficiency was produced by photosensitizer Callistemon citrinus at 1.1% [Voc 0.6162 Volt, Jsc 0.0032 A / cm2, FF 0.557 and Pmax 0,0011 Watts]. These simulation results perform that one of reason give influence at DSSC performance is the absorption coefficient value in each bio-energy local area photosensitizer. The absorption coefficient also determines how much efficiency is produced and how much the photosensitizer's ability to absorb sunlight

    Identifikasi Variasi Gen dan Ekspresi Gen Yang Berhubungan Dengan Anemia Aplastik Menggunakan Pendekatan Genomik dan Bioinformatika

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    Anemia aplastik merupakan anemia yang disertai oleh pansitopenia pada tepi darah yang disebabkan oleh kelainan primer pada sumsum tulang dalam bentuk aplasia atau hipoplasia tanpa adanya infiltrasi, supresi atau pendesakan sumsum tulang. Pada anemia aplastik terjadi penurunan produksi sel darah dari sumsum tulang sehingga menyebabkan retikulositopenia, anemia, granulositopenia, monositopenia dan trombositopenia. Anemia aplastika termasuk dalam penyakit yang rentan disebabkan oleh faktor genetik. Salah satu faktor genetik yang banyak diidentifikasi adalah variasi gen atau single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP). Hingga hari inimetodologi untuk bantuan variasi gen tersebut sudah tersedia dengan bentuk berbagai macam database dan bioinformatika. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi variasi gen yang berhubungan dengan Anemia aplastik dan memprioritaskan variasi gen tersebut berdasarkan tingkat kerentanannya melalui pemanfaatan katalog GWAS dan integrasi beberapa database bioinformatika. Hasil penelitian ini kami menemukan ada dua SNP rs1042151 dan rs28367832 yang rentan terhadap anemia aplastik berdasarkan ekpresi gen di jaringan darah . Variasi gen tesebut juga mengkode gen  HLA- DPB1 dan HLA-B dan menunjukkan ekspresi yang tinggi pada jaringan darah ( whole blood ) .Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa integrasi variasi gen dan bioinformatika potensial untuk memberikan informasi kepada si terkait kerentanan suatu variasi gen pada suatu penyakit termasuk pada anemia aplastik

    Estimate dye sensitized solar cells performance using dyes based on green-future and local wisdom with simulation method

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    One of the considerations for renewable energy that can be accepted by society is energy based on nature (green future) and environmentally friendly (local wisdom). Dye-sensitized solar cells give to the world, easily and simple implemented technology for future renewable energy. This research was conducted by simulating the performance of DSSC using dye based on green future and local wisdom. Dye is one of the most important components influencing solar cell performance because dye determines the photoresponse of the DSSC. Several dyes that used in this research included Vasica nees, W. fruticose L, U. dioical L, R. arborium, Myrica nagi, Curcuma angustifiola dan Berberies aristate. The reason for this choice of dye included it is easily found in Indonesia, does not cause environmental pollution, and is thought to have good prospects to be applied to DSSC. The best performance results produced by DSSC are using dye W.fruticose L with an efficiency of 1.6%, and the lowest performance are using dye R. arborium with an efficiency of 1 %