70 research outputs found

    Women as victims of domestic violence in China

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    The purpose of this thesis is to get an overview of how the Chinese legislation defines and understands violence in close relationships, to show which legal and political measurements the Chinese government takes in order to help women who are victims of domestic violence. Analysis is made on the basis of a legal perspective and radical feminist perspective. The legal perspective is based on individual rights of women, and from a legal perspective China has not satisfied the women's rights and the laws of domestic violence have been ignored by the legal system. Further, based on a radical feminist standpoint I argue that China has not satisfied the women ’s right because the Chinese communist party that is in power consists mostly of men. Namely, the Chinese society is patriarchal and the state uses the religion and culture for restriction of women’s rights. However, the cultural dicta are set by men that presenting only the men view. The method of the thesis consists of a qualitative content analysis, WPR- approach and feminist approach. These three methods have helped to explain the Chinese women’s situation on the legal theory and theories of radical feminism

    Decidability via the tilting correspondence

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    We prove relative decidability results for perfectoid fields. This applies to show that the fields Qp(p1/p∞)\mathbb{Q}_p(p^{1/p^{\infty}}) and Qp(ζp∞)\mathbb{Q}_p(\zeta_{p^{\infty}}) are (existentially) decidable relative to Fp((t))1/p∞ \mathbb{F}_p((t))^{1/p^{\infty}} and Qpab\mathbb{Q}_p^{ab} is (existentially) decidable relative to F‟p((t))1/p∞\overline{ \mathbb{F}}_p((t))^{1/p^{\infty}}. We also prove some unconditional decidability results in mixed characteristic via reduction to characteristic pp.Comment: Faulty Proposition 1.4(v2) led to mistakes. Completely rewritten in a broader contex

    Leisure Information Systems: The Purchasing Determinants of Video Game Consoles

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    The international market for home video game consoles is substantial and competition between manufacturers is heated. As an information system, the popularity of this technology merits further study, yet there is a dearth of published research in the area. This paper discusses a study into the purchasing determinants of video game consoles. The study conducted focus groups and a literature search in order to develop a research model based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. This research model was operationalised in a questionnaire survey of 210 adolescents. Analysis was conducted on the basis of level of adoption and gender. The analysis revealed that family and friends had a significant effect on the decision to purchase a game console. In contrast to much prior IS research, the ability to pirate console software was significant for adopters, but not non-adopters, nor between genders. Cost was not a significant adoption factor, however the console’s image had an effect in the analysis of gender

    Diophantine problems over tamely ramified fields

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    Assuming a certain form of resolution of singularities, we prove a general existential Ax-Kochen-Ershov principle for tamely ramified fields in all characteristics. This specializes to well-known results in residue characteristic 00 and unramified mixed characteristic. It also encompasses the conditional existential decidability results known for Fp((t))\mathbb{F}_p((t)) and its finite extensions, due to Denef-Schoutens. On the other hand, it also applies to the setting of infinite ramification, providing us with an abundance of infinitely ramified extensions of Qp\mathbb{Q}_p and Fp((t))\mathbb{F}_p((t)) that are existentially decidable.Comment: Local corrections, improved exposition, new Section

    “Naciones y nacionalismo”

