117 research outputs found


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    Islam is a religion having complete and balance in its doctrine. Complete doctrine means that Islam provides a complete guidance for all affairs of life and the balance in Islam means that the religion does not only give a guidance to reach the hereafter happiness, but also gives a guidance how to reach the happiness in the world. In order to reach the happiness in the world, Islam orders and guides human beings to conduct efforts in any which way they can to fulfill their living allowance. The efforts are called “muamalah”. There are many kinds of “muamalah”, one of them is called Business. The business should be run based on the rules ordered and blessed by Alloh SWT. Such a business in known as the Syariah Business Management


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    Islam teaches and recommends us to do all the things in the life seriously and or-derly based on the norms established by the religion. Management means to regulate all the things in order to be well done, precise, in good order, and complete. This activity is declared in Islamic Doctrines. Therefore, if a business is carried out by the guidance of the norms of the Declared-Islamic Doctriness, the business will not only persue the ma-terial benefits,but also will hope the Favor and the Bless of Alloh/God. The business that is carried out based on the law of Islam is then termed by the Syariah Business Manage-ment. The material benefit gained from this business will have favor of Alloh/God and has the grant of Alloh/God in it


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    The purpose of this research is to compare between sharia banking performance and non-sharia banking performance in Indonesia. The tool of analysis include five components of financial ratios: (1) Capital Adequacy Ratio, (2) Non Performing Loan, (3) Return on Asset and Return on Equity, (4) Efficiency Ratio and (5) Loan to Deposit Ratio. This research use statistic tools of independent sample t-test. The result of this study are: (1) the study found the difference of Capital Adequacy Ratio between Sharia Banking and Non-Sharia Banking, (2) there is no difference about non performing loan between sharia banking and non-Sharia banking (3) there is no difference about ROA and ROE between sharia banking and non-Sharia banking, (4) there is no difference about efficiency ratio between sharia banking and non-Sharia banking, (5) there is no difference about loan to deposit ratio between sharia banking and non-Sharia banking and (6) there is no difference about total score of sharia banking performance and non-sharia banking performance. Although there is no significant difference, the total score of non-sharia banking performance is higher than sharia banking


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    Islam is a religion having complete and balance in its doctrine. Complete doctrine means that Islam provides a complete guidance for all affairs of life and the balance in Islam means that the religion does not only give a guidance to reach the hereafter happiness, but also gives a guidance how to reach the happiness in the world. In order to reach the happiness in the world, Islam orders and guides human beings to conduct efforts in any which way they can to fulfill their living allowance. The efforts are called “muamalah”. There are many kinds of “muamalah”, one of them is called Business. The business should be run based on the rules ordered and blessed by Alloh SWT. Such a business in known as the Syariah Business Management


