13 research outputs found

    Evolutionary link between metazoan RHIM motif and prion-forming domain of fungal heterokaryon incompatibility factor HET-s/HET-s

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    The Rip homotypic interaction motif (RHIM) is a short, non-globular sequence stretch that mediates a key interaction of mammalian necroptosis signaling. In order to understand its unusual oligomerization properties, we set out to trace the evolutionary origins of the RHIM motif by identifying distantly related protein motifs that might employ the same binding mode. The RHIM motif was found to be related to the prion-forming domain of the HET-s protein, which oligomerizes by forming structurally well-characterized fibrils and is involved in fungal heterokaryon incompatibility. This evolutionary relationship explains the recently reported propensity of mammalian RHIM motifs to form amyloid fibrils, but suggests that these fibrils have a different structural architecture than currently assumed. These findings, together with numerous observations of RHIM-like motifs in immunity proteins from a wide range of species, provide insight to the modern innate immunity pathways in animals, plants and fungi

    Interaction between CK2α and CK2β, the Subunits of Protein Kinase CK2: Thermodynamic Contributions of Key Residues on the CK2α Surface

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    The protein Ser/Thr kinase CK2 (former name: casein kinase II) exists predominantly as a heterotetrameric holoenzyme composed of two catalytic subunits (CK2α) bound to a dimer of noncatalytic subunits (CK2β). We undertook a study to further understand how these subunits interact to form the tetramer. To this end, we used recombinant, C-terminal truncated forms of human CK2 subunits that are able to form the holoenzyme. We analyzed the interaction thermodynamics between the binding of CK2α and CK2β as well as the impact of changes in temperature, pH, and the ionization enthalpy of the buffer using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). With structure-guided alanine scanning mutagenesis we truncated individual side chains in the hydrophobic amino acid cluster located within the CK2α interface to identify experimentally the amino acids that dominate affinity. The ITC results indicate that Leu41 or Phe54 single mutations were most disruptive to binding of CK2β. Additionally, these CK2α mutants retained their kinase activity. Furthermore, the substitution of Leu41 in combination with Phe54 showed that the individual mutations were not additive, suggesting that the cooperative action of both residues played a role. Interestingly, the replacement of Ile69, which has a central position in the interaction surface of CK2α, only had modest effects. The differences between Leu41, Phe54, and Ile69 in interaction relevance correlate with solvent accessibility changes during the transition from unbound to CK2β-bound CK2α. Identifying residues on CK2α that play a key role in CK2α/CK2β interactions is important for the future generation of small molecule drug design

    A family of unconventional deubiquitinases with modular chain specificity determinants

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    Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) regulate ubiquitin signaling by trimming ubiquitin chains or removing ubiquitin from modified substrates. Similar activities exist for ubiquitin-related modifiers, although the enzymes involved are usually not related. Here, we report human ZUFSP (also known as ZUP1 and C6orf113) and fission yeast Mug105 as founding members of a DUB family different from the six known DUB classes. The crystal structure of human ZUFSP in covalent complex with propargylated ubiquitin shows that the DUB family shares a fold with UFM1- and Atg8-specific proteases, but uses a different active site more similar to canonical DUB enzymes. ZUFSP family members differ widely in linkage specificity through differential use of modular ubiquitin-binding domains (UBDs). While the minimalistic Mug105 prefers K48 chains, ZUFSP uses multiple UBDs for its K63-specific endo-DUB activity. K63 specificity, localization, and protein interaction network suggest a role for ZUFSP in DNA damage response

    TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 and GLABRA1 Compete for Binding to GLABRA3 in Arabidopsis

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    The MBW (for R2R3MYB, basic helix-loop-helix [bHLH], and WD40) genes comprise an evolutionarily conserved gene cassette that regulates several traits such as (pro) anthocyanin and anthocyanin biosynthesis and epidermal cell differentiation in plants. Trichome differentiation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) is governed by GLABRA1 (GL1; R2R3MYB), GL3 (bHLH), and TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 (TTG1; WD40). They are thought to form a trimeric complex that acts as a transcriptional activation complex. We provide evidence that these three MBW proteins form either GL1 GL3 or GL3 TTG1 dimers. The formation of each dimer is counteracted by the respective third protein in yeast three-hybrid assays, pulldown experiments (luminescence-based mammalian interactome), and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy-fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies. We further show that two target promoters, TRIPTYCHON (TRY) and CAPRICE (CPC), are differentially regulated: GL1 represses the activation of the TRY promoter by GL3 and TTG1, and TTG1 suppresses the activation of the CPC promoter by GL1 and GL3. Our data suggest that the transcriptional activation by the MBW complex involves alternative complex formation and that the two dimers can differentially regulate downstream genes

