548 research outputs found

    Depressariinae of Madeira and the Azores Islands (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae)

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    Wir überprüfen und illustrieren die von Madeira und den Azoren bekannten Depressariinae. Folgende sechs Arten werden behandelt: Agonopterix scopariella (Heinemann, 1870), A. conciliatella (Rebel, 1892), A. vendettella (Chretien, 1908) (neu für Madeira), A. perezi Walsingham, 1908, Depressaria marcella Rebel, 1901 (neu für Madeira und die Azoren), und D. halophilella Chretien, 1908. Letztere ersetzt Depressaria ultimella Stainton, 1849 in der Liste der von Madeira nachgewiesenen Lepidoptera. Depressaria iliensis Rebel, 1936 ist ein Synonym von Agonopterix vendettella (Chretien, 1908) (syn. nov.). Depressaria halophilella ist neu für die Kanarischen Inseln. Neben kurzen Notizen zu jeder Art verweisen wir auf die zur richtigen Bestimmung entscheidenden Merkmale und diskutieren frühere Fehlbestimmungen bei Depessariinae von Madeira.We review and illustrate the species of Depressariinae known from Madeira and the Azores Islands. The following six species are treated: Agonopterix scopariella (Heinemann, 1870), A. conciliatella (Rebel, 1892), A. vendettella (Chretien, 1908) (new to Madeira), A. perezi Walsingham, 1908, Depressaria marcella Rebel, 1901 (new to Madeira and the Azores), and D. halophilella Chretien, 1908. The latter replaces Depressaria ultimella Stainton, 1849 in the list of Lepidoptera found in Madeira. Depressaria iliensis Rebel, 1936 is a synonym of Agonopterix vendettella (Chretien, 1908) (syn. nov.). Depressaria halophilella is new to the Canary Islands. We provide brief notes on each of the species and give short diagnoses for correctly identifying them, and we discuss previous misidentifications of Madeiran Depressariinae

    Taxonomic confusion around the Peach Twig Borer, <em>Anarsia lineatella</em> Zeller, 1839, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae).

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    A new species of Gelechiidae is described as Anarsia innoxiella sp. n., based on differences in morphology and biology. It is closely related to and has hitherto been confused with the Peach Twig Borer, Anarsia lineatella Zeller, 1839. Whereas larvae of the latter feed on – and are known to be a pest of – Prunus species (Rosaceae), the larva of A. innoxiella feeds on Acer species (Sapindaceae). All known synonyms of A. lineatella are discussed in detail, including Anarsia lineatella subsp. heratella Amsel, 1967, from Afghanistan and A. lineatella subsp. tauricella Amsel, 1967, from Turkey. Our study has shown no evidence for changing the present taxonomic status of these two taxa. We discuss also the status of the genus Ananarsia Amsel, 1957. The new species A. innoxiella is widely distributed in Europe and is often found in the same areas as A. lineatella, but the latter species does not occur naturally in northern Europe. A. innoxiella seems not to be of economic importance. We propose, in line with the provisions of Article 23.9 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, suppression of the priority of Tinea pullatella Hübner, 1796, nomen oblitum, over Anarsia lineatella Zeller, 1839, nomen protectum. An appendix with references on the prevailing use of the latter species is included

    Contribution to the Lepidoptera fauna of the Madeira Islands. Part 4. Blastobasidae.

