26 research outputs found

    Comments from a Soviet Perspective

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    Human rights and traditional values of humankind

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    The its article the author considers such traditional values of humankind as dignity, freedom and responsibility which are fundamental international norms and standards enshrined in universal and regional human rights agreements. The traditional values of humankind can and mast be used to promote and protect human rights towards their universal application

    Comments from a Soviet Perspective

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    Change of Normative Content of Basic Principles of Contemporary International Law

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    Principles of international law appear, mature and finally may disappear. Thus the sphere of human rights principle accumulates new content including their international protection. The UN Charter has formulated cardinally new attitude of states to the interpretation and application of the principle of non - interference into internal affairs of states. States started refusing of their absolute sovereignty and recognizing the possibility of its rightful limitations. Some regional organizations gradually transform into unions of states. Within their territories currently in force are not only national law but regional and international law as well, which limits the sovereign law of member states to considerable extent

    Права человека и традиционные ценности человечества

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    The its article the author considers such traditional values of humankind as dignity, freedom and responsibility which are fundamental international norms and standards enshrined in universal and regional human rights agreements. The traditional values of humankind can and mast be used to promote and protect human rights towards their universal application.В статье автор рассматривает такие традиционные ценности человечества, как свобода, достоинство и ответственность, которые являются также фундаментальными международными стандартами и нормами, закрепленными в универсальных и региональных соглашениях по правам человека. Эти нормы могут и должны быть использованы для поощрения и защиты прав человека и универсального применения

    The Protection of the Rights of Minorities within the Framework of the United Nations

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    Kartashkin Vladimir. The Protection of the Rights of Minorities within the Framework of the United Nations. In: Revue Québécoise de droit international, volume 12-1, 1999. Séminaire international de Montréal sur l'éducation interculturelle et multiculturelle. Actes, sous la direction de François Crépeau, Stéphanie Fournier et Lison Néel. pp. 33-39

    Autonomy in the Russian Federation: Theory and practice

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    It so happens that the autonomy-related organizational and legal institutions that exist today in the Russian Federation originated in the days of the USSR. They were mirrored on the Soviet model of the State, in which autonomy was based on geographical areas. That same geographically-based Soviet State structure was initially expected to furnish solutions to the country's nationality-related issues. Overall it must be said that the national-cum-federal (in actual fact unitary nation-State) structure of the USSR has made it significantly harder to tackle the nationality question in the Russian Federation. © Koninklijke Brill NV

    International obligations of Russian Federation in the field of human rights protection

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    Russian Constitution proclaimed the natural character of human rights and supremacy of international law over national legislation. The article describes the international obligation of the country in the field of human rights protection proceeding from the constitution and the ratified international treaties of Russia