57 research outputs found

    The concept of theological virtues and the view of 14 - 15 year old pupils of X School

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    Darbo tyrimo problema: nepakankamas šiandieninių paauglių dėmesys teologinėms dorybėms ir neaiški jų samprata. Tikslas: atskleisti teologinių dorybių sampratą ir nustatyti jų aktualumą X mokyklos 14-15 metų amžiaus mokiniams. Metodai: darbe naudota teorinė medžiaga išanalizuota literatūros šaltinių analizės metodu. Gauti tyrimo duomenys apibendrinti remiantis kokybinės turinio analizės (content) metodu. Darbo empirinėje dalyje naudotas kokybinis tyrimas, kurio dėka galima tiksliau ir išsamiau atskleisti tiriamųjų požiūrį į nagrinėjamą objektą. Kokybinio tyrimo instrumentas – pusiau struktūrizuotas interviu. Tyrime remtasi egzistencialistinės filosofijos atstovo M. Buber (2001) filosofinės sampratos idėjomis. Darbe taip pat naudotasi Katalikų Bažnyčios katekizmu, popiežių Jono Pauliaus II, Benedikto XVI, bei Pranciškaus enciklikomis, Apaštališkųjų Tėvų, Bažnyčios Tėvų bei vėlesnių laikų šventųjų raštuose pateikiamomis nuostatomis. Pirmoje darbo dalyje aptarta teologinių dorybių: tikėjimo, vilties ir meilės samprata ir reikšmė Apaštališkųjų Tėvų, pasirinktų Bažnyčios Tėvų ir vėlesnių laikų šventųjų raštijoje. Antrojoje darbo dalyje analizuojami Bažnyčios dokumentai ir juose aprašomų teologinių dorybių samprata, reikšmė, ugdymosi praktikos. Trečiojoje empirinėje dalyje atskleista šiandieninių paauglių teologinių dorybių samprata ir požiūris į jas. Gautų rezultatų reikšmingumas: teorinėje dalyje gana plačiai aptarta teologinių dorybių: tikėjimo, vilties ir meilės samprata bei jų reikšmė eschatologiniu požiūriu. Galima aiškiai pastebėti, kad šiandienos paaugliams teologinių dorybių svarba išlieka tokia pat aktuali kaip ir pirmaisiais krikščionybės amžiais. Šiandieniniai mokiniai, dažniausiai „gyvendami pasaulyje be Dievo“ neturi suformuotų aiškių teologinių dorybių sampratų, todėl tėvams ir kitiems ugdytojams pravartu atkreipti dėmesį į šią problemą ir vykdyti švietėjišką veiklą minėta linkme. Pagrindinės išvados: atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo: 1) teologines tikėjimo dorybes: tikėjimą, viltį ir meilę mokiniai vertina ir laiko svarbiomis tiek sau asmeniškai, tiek ir bendru mastu. 2) paaugliai nelabai supranta ir žino teologinių darybių kilmę ir jų išskirtinumą; 3) dalis apklausoje dalyvavusių informantų netiksliai arba neteisingai suvokia tikėjimo, vilties ir meilės sampratą (ypač tikėjimo ir vilties); 4) mokiniai per mažai dėmesio skiria dorybių ugdymui per tikėjimo praktikas.Problem of the Paper Research: insufficient attention of teenagers to theological virtues and unclear concept of the virtues. Objective: To disclose the concept of theological virtues and define their urgency for 14-15 year old pupils of X School. Methods: theoretical materials used in the Paper are analysed using the method of analysis of literature sources. The received research data are summarized using the method of qualitative content analysis. Qualitative analysis was used in the empiric part of the Paper, helping to disclose the view of respondents of the research subject more accurately and detailed. The tool of the qualitative analysis is a semi-structured interview. The research is based on the ideas of philosophy concept of the representative of existential philosophy M. Buber (2001). Catechism of Catholic Church, encyclics of Pope Jonas Paulius II, Benedict XVI, as well as the provisions provided in writs of Apostolic Fathers, Fathers of the Church and other writs of later days. The first part of the Paper includes the discussion of theological virtues: faith, hope and love concept and meaning in the holy writs of Apostolic Fathers, Fathers of Church and later days. The second part of the Paper provides the analysis of Church documents and the concept, meaning of theological virtues and education practices described in these documents. The third empiric part discloses the concept of theological virtues of modern teenagers and their view of the virtues. Importance of the Received Results: theoretical part provides detailed discussion of theological virtues: faith, hope and love concept and their eschatological meaning. One can clearly notice that the importance of theological virtues for modern teenagers is urgent, like it was in the first centuries of Christianity. Modern pupils, who often “live in the world without the God”, have no clear concepts of theological virtues formed, therefore parents and other educators have to focus attention on this problem and carry out educative activity in this direction. Main conclusions: after carrying out the research the following was found out: 1) theological faith virtues: faith, hope and love was assessed and considered by the pupils important for both themselves and in general scope; 2) the teenagers does not clearly understand and know the origin and difference between theological virtues; 3) a part of respondents understands the concept of faith, hope and love incorrectly and inaccurately (especially the concept of faith and hope); 4) the pupils pay less attention to moral education through faith practices.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Die Stellung der Frau in Kaunas in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts: der vormündliche Aspekt des Stadtrechts

