1,951 research outputs found

    Entanglement of macroscopic test masses and the Standard Quantum Limit in laser interferometry

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    We show that the generation of entanglement of two heavily macroscopic mirrors with masses of up to several kilograms are feasible with state of the art techniques of high-precision laser interferometry. The basis of such a demonstration would be a Michelson interferometer with suspended mirrors and simultaneous homodyne detections at both interferometer output ports. We present the connection between the generation of entanglement and the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) for a free mass. The SQL is a well-known reference limit in operating interferometers for gravitational-wave detection and provides a measure of when macroscopic entanglement can be observed in the presence of realistic decoherence processes

    Constraints on the Existence of Chiral Fermions in Interacting Lattice Theories

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    It is shown that an interacting theory, defined on a regular lattice, must have a vector-like spectrum if the following conditions are satisfied: (a)~locality, (b)~relativistic continuum limit without massless bosons, and (c)~pole-free effective vertex functions for conserved currents. The proof exploits the zero frequency inverse retarded propagator of an appropriate set of interpolating fields as an effective quadratic hamiltonian, to which the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem is applied.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, WIS--93/56--JUNE--P

    Two dimensional lattice Gross--Neveu model with domain-wall fermions

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    We investigate the two dimensional lattice Gross--Neveu model in large flavor number limit using the domain-wall fermion formulation, as a toy model of lattice QCD. We study nonperturbative behaviorn of the restoration of chiral symmetry of the domain-wall fermions as the extent of the extra dimension (Ns)(N_s) is increased to infinity. We find the the parity broken phase (Aoki phase) for finite NsN_s, and study the phase diagram, which is related to the mechanism of the chiral restoration in NsN_s\to\infty limit. The continuum limit is taken and O(a)O(a) scaling violation of observables vanishes in NsN_s\to\infty limit. We also examine the systematic dependencies of observables to the parameters.Comment: 36 pages (26 figures), Latex (epsf style-file needed

    Anomalous conductance oscillations and half-metallicity in atomic Ag-O chains

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    Using spin density functional theory we study the electronic and magnetic properties of atomically thin, suspended chains containing silver and oxygen atoms in an alternating sequence. Chains longer than 4 atoms develop a half-metallic ground state implying fully spin polarized charge carriers. The conductances of the chains exhibit weak even-odd oscillations around an anomalously low value of 0.1G_0 (G_0 = 2e^2h) which coincide with the averaged experimental conductance in the long chain limit. The unusual conductance properties are explained in terms of a resonating-chain model which takes the reflection probability and phase-shift of a single bulk-chain interface as the only input. The model also explains the conductance oscillations for other metallic chains.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Chiral symmetry restoration and axial vector renormalization for Wilson fermions

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    Lattice gauge theories with Wilson fermions break chiral symmetry. In the U(1) axial vector current this manifests itself in the anomaly. On the other hand it is generally expected that the axial vector flavour mixing current is non-anomalous. We give a short, but strict proof of this to all orders of perturbation theory, and show that chiral symmetry restauration implies a unique multiplicative renormalization constant for the current. This constant is determined entirely from an irrelevant operator in the Ward identity. The basic ingredients going into the proof are the lattice Ward identity, charge conjugation symmetry and the power counting theorem. We compute the renormalization constant to one loop order. It is largely independent of the particular lattice realization of the current.Comment: 11 pages, Latex2

    Intershell resistance in multiwall carbon nanotubes: A Coulomb drag study

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    We calculate the intershell resistance R_{21} in a multiwall carbon nanotube as a function of temperature T and Fermi level (e.g. a gate voltage), varying the chirality of the inner and outer tubes. This is done in a so-called Coulomb drag setup, where a current I_1 in one shell induces a voltage drop V_2 in another shell by the screened Coulomb interaction between the shells neglecting the intershell tunnelling. We provide benchmark results for R_{21}=V_2/I_1 within the Fermi liquid theory using Boltzmann equations. The band structure gives rise to strongly chirality dependent suppression effects for the Coulomb drag between different tubes due to selection rules combined with mismatching of wave vector and crystal angular momentum conservation near the Fermi level. This gives rise to orders of magnitude changes in R_{21} and even the sign of R_{21} can change depending on the chirality of the inner and outer tube and misalignment of inner and outer tube Fermi levels. However for any tube combination, we predict a dip (or peak) in R_{21} as a function of gate voltage, since R_{21} vanishes at the electron-hole symmetry point. As a byproduct, we classified all metallic tubes into either zigzag-like or armchair-like, which have two different non-zero crystal angular momenta m_a, m_b and only zero angular momentum, respectively.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    One loop calculation in lattice QCD with domain-wall quarks

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    One loop corrections to the domain-wall quark propagator are calculated in massless QCD. It is shown that no additative counter term to the current quark mass is generated in this theory, and the wave function renormalization factor of the massless quark is explicitly evaluated. We also show that an analysis with a simple mean-field approximation can explain properties of the massless quark in numerical simulations of QCD with domain-wall quarks.Comment: 24 pages, REVTeX, with 3 epsf figure

    Experimental characterization of frequency dependent squeezed light

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    We report on the demonstration of broadband squeezed laser beams that show a frequency dependent orientation of the squeezing ellipse. Carrier frequency as well as quadrature angle were stably locked to a reference laser beam at 1064nm. This frequency dependent squeezing was characterized in terms of noise power spectra and contour plots of Wigner functions. The later were measured by quantum state tomography. Our tomograph allowed a stable lock to a local oscillator beam for arbitrary quadrature angles with one degree precision. Frequency dependent orientations of the squeezing ellipse are necessary for squeezed states of light to provide a broadband sensitivity improvement in third generation gravitational wave interferometers. We consider the application of our system to long baseline interferometers such as a future squeezed light upgraded GEO600 detector.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure