8 research outputs found

    Diversity and distribution of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) haplotypes of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), along the eastern front of its invasive range in Eurasia

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    The arrival, establishment and pest status of Halyomorpha halys in Europe and non-native countries in Asia have been well-documented, with thorough characterisation of the genetic diversity and occurrence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) haplotypes in Switzerland, France, Hungary, Italy and Greece. However, a number of gaps exist in terms of the characterisation of the haplotype diversity and occurrence of H. halys along the invasion front that covers eastern Europe, western and central Asia. To contribute towards filling this gap, the COI haplotype diversity and distribution were investigated for H. halys collected in Serbia, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. A total of 646 specimens were analysed and five haplotypes were found (H1, H3, H8, H33 and H80). Haplotype H1 was present in all five countries investigated and was the only haplotype detected amongst > 500 specimens collected from Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. H1 (82%) was the dominant haplotype found in Kazakhstan, alongside H3 (18%). In contrast to the low or no diversity observed in these four countries, Serbia had higher haplotype diversity and was represented by five haplotypes. Although H3 was dominant (47%) in Serbia, H1 was also prevalent (40%); the remaining haplotypes (H8, H33 and H80) were minor contributors (1–11%) to the haplotype composition. The results are discussed in context with other known populations in neighbouring countries and patterns of haplotype diversity indicate the movement of successful invasive populations in Europe to generate secondary invasions along the eastern front of the invasion in Eurasia. Possible scenarios regarding the spread of particular haplotypes in these regions are discussed, along with suggestions for future research to fill existing gaps

    Capacity of Albit® Plant Growth Stimulator for Mitigating Side-effects of Pesticides on Soil Microbial Respiration

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    Microorganisms give an early and integrated measure of soil functioning. In particular, soil microbial respiration is recommended for monitoring soil quality. The present study aims to determine the capacity of Albit® (poly-β-hydroxybutyrate, PHB) to reduce the detrimental effects of pesticides on soil microbial respiration. The effects of three conventional pesticides (deltamethrin, dithianon, and difenoconazole) on basal respiration (BR) and substrate-induced respiration (SIR) were assessed in the presence and absence of Albit®. The studied pesticides caused negative impacts on soil functioning, reducing BR and SIR. Applications of Albit® increased BR and SIR, and both BR and SIR were kept similar to the control when pesticides were applied with Albit®. PHB, an active ingredient of Albit®, is known to increase beneficial microflora in the rhizosphere due to its regulatory activity on indigenous microorganisms. Thus, more studies should be carried out under different edaphoclimatic conditions to study the benefits of Albit® applications along with pesticides in order to mitigate their side effects on soil microbial functioning

    Invasion Genetics of the Horse-Chestnut Leaf Miner, <i>Cameraria ohridella</i> (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), in European Russia: A Case of Successful Involvement of Citizen Science in Studying an Alien Insect Pest

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    Based on the intensive monitoring conducted by our team and volunteers in 2021, the secondary range of an alien horse-chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimić, 1986 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), was specified in European Russia. This invasive pest was confirmed in 24 out of 58 administrative regions of Russia, which it has occupied for approximately 16 years. Analysis of the COI mtDNA gene sequenced in 201 specimens collected in 21 regions of the European part of Russia indicates the occurrence of two haplotypes (A and B), which are also present in the secondary range of C. ohridella in Eastern and Western Europe. The haplotype A dominated and was present in 87.5% of specimens from European Russia. In 2021, C. ohridella produced spectacular outbreaks in Aesculus hippocastanum in southern Russia, where it damaged more than 50% of the leaves in trees in 24 out of 30 distant localities. In the south of the country, the pest infested Acer pseudoplatanus, whereas other species of Acer of European, East Asian, and North American origin showed no signs of attacks. Taking into account that Ae. hippocastanum is present in most regions of European Russia, we expect a further range expansion of C. ohridella up to the Ural Mountains

    Invasion Genetics of the Horse-Chestnut Leaf Miner, Cameraria ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), in European Russia: A Case of Successful Involvement of Citizen Science in Studying an Alien Insect Pest

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    Based on the intensive monitoring conducted by our team and volunteers in 2021, the secondary range of an alien horse-chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella Deschka &amp; Dimi&#263;, 1986 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), was specified in European Russia. This invasive pest was confirmed in 24 out of 58 administrative regions of Russia, which it has occupied for approximately 16 years. Analysis of the COI mtDNA gene sequenced in 201 specimens collected in 21 regions of the European part of Russia indicates the occurrence of two haplotypes (A and B), which are also present in the secondary range of C.&nbsp;ohridella in Eastern and Western Europe. The haplotype A dominated and was present in 87.5% of specimens from European Russia. In 2021, C. ohridella produced spectacular outbreaks in Aesculus hippocastanum in southern Russia, where it damaged more than 50% of the leaves in trees in 24 out of 30 distant localities. In the south of the country, the pest infested Acer pseudoplatanus, whereas other species of Acer of European, East Asian, and North American origin showed no signs of attacks. Taking into account that Ae. hippocastanum is present in most regions of European Russia, we expect a further range expansion of C. ohridella up to the Ural Mountains

    Meet Me Halfway: Will Photoperiodic Responses of Interpopulation Hybrids of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Promote or Constrain Subsequent Invasions?