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    Obwohl in den letzten Jahren in Litauen mehr Arbeiten erscheinen, die verschiedenen Aspekten der Frauentorschung gewidmet sind, ist das Thema über die Stellung der Frau in den litauischen Stadten des Spatmittellalters und zu Beginn der Neuzeit noch wenig erforscht. Die Archivalien des alten Kaunaser Stadtarchiv bieten eine einzigartige Moglichkeit, diese Problematik zu untersuchen. Auf Grund des altesten erhaltenen Stadtratsbuchs (1522-1545), dessen Materialien in der litauischen Historiographiebisher nur geringgenutzt sind, und auf Grund der Kaunaser Vogtbücher (1544, 1545), behandelt der vorliegende Artikel, die Stellung von Frauen im Rechtsleben von Kaunas in der ersten Halfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Es zeigt sich, dass die normale Tatigkeit der stadtischen Selbstverwaltungsinstitutionen gunstige Bedingungen für der aktive Teilnahme der Frau am stadtischen Rechtsalltag bildete, sowie dasses der Bürgerin die Stabilitat ihres Lebens gewahrleistete. Dieser Trend verstarkte sich durch die Vergroßerung der Stadtratsmacht. Ein wichtiger Kompetenzbereich dieser Institution war die Vormundschaft für Witwen und Weisen. Die zahlreichen Beispiele zeugen davon, dass die Ausübung dieser Funktionen ein zivilisiertes Zusammenleben der Menschen in der Stadt gewahrleistete. Die Zeitgenossen verstanden das als Voraussetzung für eine sichere soziale Existenz

    Prieširdžių virpėjimu sergančių pacientų su sveikata susijusi gyvenimo kokybė

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common long-term arrhythmia that increases the mortality, risk of stroke, hospitalization rate, worsens the quality of life (QoL) and reduces the physical capacity. Studies carried out during the past decade indicate that recover of sinus rythm or normosystolic form of AF, QoL, unfortunately, does not always increase. According to the AF treatment recommendations the main indicators of obvious treatment performance are not only clinical symptom reduction but improvement of QoL as well. Scientists invite to carry out as many researches as it is possible in order to successfully identify factors that influence QoL of patients who suffer from AF, to optimize the current treatment or to develop treatment methods or establish the new ones. During investigation of QoL it is recommended to use generic disease-specific questionnaires. The majority of such questionnaires are issued in the English language, therefore cultural-linguistic adaptation is important. During the research where 229 in-hospital patients with AF of 50-70 age participated, QoL in relation to sociodemographic, clinical and individual indicators was evaluated (sense of coherence). The adaptation procedure of QoL questionnaire AF-QoL was performed suitable for Lithuania. QoL was evaluated according to generic questionnaire SF-36 and disease specific questionnaire AF-QoL. The main statistically significant sociodemographic indicators that worsen QoL were defined as female gender, lower education, low income, marital status (single). The following clinical factors were defined: longer AF duration, more severe heart failure functional class. lower assessment values for SoC were female gender, lower income, marital status (single), higher AF symptoms Class (EHRA). A statistically significant, positive correlation between QoL and SoC was established. Increased focus on the above mentioned areas would improve AF treatment in relation to QoL improvement

    The impact of loan capital on the lithuanian district heating companies investment and growth

