173 research outputs found

    Three-block exceptional collections over Del Pezzo surfaces

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    We study complete exceptional collections of coherent sheaves over Del Pezzo surfaces, which consist of three blocks such that inside each block all Ext groups between the sheaves are zero. We show that the ranks of all sheaves in such a block are the same and the three ranks corresponding to a complete 3-block exceptional collection satisfy a Markov-type Diophantine equation that is quadratic in each variable. For each Del Pezzo surface, there is a finite number of these equations; the complete list is given. The 3-string braid group acts by mutations on the set of complete 3-block exceptional collections. We describe this action. In particular, any orbit contains a 3-block collection with the sum of ranks that is minimal for the solutions of the corresponding Markov-type equation, and the orbits can be obtained from each other via tensoring by an invertible sheaf and with the action of the Weyl group. This allows us to compute the number of orbits up to twisting.Comment: LaTex v2.09, 32 pages with 1 figure. To appear in Izvestiya Mat

    Psychotic Symptoms and Malignant Neuroleptic Syndrome in Williams Syndrome : A Case Report

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    BackgroundSomatic and mental comorbidities are characteristic of individuals with Williams syndrome. The psychiatric profile of these patients mainly comprises affective disorders, while psychotic symptoms are rare. MethodsWe present a case report of psychosis and malignant neuroleptic syndrome in a patient with Williams syndrome. We also conduct a review of recent works on the topic. Case PresentationA 38-year-old Caucasian male with Williams syndrome presented with somatic delusions, previously experiencing severe anxiety and concerns about a headache. The patient was prescribed olanzapine, which did not, however, have any effect on the delusions. After switching to lurasidone, the patient presented with malignant neuroleptic syndrome (muscle rigidity, tremor, urinary retention, fluctuating level of consciousness). He was hospitalized and the antipsychotic medication was discontinued. After somatic recovery, the patient did not experience severe anxiety and the somatic delusions diminished notably. The patient was discharged from the hospital in a stable physical condition, albeit still with transient worries about his health condition. ConclusionsWe present a case of the coincidence of Williams syndrome and psychosis. We hypothesize on the possible pathological relationships between the onset of the psychosis and severe anxiety in an individual with Williams syndrome. This case report duly contributes to the limited literature on psychiatric comorbidity in Williams syndrome.Peer reviewe

    Anxiety, Substance Use, Adherence to Treatment and Level of Functioning in Specialized Psychiatric Care Patients

