338 research outputs found

    Adoption of Crop Insurance Schemes in Tamil Nadu

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    The study was conducted in Southern zone of Tamil Nadu a constituent state of India. One hundred and eighty farmers who had adopted crop insurance schemes were selected through random sampling procedure. The respondents were interviewed using a pre-tested questionnaire for identifying factors influencing and constraints in adoption of crop insurance schemes. The study revealed that lack of scope for crop diversification and definite crop loss due to adverse climatic condition were the major factors influencing the adoption of crop insurance schemes. The study inferred that lack of compensation from the crop insurance scheme, delayed payment of indemnity, lack of awareness about the scheme and lengthy procedure to avail crop insurance were the major constraints

    Securing future healthcare environments in a post-COVID-19 world: moving from frameworks to prototypes

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    The deployment of Internet of Things platforms as well as the use of mobile and wireless technologies to support healthcare environments have enormous potential to transform healthcare. This has also led to a desire to make eHealth and mHealth part of national healthcare systems. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the requirement to do this in order to reduce the number of patients needing to attend hospitals and General Practitioner surgeries. This direction however has resulted in a renewed need to look at security of future healthcare platforms including information and data security as well as network and cyber-physical security. There have been security frameworks that were developed to address such issues. However, it is necessary to develop a security framework with a combination of security mechanisms that can be used to provide all the essential security requirements for healthcare systems. In addition, there is now a need to move from frameworks to prototypes which is the focus of this paper. Several security frameworks for eHealth and mHealth are first examined. This leads to a new reference model from which an implementation framework is developed using new mechanisms such as Capabilities, Secure Remote Procedure Calls and a Service Management Framework. The prototype is then evaluated against practical security requirements

    Exploring the provision of reliable network storage in highly mobile environments

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    Computing is fundamentally about processing data which must be readily accessible to processing elements. Hence, the use of storage hierarchies plays an important role in the overall performance of computer systems. Recently, due to the deployment of fast networks, network storage has emerged as a viable alternative to large local storage systems. However, trying to provide reliable network storage in highly mobile environments, such as vehicular networks, results in the need to address several issues. This paper explores these challenges by first looking at the communication dynamics required for seamless connectivity in these networks. It then looks at how services can be migrated as users move around. The results of this analysis are applied to the migration of a simple Network Memory Server using different migration techniques such as Docker, KVM, LXD and Unikernels in an edge environment, represented by a real Vehicle Ad-Hoc Network. The results show that a proactive approach to service migration is needed to support such services in highly mobile environments

    Effect of functionalization of polymeric nanoparticles incorporated with whole attenuated rabies virus antigen on sustained release and efficacy

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    Nanovaccines introduced a new dimension to prevent or cure diseases in an efficient and sustained manner. Various polymers have been used for the drug delivery to increase the therapeutic value with minimal side effects. Thus the present study incorporates both nanotechnology and polymers for the drug delivery. Poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid)-b-poly(ethylene glycol) was incorporated with the rabies whole attenuated viral antigen using double emulsion (W/O/W) method and characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Chitosan-PEG nanoparticles incorporated with the rabies whole attenuated virus antigen (CS-PEG NP-RV Ag.) were prepared using Ionic Gelation method. The CS-PEG NP-RV Ag. was surface modified with biocompatible polymers such as Acacia, Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), Casein, Ovalbumin and Starch by Ionic Gelation method. The morphology was confirmed by SEM and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The surface modification was confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Zeta potential. The size distribution of CS-PEG-RV Ag. and surface modified CS-PEG-RV Ag. by respective biocompatible polymers was assessed by Zetasizer. Release profile of both stabilized nanoparticles was carried out by modified centrifugal ultrafiltration method which showed the sustained release pattern of the Rabies Ag. Immune stimulation under in-vitro condition was studied using rosette assay and phagocytosis assay. In-vitro toxicity using human blood and genotoxicity using human blood DNA was also studied to assess the toxicity of the nanoformulations. The results of these studies infer that PLGA-b-PEG nanoparticles, CS-PEG and surface modified CS-PEG nanoparticles may be an efficient nanocarrier for the RV Ag. to elicit immune response sustainably with negligible toxic effect to the human system

    Sputum Status of Sputum Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients who have Completed Category I ATT under Dots Treatment

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    BACKGROUND : DOTS remains the cornerstone in global efforts towards tuberculosis control. In India DOTS based guidelines given by RNTCP remains the standard of care for treatment of tuberculosis. New smear positive patients treated under RNTCP programme have a cure rate of 88% on completing treatment. AIMS & OBJECTIVES : To assess the bacteriological status of patients after one year of completion of primary chemotherapy under new smear positive category in RNTCP. To assess the effectiveness of cure obtained in that regimen and factors associated with increased chance of relapse. METHODS : The study is a prospective study. New smear positive patients who have registered under DOTS programme in the period October 2011 to March 2012 and declared cured are selected in two zones around Stanley medical college. Patients with immunosuppressive illness were excluded from the study. Their current sputum bacteriological status is assessed by sputum smear examination and culture in a spot sputum specimen. Risk factors associated with relapse are also evaluated by means of questionnaire, clinical examination, biochemical test, radiological assessment. Patients who are bacteriologic ally active were started on category II as per RNTCP norms. The sampling method is non probability sampling-convenient sampling. Radiological assessment intended in the protocol was not done during the study. RESULTS : Sputum AFB culture of the 49 patients showed positive culture in three patients. The relapse of pulmonary TB among patients who have completed ATT under RNTCP is 6 % at the end of one year. One out of three patients revealed SH resistance. CONCLUSION : Evaluation of primary resistance prior to treatment may help in avoiding future relapses