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    Es wird eine Übersicht über die Familie Blastobasidae von Madeira gegeben. Elf neue Arten: Blastobasis basii sp. n., B. laurisilvae sp. n., B. luteella sp. n., B. rebeli sp. n., B. serradaguae sp. n., B. splendens sp. n., B. subdivisus sp. n., B. virgatella sp. n., B. walsinghami sp. n., B. wollastoni sp. n., B. wolffi sp. n. werden beschrieben, sechs neue Synonyme: Blastobasis sarcophaga Meyrick, 1902 - syn. n. von B. marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858), B. xanthographella Rebel, 1940, B. lignea var. melanella Mansbridge & Wright 1939 und B. lignea var. pallidella Mansbridge & Wright 1939 - synn. n. von B. adustella Walsingham, 1894, stat. n. der Abberation von B. lignea Walsingham, 1894; Blastobasis lignea Walsingham, 1894 und B. flavescentella Rebel, 1940 - synn. n. von B. vittata (Wollaston, 1858), comb. n. von Laverna Curtis werden festgestellt. Der Status von Blastobasis decolorella (Wollaston, 1858), B. lacticolella Rebel, 1940 und B. marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858) wurde auf der Grundlage der Untersuchung des Typusmaterials revidiert. Alle Arten und ihre Genitalien werden abgebildet, Informationen zur Bionomie werden vorgelegt. 22 der 26 Arten werden als endemisch für Madeira angesehen.StichwörterMadeira, Microlepidoptera, Blastobasidae, Endemism.Nomenklatorische Handlungenvirgatella Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blasobasis), spec. n.adustella Walsingham, 1894 (Blastobasis), stat. n. hitherto Blastobasis lignea var. adustellabassii Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.decolorella (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype; spec. rev. described as Laverna? decolorella; decolorella auct. is another speciesdesertarum (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Coleophora desertarumdivisus (Walsingham, 1894) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Epistetus divisusflavescentella Rebel, 1940 (Blastobasis), Lectotype now a sysnonym of Blastobasis vittata (Wollaston, 1858)insularis (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Asychna insularislacticolella Rebel, 1940 (Blastobasis), Neotypelaurisilvae Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.lavernella Walsingham, 1894 (Blastobasis), Lectotypelignea Walsingham, 1894 (Blastobasis), Lectotype now a sysnonym of Blastobasis vittata (Wollaston, 1858)luteella Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Oecophora marmorosellamaroccanella Amsel, 1952 (Blastobasis), Lectotypenigromaculata (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Gelechia nigromaculataochreopalpella (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Oecophora ochreopalpellapica (Walsingham, 1894) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Epistetus? picarebeli Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.salebrosella Rebel, 1940 (Blastobasis), Lectotypesarcophaga Meyrick, 1902 (Blastobasis), syn. n. of Blastobasis marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858)serradaguae Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.splendens Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.subdivisus Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.vittata (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype; comb. n. hitherto Laverna vittatawalsinghami Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.wolffi Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.wollastoni Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.xanthographella Rebel, 1940 (Blastobasis), Lectotype; syn. n. of Blastobasis adustella Walsingham, 1894melanella Mansbridge &amp; Wright, 1939 (Blastobasis lignea var.), syn. n. of Blastobasis adustella Walsingham, 1894pallidella Mansbridge &amp; Wright, 1939 (Blastobasis lignea var.), syn. n. of Blastobasis adustella Walsingham, 1894fuscomaculella Ragonot, 1879 (Oecophora), Lectotype now a synonym of Blastobasis marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858)seeboldiella Kreithner, 1881 (Oecophora), Lectotype now a synonym of Blastobasis marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858)maderensis Stainton, 1859 (Pterolonche?), Lectotype now a synonym of Blastobasis desertarum (Wollaston, 1858)A review of the family Blastobasidae in the Madeira Islands is given. Eleven new species: Blastobasis basii sp. n., B. laurisilvae sp. n., B. luteella sp. n., B. rebeli sp. n., B. serradaguae sp. n., B. splendens sp. n., B. subdivisus sp. n., B. virgatella sp. n., B. walsinghami sp. n., B. wollastoni sp. n., B. wolffi sp. n. are described, and six new synonyms: Blastobasis sarcophaga Meyrick, 1902 - syn. n. to B. marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858), B. xanthographella Rebel, 1940, B. lignea var. melanella Mansbridge & Wright 1939 and B. lignea var. pallidella Mansbridge & Wright 1939 - synn. n. to B. adustella Walsingham, 1894, stat. n. from aberration of B. lignea Walsingham, 1894; Blastobasis lignea Walsingham, 1894 and B. flavescentella Rebel, 1940 - synn. n. to B. vittata (Wollaston, 1858), comb. n. from Laverna Curtis are established. The status of Blastobasis decolorella (Wollaston, 1858), B. lacticolella Rebel, 1940 and B. marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858) is revised based on the study of type material. All species and their genitalia are figured, and information on bionomy is presented. 22 of the 26 species dealt with are considered endemic to Madeira.KeywordsMadeira, Microlepidoptera, Blastobasidae, Endemism.Nomenclatural Actsvirgatella Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blasobasis), spec. n.adustella Walsingham, 1894 (Blastobasis), stat. n. hitherto Blastobasis lignea var. adustellabassii Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.decolorella (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype; spec. rev. described as Laverna? decolorella; decolorella auct. is another speciesdesertarum (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Coleophora desertarumdivisus (Walsingham, 1894) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Epistetus divisusflavescentella Rebel, 1940 (Blastobasis), Lectotype now a sysnonym of Blastobasis vittata (Wollaston, 1858)insularis (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Asychna insularislacticolella Rebel, 1940 (Blastobasis), Neotypelaurisilvae Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.lavernella Walsingham, 1894 (Blastobasis), Lectotypelignea Walsingham, 1894 (Blastobasis), Lectotype now a sysnonym of Blastobasis vittata (Wollaston, 1858)luteella Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Oecophora marmorosellamaroccanella Amsel, 1952 (Blastobasis), Lectotypenigromaculata (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Gelechia nigromaculataochreopalpella (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Oecophora ochreopalpellapica (Walsingham, 1894) (Blastobasis), Lectotype described as Epistetus? picarebeli Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.salebrosella Rebel, 1940 (Blastobasis), Lectotypesarcophaga Meyrick, 1902 (Blastobasis), syn. n. of Blastobasis marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858)serradaguae Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.splendens Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.subdivisus Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.vittata (Wollaston, 1858) (Blastobasis), Lectotype; comb. n. hitherto Laverna vittatawalsinghami Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.wolffi Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.wollastoni Karsholt &amp; Sinev, 2004 (Blastobasis), spec. n.xanthographella Rebel, 1940 (Blastobasis), Lectotype; syn. n. of Blastobasis adustella Walsingham, 1894melanella Mansbridge &amp; Wright, 1939 (Blastobasis lignea var.), syn. n. of Blastobasis adustella Walsingham, 1894pallidella Mansbridge &amp; Wright, 1939 (Blastobasis lignea var.), syn. n. of Blastobasis adustella Walsingham, 1894fuscomaculella Ragonot, 1879 (Oecophora), Lectotype now a synonym of Blastobasis marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858)seeboldiella Kreithner, 1881 (Oecophora), Lectotype now a synonym of Blastobasis marmorosella (Wollaston, 1858)maderensis Stainton, 1859 (Pterolonche?), Lectotype now a synonym of Blastobasis desertarum (Wollaston, 1858