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    A high proportion of patients with mental disorders experience concurrent anxiety symptoms and substance abuse, which impacts the course and outcome of principal psychiatric disorders and increases the risk of physical morbidity and suicide. Another prominent problem that worsens outcome and increases healthcare costs, is poor adherence to psychiatric treatment. As a consequence of severe course and poor treatment adherence, mental disorders are highly disabling. Because of methodological variations in the studies on anxiety and substance use comorbidity, adherence, and functioning, it remains unclear whether such conditions share similar characteristics across schizophrenia spectrum and mood disorders. The Helsinki University Psychiatric Consortium Study was performed in the metropolitan area of Helsinki between 12.01.2011 and 20.12.2012, covering specialized psychiatric care units. For this study, patients were divided into three subgroups: schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (SSA, n=113), bipolar disorder (BD, n=99), and depressive disorder (DD, n=188). Anxiety symptoms were measured with the Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale; substance use was assessed with recorded substance use disorder diagnoses, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, and original questionnaires; treatment adherence was assessed with patients´ self-reports; subjective level of functioning was assessed with the Sheehan Disability Scale; and data on objective work status were gathered from medical records. Nearly half of all patients felt severe anxiety frequently, but SSA patients less often than mood disorders peers. High neuroticism, symptoms of depression and borderline personality disorder were associated with co-occurring anxiety within all diagnostic groups. Almost half of the patients reported hazardous alcohol use or were daily smokers. Symptoms of anxiety and borderline personality disorder were associated with self-reported alcohol consumption. Outpatients were significantly more adherent than current inpatients. Non-adherence to outpatient visits was strongly associated with hospital setting and substance use disorder. Nearly one-third of mood disorder patients were employed, while in SSA patients this proportion was only 5.3%. Severe course of disease and current depressive symptoms were likely to affect work status and perceived functional impairment, respectively. Careful detection and treatment of harmful substance use and affective symptoms are necessary to enhance treatment adherence, and functional level of patients with mood or schizophrenia spectrum disorders.Ahdistusoireet ja päihteiden ongelmakäyttö ovat yleisiä mielenterveyspotilailla ja vaikeuttavat taudinkulkua ja ennustetta, ja ovat yhteydessä lisääntyneeseen somaattiseen sairastuvuuteen ja itsemurhariskiin. Puutteellinen hoitoon sitoutuminen on toinen merkittävä ongelma, jolla on kielteisiä vaikutuksia taudin ennusteeseen ja hoitokustannuksiin. Vakavan taudinkulun ja puutteellisen hoitoon sitoutumisen seurauksena, mielenterveyshäiriöiden aiheuttama työ- ja toimintakyvyn lasku korostuu. Mielenterveydenhäiriöistä kärsivien potilaiden ahdistusoireita, päihteidenkäyttöä, hoitoon sitoutumista ja toiminnallista profiilia käsittelevät tutkimukset ovat menetelmiltään vaihtelevia. Toistaiseksi epäselvää on, eroavatko niiden ilmiöiden taustatekijät mieliala- ja skitsofreniaryhmän häiriöistä kärsivillä potilailla. Helsinki University Psychiatric Consortium Study toteutettiin pääkaupunkiseudulla 12.01.2011 – 20.12.2012 välisenä aikana psykiatrian erikoissairaanhoidon yksiköissä. Potilaat jakautuivat kolmeen ryhmään: skitsofrenia tai skitsoaffektiivinen häiriö (SSA, n=113), kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö (BD, n=99) ja depressio (DD, n=188). Ahdistusoireita arvioitiin Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale – kyselyllä; päihteidenkäyttöä sairauskertomusten päihdehäiriödiagnooseja tutkimalla ja Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test – kyselyllä. Sitoutumista hoitoon arvioitiin potilaiden kyselyllä. Subjektiivista toimintakykyä arvioitiin Sheehan Disability Scale – kyselyllä ja tieto ajankohtaisesta työkyvystä kerättiin sairauskertomuksesta. Tutkimus osoittaa, että ahdistusoireet ja päihteiden ongelmakäyttö ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa ja ovat yleisiä kaikissa kolmessa tutkitussa potilasryhmässä. Noin puolet potilaista oli kärsinyt vakavasta ahdistuksesta, mutta SSA-ryhmän potilaat harvemmin kuin mielialahäiriöpotilaat. Noin puolet potilaista raportoi haitallista alkoholinkäyttöä tai päivittäistä tupakointia. Ahdistusoireet ja päihteidenkäyttö yhdistyivät tunne-elämältään epävakaan persoonallisuuden piirteisiin sekä luonteenpiirteistä neuroottisuuteen ja tunnollisuuteen. Potilaiden avohoitoon sitoutumattomuus oli yhteydessä ajankohtaiseen sairaalahoitoon ja päihdeongelmaan. Noin kolmasosa mielialahäiriöpotilaista oli työelämässä, kun taas vain 5.3% SSA-ryhmän potilaista kävi työssä. Vaikeampi taudinkulku todennäköisesti alentaa työkykyä ja ajankohtaiset masennusoireet liittyvät koettuun toimintakyvyttömyyteen. Ahdistusoireiden ja päihdeongelmien huolellinen tunnistaminen ja asianmukainen hoito ovat tärkeitä sekä hoitoon sitoutumisen vahvistamiseksi, että potilaiden toiminta- ja työkyvyn parantamiseksi

    Influence of β-Stabilizers on the α-Ti→ω-Ti Transformation in Ti-Based Alloys

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    The development of next generation Ti-based alloys demand completely new processes and approaches. In particular, the Ti-alloys of next generation will contain not only α-Ti and β-Ti phases, but also small amounts of ω-phase and intermetallic compounds. The β→ω phase transformation induced by high-pressure torsion (HPT) has been studied in detail recently. In this work, we investigated the HPT-induced α→ω phase transformation. For this purpose, we added various β-stabilizers into α-Ti matrix of studied Ti-alloys. Ti-alloys with 4% Fe, 2% Cr, 3% Ni, and 4% Co (wt. %) have been annealed at the temperatures below their point of eutectoid decomposition, from β-Ti to α-Ti, and respective intermetallics (TiFe, Ti2_{2}Co, Ti2_{2}Ni, TiCr2_{2}). Volume fraction of HPT-driven ω-phase (from ≤5 up to ~80%) depended on the amount of alloying element dissolved in the α-matrix. Evaluation of lattice parameters revealed accelerated mass transfer during HPT at room temperature corresponding to bulk diffusion in α-Ti at ~600 °С