    Randomized Prospective Study Comparing the Effectiveness of Posterior Cord Stimulation with Medial Cord Stimulation in Infraclavicular Block for Forearm and Hand Surgeries using Nerve Stimulator

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    BACK GROUND: Infraclavicular approach to the brachial plexus sheath provides anesthesia for surgery on the distal arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand. It has been found that evoked distal motor response or radial nerve‑type motor response has influenced the success rate of single injection infraclavicular brachial plexus block. AIM OF THE STUDY: To compare the effectiveness of block by stimulating posterior cord with medial cord in infraclavicular block for forearm and hand surgeries by using nerve stimulator. METHODS: After ethical committee approval, patients were randomly assigned to one of the two study groups of 31 patients each. In group P, posterior cord stimulation was used and in group M medial cord stimulation was used for infraclavicular brachial plexus block. The effectiveness of motor, sensory and surgical block were assessed. RESULTS: Sensory block among radial nerve, ulnar, median, musculocutaneous nerve have been studied between two groups. In posterior cord group radial nerve was blocked completely in all patients and in medial cord group radial nerve sparing was seen in some patients. There is insignificant difference in sensory block along ulnar, median nerve between two groups. Motor block was assessed in elbow, hand grip and wrist and there is a significant difference between two groups in elbow joint and insignificant difference in wrist and hand grip level. Complete motor block is the number patients of score 2 in all three joints. There is a significant difference between two groups. Complete motor blockade is seen in more number of patients in posterior cord group when compared to medial cord group. Complete sensory block is compared between two groups. Posterior cord group has effective complete sensory blockade when compared to medial cord group. Effectiveness of upper limb blockade (Complete motor and sensory) - Significant difference between two groups were seen. Posterior cord stimulation group has more effectiveness of block than medial cord group. Surgical block: In posterior cord group 5 patients required additional sedatives and analgesics. In medial cord group 18 patients required further dose of analgesics and 2 patients had inadequate block. Hence the effectiveness of surgical block is good with posterior cord group. COMPLICATIONS: The incidence of complications in the form of vascular puncture was not different between two groups. CONCLUSION: Stimulating the posterior cord guided by a nerve stimulator before local anesthetic injection is associated with greater extent of block and effectiveness of block (in reporting no pain during the surgery) than stimulation of medial cord with similar rate of complications

    Compare the Translucency of Zirconia Based Ceramics with Different Core and Veneer Thickness Combination: An In Vitro Study

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    OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the influence of core & veneer thickness on the translucency of zirconia based ceramics. 2. To study the effect of core & veneer thickness on color matching of zirconia based ceramics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study a total of 45 zirconia disc specimen (n=15) were fabricated with different core and veneer thickness and evaluated the translucency of zirconia disc, with vita easy shade spectrophotometer. To study the translucency of these zirconia disc on stained teeth with different test solution, six groups of test solution was used. The need for greater translucency or masking ability was identified according to the thickness of the core foundation material. RESULTS: The translucency of the restoration is best when there is a minimum thickness of (0.5mm+1.00mm) core and veneer is used. The color masking ability of the zirconia disc is superior for Orange II test solution followed by Alizarin red test solution and Tea test solution. CONCLUSION: The translucency of zirconia ceramics is determined by the specific microstructure of the material. For an overall restoration thickness of 1.5mm, the change in the thickness of zirconia based ceramic veneer is a major factor in determining the translucency of the restoration. The optical property of zirconia restorations helps clinicians to achieve better esthetic than with metal -ceramic restorations. This optical property of the restoration material is compromised when used for metal post and core, a discolored substrate, or a titanium implant abutment, to avoid this compromised esthetic situation the zirconia coping or a sufficient veneered porcelain can be used

    A review of diaphragmless shock tubes for interdisciplinary applications

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    Shock tubes have emerged as an effective tool for applications in various fields of research and technology. The conventional mode of shock tube operation employs a frangible diaphragm to generate shockwaves. The last half-century has witnessed significant efforts to replace this diaphragm-bursting method with fast-acting valves. These diaphragmless methods have good repeatability, quick turnaround time between experiments, and produce a clean flow, free of diaphragm fragments in contrast to the conventional diaphragm-type operation. The constantly evolving valve designs are targeting shorter opening times for improved performance and efficiency. The present review is a compilation of the different diaphragmless shock tubes that have been conceptualized, developed, and implemented for various research endeavors. The discussions focus on essential factors, including the type of actuation mechanism, driver-driven configurations, valve opening time, shock formation distance, and operating pressure range, that ultimately influence the shockwave parameters obtained in the shock tube. A generalized mathematical model to study the behavior of these valves is developed. The advantages, limitations, and challenges in improving the performance of the valves are described. Finally, the present-day applications of diaphragmless shock tubes have been discussed, and their potential scope in expanding the frontiers of shockwave research and technology are presented.Comment: Review paper, 31 pages, 18 figures, manuscript draf

    Eye Disease Prediction Among Corporate Employees using Machine Learning Techniques

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    In the IT sector, employees use systems for more than 6 hs, so they are affected by many health problems. Mostly In the IT sector, employees are affected with eye diseases like eye strain, eye pain, burning sensation, double vision, blurring of vision, and frequent watering. The major goal of this research is to identify the different types of eye problems encountered, the symptoms present, and the population afflicted by eye diseases in order to accurately forecast outcomes using a Machine learning techniques for real-time data sets.Additional Notes: Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) © Copyright: All rights reserved