    Contribution to the Lepidoptera fauna of the Madeira Islands. Part 2. Tineidae, Acrolepiidae, Epermeniidae.

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    Es wird eine Übersicht über die drei Familien Tineidae, Epermeniidae und Acrolepiidae auf den Madeira Inseln gegeben. Die drei neue Arten Monopis henderickxi sp. n. (Tineidae), Acrolepiopsis mouli sp. n. und A. infundibulosa sp. n. (Acrolepiidae) werden beschrieben, zwei neue Kombinationen bei den Tineidae: Ceratobia oxymora (Meyrick) comb. n. und Monopis barbarosi (Koçak) comb. n. werden aufgeführt. Trichophaga robinsoni nom. n. wird als Ersatzname für den präokkupierten Namen T. abruptella (Wollaston, 1858) eingesetzt. Die Familie Acrolepiidae (mit A. vesperella (Zeller) und den zwei unten neu beschriebenen Arten) wird erstmals auf Madeira nachgewiesen, wie auch die drei Tineidenarten Stenoptinea cyaneimarmorella (Millière), Ceratobia oxymora (Meyrick) und Trichophaga tapetzella (Linnaeus). Die Funde von Psychoides filicivora (Meyrick) auf Madeira sind die ersten Nachweise außerhalb der Britischen Inseln. Tinea pellionella Linnaeus, Monopis laevigella (Denis & Schiffermüller) und M. imella (Hübner) werden aus der Liste der Madeira-Lepidopteren gestrichen. Alle Arten und deren Genitalien werden abgebildet, es werden Informationen zur Bionomie gegeben.StichwörterMadeira, Microlepidoptera, Tineidae, Epermeniidae, Acrolepiidae, Laurisilva.Nomenklatorische Handlungeninfundibulosa Gaedike &amp; Karsholt, 2001 (Acrolepiopsis), spec. n.mauli Gaedike &amp; Karsholt, 2001 (Acrolepiopsis), spec. n.oxymora (Meyrick, 1919) (Ceratobia), comb. n. hitherto Tinea oxymorabarbarosi (Koçak, 1981) (Monopis), comb. n. hitherto Reisserita barbarosihenderickxi Gaedike &amp; Karsholt, 2001 (Monopis), spec. n.robinsoni Gaedike &amp; Karsholt, 2001 (Trichophaga), nom. n. pro Trichophaga abruptella Wollaston, 1858, nec Thunberg, 1794A review of three families Tineidae, Epermeniidae and Acrolepiidae in the Madeira Islands is given. Three new species: Monopis henderickxi sp. n. (Tineidae), Acrolepiopsis mouli sp. n. and A. infundibulosa sp. n. (Acrolepiidae) are described, and two new combinations in the Tineidae: Ceratobia oxymora (Meyrick) comb. n. and Monopis barbarosi (Koçak) comb. n. are listed. Trichophaga robinsoni nom. n. is proposed as a replacement name for the preoccupied T. abruptella (Wollaston, 1858). The first record from Madeira of the family Acrolepiidae (with Acrolepiopsis vesperella (Zeller) and the two above mentioned new species) is presented, and three species of Tineidae: Stenoptinea cyaneimarmorella (Millière), Ceratobia oxymora (Meyrick) and Trichophaga tapetzella (Linnaeus) are reported as new to the fauna of Madeira. The Madeiran records given for Psychoides filicivora (Meyrick) are the first records of this species outside the British Isles. Tinea pellionella Linnaeus, Monopis laevigella (Denis & Schiffermüller) and M. imella (Hübner) are deleted from the list of Lepidoptera found in Madeira. All species and their genitalia are figured, and information on bionomy is presented.KeywordsMadeira, Microlepidoptera, Tineidae, Epermeniidae, Acrolepiidae, Laurisilva.Nomenclatural Actsinfundibulosa Gaedike &amp; Karsholt, 2001 (Acrolepiopsis), spec. n.mauli Gaedike &amp; Karsholt, 2001 (Acrolepiopsis), spec. n.oxymora (Meyrick, 1919) (Ceratobia), comb. n. hitherto Tinea oxymorabarbarosi (Koçak, 1981) (Monopis), comb. n. hitherto Reisserita barbarosihenderickxi Gaedike &amp; Karsholt, 2001 (Monopis), spec. n.robinsoni Gaedike &amp; Karsholt, 2001 (Trichophaga), nom. n. pro Trichophaga abruptella Wollaston, 1858, nec Thunberg, 179

    Revision of the genus Psoricoptera Stainton, 1854 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), with the description of two new Asian species

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    The Palaearctic gelechiid genus Psoricoptera Stain ton, 1854 is revised. Two previously described species, gibbosella (Zeller) and speciosella Teich are recognized based on differences in genitalia; both have a trans-Palaearctic distribution. Their distinction is supported by differences in the morphology and biology of the early stages. Chelaria triorthias (Meyrick) and Lita lepigreella Lucas are placed in synonymy with gibbosella (syn. n.). Two new species P. latignathosa sp. n. P. kawabei sp. n. are described from E. Asia. Infraspecific variation in the genitalia of Psoricoptera is discussed