    The Global Numerical Model of the Earth’s Upper Atmosphere

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    The global numerical first principle 3D model of the upper atmosphere (UAM) for the heights 60–100,000 km is presented. The physical continuity, motion, heat balance and electric potential equations for the neutral, ion and electron gases and their numerical solution method are described. The numerical grids, spatial and time integration steps are given together with the boundary and initial conditions and inputs. Testing and obtained geophysical results are given for many observed situations at various levels of solar, geomagnetic and seismic activity

    Structural and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Co Alloys Treated by High Pressure Torsion

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    The microstructure and properties of titanium-based alloys can be tailored using severe plastic deformation. The structure and microhardness of Ti–4 wt.% Co alloy have been studied after preliminary annealing and following high pressure torsion (HPT). The Ti–4 wt.% Co alloy has been annealed at 400, 500, and 600 °C, i.e., below the temperature of eutectoid transformation in the Ti–4 wt.% Co system. The amount of Co dissolved in α-Ti increased with increasing annealing temperature. HPT led to the transformation of α-Ti in ω-Ti. After HPT, the amount of ω-phase in the sample annealed at 400 °C was about 80­85%, i.e., higher than in pure titanium (about 40%). However, with increasing temperature of pre-annealing, the portion of ω-phase decreased (60–65% at 500 °C and about 5% at 600 °C). The microhardness of all investigated samples increased with increasing temperature of pre-annealing

    Relationships between self-reported childhood traumatic experiences, attachment style, neuroticism and features of borderline personality disorders in patients with mood disorders

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    Background: Co-occurring borderline personality disorder (BPD) features have a marked impact on treatment of patients with mood disorders. Overall, high neuroticism, childhood traumatic experiences (TEs) and insecure attachment are plausible aetiological factors for BPD. However, their relationship with BPD features specifically among patients with mood disorders remains unclear. We investigated these relationships among unipolar and bipolar mood disorder patients. Methods: As part of the Helsinki University Psychiatric Consortium study, the McLean Screening Instrument (MSI), the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R), the Short Five (S5) and the Trauma and Distress Scale (TADS) were filled in by patients with mood disorders (n=282) in psychiatric care. Correlation coefficients between total scores of scales and their dimensions were estimated, and multivariate regression (MRA) and mediation analyses were conducted. Results: Spearman's correlations were strong (rho=0.58; p <0.001) between total scores of MSI and S5 Neuroticism and moderate (rho=0.42; p <0.001) between MSI and TADS as well as between MSI and ECR-R Attachment Anxiety. In MRA, young age, S5 Neuroticism and TADS predicted scores of MSI (p <0.001). ECR-R Attachment Anxiety mediated 33% (CI=17-53%) of the relationships between TADS and MSI. Limitations: Cross-sectional questionnaire study. Conclusions: We found moderately strong correlations between self-reported BPD features and concurrent high neuroticism, reported childhood traumatic experiences and Attachment Anxiety also among patients with mood disorders. Independent predictors for BPD features include young age, frequency of childhood traumatic experiences and high neuroticism. Insecure attachment may partially mediate the relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and borderline features among mood disorder patients.Peer reviewe

    The CHiME-7 Challenge: System Description and Performance of NeMo Team's DASR System

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    We present the NVIDIA NeMo team's multi-channel speech recognition system for the 7th CHiME Challenge Distant Automatic Speech Recognition (DASR) Task, focusing on the development of a multi-channel, multi-speaker speech recognition system tailored to transcribe speech from distributed microphones and microphone arrays. The system predominantly comprises of the following integral modules: the Speaker Diarization Module, Multi-channel Audio Front-End Processing Module, and the ASR Module. These components collectively establish a cascading system, meticulously processing multi-channel and multi-speaker audio input. Moreover, this paper highlights the comprehensive optimization process that significantly enhanced our system's performance. Our team's submission is largely based on NeMo toolkits and will be publicly available
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