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    Buku "SOSIOLOGI PENDIDIKAN" karya Dr. Ravik Karsidi yang diterbitkan atas kerjasama Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan (LPP) UNS dan UPT Penerbitan dan Pencetakan UNS (UNS Press), terdiri dari 11 BAB yang membahas tentang: BAB I SOSIOLOGI PENDIDIKAN (Sebuah Pengantar) meliputi A. Pengertian Sosiologi Pendidikan, B. Ruang Lingkup Sosiologi Pendidikan; BAB II PERANAN SOSIOLOGI TERHADAP DUNIA PENDIDIKAN meliputi A. Sekolah sebagai Organisasi, B. Kelas sebagai Suatu Sistem Sosial, C. Lingkungan Eksternal Sekolah; BAB III PENDIDIKAN DAN MASYARAKAT meliputi A. Siklus Belajar Individu di Masyarakat, B. Fungsi-fungsi Sekolah, C. Perubahan Sosial dan Pendidikan, D. Pendidikan dan Pembaharuan Masyarakat; BAB IV SEKOLAH SOSIALISASI ANAK DAN KELUARGA meliputi A. Sekilas tentang Sosialisasi, B. Beberapa Pendekatan dalam Sosialisasi, C. Sekolah dan Sosialisasi, D. Keluarga dan Sosialisasi, E. Hubungan Timbal Balik Sekolah – Keluarga Bagi Individu; BAB V HUBUNGAN GURU DAN MURID meliputi A. Makna Kerja Guru terhadap Murid, B. Arti Interaksi Edukatif, C. Beberapa Ciri Interaksi Edukatif, D. Berbagai Bentuk Interaksi Edukatif, E. Kedudukan Guru; BAB VI PERANAN GURU DI SEKOLAH DAN MASYARAKAT meliputi A. Guru Berkedudukan sebagai Profesional, B. Peranan Guru terhadap Anak Didik, C. Peranan Guru dalam Masyarakat, D. Peranan Guru terhadap Guru Lain; BAB VII KELAS DAN SEKOLAH SEBAGAI SISTEM SOSIAL meliputi A. Kelas sebagai Sistem Sosial, B. Sekolah sebagai Sistem Sosial; BAB VIII PENDIDIKAN DAN PERUBAHAN SOSIAL-BUDAYA meliputi A. Pendidikan sebagai Sosialisasi Kebudayaan, B. Pergulatan Manusia dalam Keanekaragaman Budaya, C. Pendidikan dalam Lingkup Kebudayaan, D. Sekilas tentang Perubahan Sosial; BAB IX PENDIDIKAN DAN MOBILITAS SOSIAL meliputi A. Lapisan Masyarakat, B. Kesadaran Kelas, C. Kelas Sosial dan Persamaan, D. Mobilitas Sosial, E. Determinasi Mobilitas Sosial, F. Pendidikan sebagai Saluran Mobilitas, G. Peningkatan Taraf Hidup melalui Pendidikan, H. Munculnya Masyarakat Lapisan Atas pada Negara Berkembang, I. Pendidikan dan Karier; BAB X PENDIDIKAN DAN EKONOMI meliputi A. Konstribusi Pendidikan terhadap Kesuksesan Ekonomi, B. Pendidikan dan Ekonomi pada Zaman Modern, C. Pendidikan dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, D. Beberapa Tantangan Dunia Pendidikan di Indonesia Saat Ini, E. Implikasi Realitas Pendidikan Indonesia, F. SDM Indonesia dalam Persaingan Global; BAB XI PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PENDIDIKAN (Suatu Bahasan Kebijakan Pendidikan) meliputi A. Pengantar, B. Partisipasi Masyarakat, C. Masalah Pengembangan Pendidikan di Indonesia, D. Reaktualisasi Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam pengembangan Pendidikan di Indonesia, E. Kesimpulan, DAFTAR PUSTAK


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    The purpose of this research is to compare between sharia banking performance and non-sharia banking performance in Indonesia. The tool of analysis include five components of financial ratios: (1) Capital Adequacy Ratio, (2) Non Performing Loan, (3) Return on Asset and Return on Equity, (4) Efficiency Ratio and (5) Loan to Deposit Ratio. This research use statistic tools of independent sample t-test. The result of this study are: (1) the study found the difference of Capital Adequacy Ratio between Sharia Banking and Non-Sharia Banking, (2) there is no difference about non performing loan between sharia banking and non-Sharia banking (3) there is no difference about ROA and ROE between sharia banking and non-Sharia banking, (4) there is no difference about efficiency ratio between sharia banking and non-Sharia banking, (5) there is no difference about loan to deposit ratio between sharia banking and non-Sharia banking and (6) there is no difference about total score of sharia banking performance and non-sharia banking performance. Although there is no significant difference, the total score of non-sharia banking performance is higher than sharia banking

    Effect of reducing rates of NPK, ZA, and KCl fertilizers on the growth and yield of shallot in multiple cropping system in Bantul

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    The intensive application of synthetic/inorganic fertilizer on shallot cultivation tends to contaminate the environment and reduce soil quality. Meanwhile, the decrease of farmland area has been a limiting factor in increasing shallot production. Shallot farmers in Bantul District, D. I. Yogyakarta, commonly combine organic and inorganic fertilizers. Therefore, an alternative technology to sustain the production of shallot is through the application of fertilizer at the right rates and  the practice of multiple cropping system. The objective of this research was to determine the growth and yield of shallot as affected by the reduced rates of inorganic fertilizer in multiple cropping systems. This research was conducted from August to November 2016 in Srigading Village, Sanden Sub-District, Bantul District, D. I. Yogyakarta. The research was arranged in a split plot design with three replications. The main plot was cropping system consisting of monoculture system (shallot) and multiple cropping system (shallot – chili). The subplot was fertilizer rates consisting of 100 % as control, 50 %, and 25 %. The results of this research showed that multiple cropping system did not decrease the growth and yield of shallot. Likewise, reducing inorganic fertilizer rates to 50% of control did not decrease shallot yield. However,  the inorganic fertilizer rate of 25% significantly decreased shallot yield to 12.15 %
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