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    KARPAVIČIENĖ, Egidija. (2010) The Impact of Loan Capital on the Lithuanian district heating Companies Investment and Growth. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 59 p. SUMMARY KEYWORDS: Loan capital, direct investment, growth opportunities, company value. Scientific reserches performed by Y. Spiegei (1994), R. Inderst, H. M. Müler (2003), S. Larson, A. Malberg (1990), S. C. Meyrs (2001), R. Norvaišienė, J. Stankevičienė, R. Krušinskas (2008) confirmed realationships between company capital structure, investment, its market behavior and company value. The investment of Lithaunian distric heating companies, and its market value are conditioned by the laverage of loan capital, interests and viewpoint of owners and managers and state regulation. Lithuania is tempertate zone country, so distric heating corporate activity, quality of service and heat energy price is relevant to most of the population. Object ot the research – company capital structure, direct investment, corporate growth opportunities. Aim of the research is to investigate the impact of total and long – term debt level on the enterprice investment and growth opportunities of Lithaunian distric heating companies in the period of 2004 – 2008 y., and determine the state regulatory power. Tasks of the research is to determine investment and debt levels and other activity results correlation, to determine debt level and growth opportunities and investment correlation of different ownership forms companies, to determine debt level and and growth opportunities correlation. Two hypotheses have been raised: H1 – state regulation leads to the occurrence of under –investment effect, H2 – the laverage of loan capital has a negative impact on companies growth opportunities. Absence of dependence between the level of investment ratio and total debt level ratio shows, that state regulation had no clear impact on investment and not confirms hypothesis H1. Most of Lithaunian distric heating companies, whose shareholders are local authorities, laverage of loan capital is significantly lower, then companies whose shareholders are private companies. The obtained strong possitive dependence between total debt and long – term debt level and the level of of investment ratio shows, that this companys borrowed money flows to projects of direct investment. Such relationship is a sign of ower – investment effect. The obtained strong negative dependence between medium–sized companies debt debt level and growth opportunities, confirms hypothesis H2, which states that loan capital has a negative impact on companies growth opportunities. This hypothesis was confirmed in large and small companies, the reason for this is political factors influence on large companies and relatively low loan capital level in small companies

    β‘-hidroksi- arba α-pakeistų enonų sintezės metodų kūrimas ir susintetintų junginių struktūros - priešvėžinio aktyvumo sąryšio įvertinimas

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    It is known that some natural and synthetic β'-hydroxy-α,β-unsaturated ketones and α-substituted α,β-unsaturated ketones exhibit remarkable antiproliferative activities in human solid tumor cell lines. In this concept, the main aim of the present work was dedicated to the development of synthetic approaches of these two main structural scaffolds together with their structure-anticancer activity relationship evaluation. It was found that the best way for preparation of β’-hydroxy-α,β-unsaturated ketones is reductive cleavage of α,β-unsaturated 2-isoxazolines by Mo(CO)6. Moreover, a fast, economical, and efficient protocol for the reduction of nonconjugated Δ2-isoxazolines to the corresponding β-hydroxy ketones using Al/CuCl2 as the reducing agent was developed. An alkyne-carbonyl metathesis reaction allowed production of a variety of E-α-substituted α,β-unsaturated ketones. The most intriguing discovery was found in reactions between 3-arylprop-2-ynyl esters and aldehydes leading to the formation of E and Z enones, 2:1 adducts and the Morita-Baylis-Hillman adducts. The reaction pathways were studied using 18O-labeling experiments. Thus, it was found that reactions proceeded either via classical alkyne-carbonyl metathesis route, or via an unprecedented nucleophilic addition-rearrangement cascade. Synthesized compounds were tested for their antiproliferative activity using different human cancer cell lines. The analysis of the GI50/IC50 values allowed us to establish several qualitative SARs, which results revealed a set of compounds valuable for further biological investigations

    Traditional uses of medicinal plants in South-Western part of Lithuania

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    Changes in people's dependence on the resources of the immediate natural environment and in the ways in which information is transmitted may result in the loss of some of the traditional knowledge of plants and their uses. In order to investigate and preserve this knowledge, a comprehensive ethnobotanical study was carried out in a little-studied ethnographic region. Knowledge about the plants used for treatment was collected through open-ended and semi-structured interviews in villages and small rural settlements in southwestern Lithuania. In total, 30 informants reported 103 plant and 1 lichen species. Although the survey was carried out in a small area, up to five local names per species were recorded. The most frequently used species were Matricaria chamomilla, Tilia cordata, Artemisia absinthium and Plantago major. The largest number of plant species was used to treat digestive and respiratory system disorders. Wild plants were mentioned in 71.0% of all use reports, while a relatively higher proportion of cultivated plants was recorded among the new uses. Decoction and infusion were the most commonly used, while some unusual preparations have been recorded in past uses. Research showed that the diversity of plant species used for healing has declined over the last 20 years and that part of traditional ethnobotanical knowledge is disappearing.