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     - JosĂ© Cepedello Boiso: 500 preguntas al Nacionalismo Español de Oriol Vidal, Ediciones MartĂ­nez Roca, 2006, pp. 303. - Veselina Tzankova on "Ethnicity, Nationalism and Minority Rights" by Stephen May, Tariq Modood and Judith Squires (Ed.) Cambridge University Press, 2004, p.261 - JosĂ© Mora Galiana sur  "GĂ©opolitique de l’Espagne" par Barbara Loyer, Armand Colin, Paris, 2006, pp. 336. - EloĂ­sa DĂ­az Muñoz sobre "Estados, naciones y culturas" de Will Kymlicka (TraducciĂłn de Juan JesĂșs Mora; estudio preliminar de RamĂłn Soriano y Juan JesĂșs Mora), Editorial Almuzara, CĂłrdoba, pp.114. - Moncef Kartas, Jr. on "Memories of State: Politics, History, and Collective Identity in Modern Iraq" by Eric Davis, University of California Press, 2005, pp.385. - Josh Kaplan on "Deep Mexico, Silent Mexico: An Anthropology of Nationalism" by Lomnitz, Claudio (Public Worlds, number 9.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2001. Pp. xxiii, 354. - Eugenia LĂłpez-Jacoiste on "Secession. International Law Perspectives"  by  Kohen, Marcelo, G., (Ed.) Cambridge University Press, 2006, xxxvi + 510p. - Rafael RodrĂ­guez Prieto sobre "Sobre la Nacionalidad" de Manzini, Pasquale Stanislao, (EdiciĂłn de Antonio E. PĂ©rez Luño), Trad. Manuel Carrera DĂ­az, Editorial Tecnos, Madrid, 1985. - JosĂ© Cepedello Boiso: 500 preguntas al Nacionalismo Español de Oriol Vidal, Ediciones MartĂ­nez Roca, 2006, pp. 303. - Veselina Tzankova on "Ethnicity, Nationalism and Minority Rights" by Stephen May, Tariq Modood and Judith Squires (Ed.) Cambridge University Press, 2004, p.261 - JosĂ© Mora Galiana sur  "GĂ©opolitique de l’Espagne" par Barbara Loyer, Armand Colin, Paris, 2006, pp. 336. - EloĂ­sa DĂ­az Muñoz sobre "Estados, naciones y culturas" de Will Kymlicka (TraducciĂłn de Juan JesĂșs Mora; estudio preliminar de RamĂłn Soriano y Juan JesĂșs Mora), Editorial Almuzara, CĂłrdoba, pp.114. - Moncef Kartas, Jr. on "Memories of State: Politics, History, and Collective Identity in Modern Iraq" by Eric Davis, University of California Press, 2005, pp.385. - Josh Kaplan on "Deep Mexico, Silent Mexico: An Anthropology of Nationalism" by Lomnitz, Claudio (Public Worlds, number 9.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2001. Pp. xxiii, 354. - Eugenia LĂłpez-Jacoiste on "Secession. International Law Perspectives"  by  Kohen, Marcelo, G., (Ed.) Cambridge University Press, 2006, xxxvi + 510p. - Rafael RodrĂ­guez Prieto sobre "Sobre la Nacionalidad" de Manzini, Pasquale Stanislao, (EdiciĂłn de Antonio E. PĂ©rez Luño), Trad. Manuel Carrera DĂ­az, Editorial Tecnos, Madrid, 1985

    Valued fields with a total residue map

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    When kk is a finite field, Becker-Denef-Lipschitz (1979) observed that the total residue map res:k( ⁣(t) ⁣)→k\text{res}:k(\!(t)\!)\to k, which picks out the constant term of the Laurent series, is definable in the language of rings with a parameter for tt. Driven by this observation, we study the theory VFres,Îč\text{VF}_{\text{res},\iota} of valued fields equipped with a linear form res:K→k\text{res}:K\to k which specializes to the residue map on the valuation ring. We prove that VFres,Îč\text{VF}_{\text{res},\iota} does not admit a model companion. In addition, we show that the power series field (k( ⁣(t) ⁣),res)(k(\!(t)\!),\text{res}), equipped with such a total residue map, is undecidable whenever kk is an infinite field. As a consequence, we get that (C( ⁣(t) ⁣),Res0)(\mathbb{C}(\!(t)\!), \text{Res}_0) is undecidable, where Res0:C( ⁣(t) ⁣)→C:f↩Res0(f)\text{Res}_0:\mathbb{C}(\!(t)\!)\to \mathbb{C}:f\mapsto \text{Res}_0(f) maps ff to its complex residue at 00.Comment: 15 page

    Memories of State: Politics, History, and Collective Identity in Modern Iraq

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/ripp/article/view/1522Es reseña de: Memories of State: Politics, History, and Collective Identity in Modern Iraq Eric Davis University of California Press, 2005Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Contributions to the model theory of henselian fields

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    The thesis addresses certain problems in the model theory of henselian fields, with a special focus on decidability. Some new methods are introduced along the way, which are of independent interest. The following results are obtained: ‱ A transfer theorem for perfectoid fields, saying that a perfectoid field K is decidable relative to its tilt Kb, modulo a subtle (albeit natural) condition on K. As an application, we prove that the fields Qp(p1/p∞) and Qp(ζp∞) admit decidable maximal immediate extensions, thereby obtaining some of the first few decidabilty results for tame fields of mixed characteristic. ‱ A model-theoretic proof of the Fontaine-Wintenberger theorem, which states that the absolute Galois groups of K and Kb are canonically isomorphic. (joint with F. Jahnke). ‱ A general existential Ax-Kochen/Ershov principle for tamely ramified fields in all characteristics, conditional to a certain form of resolution of singularities. This extends well-known existential Ax-Kochen/Ershov principles in residue characteristic 0 and also unramified mixed characteristic. It also encompasses the (conditional) existential decidability result of Denef-Schoutens for Fp((t)), which we also strengthen by replacing the assumption of (global) resolution with local uniformization. ‱ An undecidability result for the asymptotic theory of {K : [K : Qp] ‱ An undecidability result for power series fields k((t)), equipped with a total residue map res : k((t)) ! k, which picks out the constant term of the Laurent series. Becker-Denef-Lipschitz showed that res : k((t)) ! k is definable in the language of rings with a parameter for t, when the base field k is finite. We show that (k((t)),res) is undecidable, whenever k is infinite.</p