    VCP and PSMF1: antagonistic regulators of proteasome activity

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    Protein turnover and quality control by the proteasome is of paramount importance for cell homeostasis. Dysfunction of the proteasome is associated with aging processes and human diseases such as neurodegeneration, cardiomyopathy, and cancer. The regulation, i.e. activation and inhibition of this fundamentally important protein degradation system, is still widely unexplored. We demonstrate here that the evolutionarily highly conserved type II triple-A ATPase VCP and the proteasome inhibitor PSMF1/PI31 interact directly, and antagonistically regulate proteasomal activity. Our data provide novel insights into the regulation of proteasomal activity

    Arabidopsis G-protein interactome reveals connections to cell wall carbohydrates and morphogenesis

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    The heterotrimeric G-protein complex is minimally composed of Ga, Gb, and Gc subunits. In the classic scenario, the G-protein complex is the nexus in signaling from the plasma membrane, where the heterotrimeric G-protein associates with heptahelical G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), to cytoplasmic target proteins called effectors. Although a number of effectors are known in metazoans and fungi, none of these are predicted to exist in their canonical forms in plants. To identify ab initio plant G-protein effectors and scaffold proteins, we screened a set of proteins from the G-protein complex using two-hybrid complementation in yeast. After deep and exhaustive interrogation, we detected 544 interactions between 434 proteins, of which 68 highly interconnected proteins form the core G-protein interactome. Within this core, over half of the interactions comprising two-thirds of the nodes were retested and validated as genuine in planta. Co-expression analysis in combination with phenotyping of loss-of-function mutations in a set of core interactome genes revealed a novel role for G-proteins in regulating cell wall modification

    Arabidopsis G-protein interactome reveals connections to cell wall carbohydrates and morphogenesis

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    The heterotrimeric G-protein complex is minimally composed of Ga, Gb, and Gc subunits. In the classic scenario, the G-protein complex is the nexus in signaling from the plasma membrane, where the heterotrimeric G-protein associates with heptahelical G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), to cytoplasmic target proteins called effectors. Although a number of effectors are known in metazoans and fungi, none of these are predicted to exist in their canonical forms in plants. To identify ab initio plant G-protein effectors and scaffold proteins, we screened a set of proteins from the G-protein complex using two-hybrid complementation in yeast. After deep and exhaustive interrogation, we detected 544 interactions between 434 proteins, of which 68 highly interconnected proteins form the core G-protein interactome. Within this core, over half of the interactions comprising two-thirds of the nodes were retested and validated as genuine in planta. Co-expression analysis in combination with phenotyping of loss-of-function mutations in a set of core interactome genes revealed a novel role for G-proteins in regulating cell wall modification

    Arabidopsis G-protein interactome reveals connections to cell wall carbohydrates and morphogenesis

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    The heterotrimeric G-protein complex is minimally composed of Gα, Gβ, and Gγ subunits. In the classic scenario, the G-protein complex is the nexus in signaling from the plasma membrane, where the heterotrimeric G-protein associates with heptahelical G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), to cytoplasmic target proteins called effectors. Although a number of effectors are known in metazoans and fungi, none of these are predicted to exist in their canonical forms in plants. To identify ab initio plant G-protein effectors and scaffold proteins, we screened a set of proteins from the G-protein complex using two-hybrid complementation in yeast. After deep and exhaustive interrogation, we detected 544 interactions between 434 proteins, of which 68 highly interconnected proteins form the core G-protein interactome. Within this core, over half of the interactions comprising two-thirds of the nodes were retested and validated as genuine in planta. Co-expression analysis in combination with phenotyping of loss-of-function mutations in a set of core interactome genes revealed a novel role for G-proteins in regulating cell wall modification