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    Biological invasions often result from multiple invasion events. In the case of several subsequent invasive episodes, &lsquo;newcomers&rsquo; are usually poorly adapted to local environmental conditions in contrast to the representatives of the already-established invasive population of the same species. Therefore, the mode of inheritance of life-history features determining the survival and performance of interpopulation hybrids is an important component of invasiveness. We investigated the mode of inheritance of the photoperiodic response in the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, by crossing between the native population of South Korea and the invasive population of the Black Sea coast of Russia. The aim of this study was to predict the overwintering potential of the progeny from possible crosses between representatives of the native and invasive populations. The pre-adult development time and the incidence of winter adult diapause in the progeny of the interpopulation crosses were close to the average of the values recorded in &lsquo;pure&rsquo; (unmixed) crosses. Female and male genotypes were equally important in the determination of these characters. Such a mode of inheritance is most likely determined by a polygenic control and would only partially promote subsequent invasion events from the native South Asian range of H. halys into Europe

    Meet Me Halfway: Will Photoperiodic Responses of Interpopulation Hybrids of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug <i>Halyomorpha halys</i> (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Promote or Constrain Subsequent Invasions?

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    Biological invasions often result from multiple invasion events. In the case of several subsequent invasive episodes, ‘newcomers’ are usually poorly adapted to local environmental conditions in contrast to the representatives of the already-established invasive population of the same species. Therefore, the mode of inheritance of life-history features determining the survival and performance of interpopulation hybrids is an important component of invasiveness. We investigated the mode of inheritance of the photoperiodic response in the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, by crossing between the native population of South Korea and the invasive population of the Black Sea coast of Russia. The aim of this study was to predict the overwintering potential of the progeny from possible crosses between representatives of the native and invasive populations. The pre-adult development time and the incidence of winter adult diapause in the progeny of the interpopulation crosses were close to the average of the values recorded in ‘pure’ (unmixed) crosses. Female and male genotypes were equally important in the determination of these characters. Such a mode of inheritance is most likely determined by a polygenic control and would only partially promote subsequent invasion events from the native South Asian range of H. halys into Europe

    Flying over Eurasia: Geographic Variation of Photoperiodic Control of Nymphal Development and Adult Diapause Induction in Native and Invasive Populations of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

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    Facultative winter adult diapause in Halyomorpha halys is regulated by a long-day photoperiodic response. Day length also influences nymphal development, which slows down at the critical (near-threshold) day lengths. We compared the photoperiodic responses of one native (Andong, South Korea) and three invasive (Torino, Italy; Basel, Switzerland; and Sochi, Russia) populations in a laboratory common-garden experiment. Nymphs developed and emerging adults were reared at 24 &deg;C in a range of photoperiods with day lengths of 14.0, 14.5, 15.0, 15.5, and 16.0 h. The critical day lengths of the photoperiodic responses of both sexes fell between 14.5 and 15.0 h in the native Korean population and between 15.0 and 15.5 h in three invasive European populations. The differences between the three invasive populations were not significant, despite their distant origins. Moreover, the difference between the Korean and European populations was much smaller than was expected. The microevolution was possibly &lsquo;too slow to keep up&rsquo; with the rapid spread of the invader across Eurasia. It is expected that soon the critical day length of the invasive H. halys populations will gradually change to adapt better to local conditions. At present, the critical day length for diapause induction of 15 h 15 min can be used to model the phenology, further spread, and response to climate change for all European populations of the pest

    Invasive Insect Pests of Forests and Urban Trees in Russia: Origin, Pathways, Damage, and Management

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    Invasive alien insects cause serious ecological and economical losses around the world. Here, we review the bionomics, modern ranges (and their dynamics), distribution pathways, monitoring, and control measures of 14 insect species known to be important invasive and emerging tree pests in forest and urban ecosystems of Russia: Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae), Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), Corythucha arcuata (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae), Agrilus fleischeri, A. mali, A. planipennis, Lamprodila (Palmar) festiva (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), Ips amitinus, Polygraphus proximus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Cydalima perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Acrocercops brongniardella, Cameraria ohridella, Phyllonorycter issikii, and P. populifoliella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). We identified three major scenarios of tree pest invasions in the country and beyond: (1) a naturally conditioned range expansion, which results in the arrival of a pest to a new territory and its further naturalization in a recipient region; (2) a human-mediated, long-distance transfer of a pest to a new territory and its further naturalization; and (3) a widening of the pest's trophic niche and shift to new host plant(s) (commonly human-introduced) within the native pest's range frequently followed by invasion to new regions