    Moters padėtis Kaune XVI a. pirmojoje pusėje: globėjiškas miesto teisės aspektas

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    Svarbiausias straipsnio tyrimo šaltinis yra ankstyviausia išlikusi Kauno miesto tarybos arba mokslinėje literatūroje sinonimiškai vadinama magistrato knyga, kuri iki šiol beveik neįvesta istoriografijos apyvarton ir nėra nagrinėta. Tai nemenkos apimties – fizine ir chronologijos prasme – foliantas: jį sudaro 236 lapai, daugiau kaip 620 įrašų vokiečių, lotynų kalbomis, keli rusėniški tekstai, datuojami 1522–1545 metais. Įdomu pastebėti, kad su „moteriška" tema vienaip ar kitaip yra susiję didesnė pusė šios knygos įrašų, kuriuos papildžius dar ir vienalaikių Kauno vaito knygų informacija, galima susidaryti gana išsamų vaizdą, kaip ir kuo XVI amžiaus pirmojoje pusėje gyveno kauniečių bendruomenė bei moteris Kaune. Aptariamose knygose „moteriškos" medžiagos itin gausu todėl, kad čia apskritai dominuoja turtiniai miestiečių reikalai bei fiksuojami dėl to kildavę ginčai, dažnai užsitęsdavę kelis ar net keliolika metų. Nors netrūksta atvejų, liudijančių, jog viena ar kita kaunietė asmeniškai atvykdavo į vaito urėdą ar rotušėje rezidavusią tarybą, tačiau neretai moteris, atskirais atvejais tik anonimiškai, būdavo minima todėl, jog teisminio ginčo objektu tapdavo jos – dukters, sesers, žmonos, našlės – turtinės teisės, kurių realizavimu visų pirma būdavo suinteresuoti sutuoktinis ar moters vyriškos lyties giminaičiai. Suprantama, kad iki mūsų dienų išlikę šaltinių fragmentai toli gražu neatspindi tolimų realijų visumos. Tačiau jau ir aptartoji medžiaga leidžia manyti, kad tos realijos brėžė civilizuotesnio žmonių gyvenimo XVI amžiaus Kaune kontūrus.The primary source of research of the article is the earliest survived and synonymously by council of Kaunas city or in literature called Magistrate book, which has not been entered into circulation of historiography and has not been examined until now. This is a large volume folio – in a physical and chronological sense - it consists of 236 sheets, more than 620 records in German, Latin, several Ruthenian texts, dating back to 1522-1545. It is interesting to notice that more than a half of the book entries in one or another way are related to the "feminine" theme, and adding also simultaneous information of Kaunas Vogt’s books, a fairly complete picture can be obtained about how the community of Kaunas and woman in Kaunas had lived in the first half of the sixteenth century. "Feminine" material is particularly plentiful in the books discussed because there generally the property affairs of citizens dominate that led to the disputes which had endured for several or even a dozen years. While there is no shortage of cases which suggest that one or the other woman from Kaunas had been arriving to steward of the vogt or to the council, that resided in the town hall, but often female in some cases was mentioned only anonymously, because the object of the legal dispute used to become her – daughter’s, sister’s, wife’s, widow’s - property rights, whose realization in particular was the interest of a woman's spouse or relatives of woman’s male. It is clear that fragments of sources are far from reflecting the whole of a distant reality. However, the pointed material suggests that these realities have drawn the contours of a more civilized life of people from Kaunas in the sixteenth century

    Health-related quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common long-term arrhythmia that increases the mortality, risk of stroke, hospitalization rate, worsens the quality of life (QoL) and reduces the physical capacity. Studies carried out during the past decade indicate that recover of sinus rythm or normosystolic form of AF, QoL, unfortunately, does not always increase. According to the AF treatment recommendations the main indicators of obvious treatment performance are not only clinical symptom reduction but improvement of QoL as well. Scientists invite to carry out as many researches as it is possible in order to successfully identify factors that influence QoL of patients who suffer from AF, to optimize the current treatment or to develop treatment methods or establish the new ones. During investigation of QoL it is recommended to use generic disease-specific questionnaires. The majority of such questionnaires are issued in the English language, therefore cultural-linguistic adaptation is important. During the research where 229 in-hospital patients with AF of 50-70 age participated, QoL in relation to sociodemographic, clinical and individual indicators was evaluated (sense of coherence). The adaptation procedure of QoL questionnaire AF-QoL was performed suitable for Lithuania. QoL was evaluated according to generic questionnaire SF-36 and disease specific questionnaire AF-QoL. The main statistically significant sociodemographic indicators that worsen QoL were defined as female gender, lower education, low income, marital status (single). The following clinical factors were defined: longer AF duration, more severe heart failure functional class. lower assessment values for SoC were female gender, lower income, marital status (single), higher AF symptoms Class (EHRA). A statistically significant, positive correlation between QoL and SoC was established. Increased focus on the above mentioned areas would improve AF treatment in relation to QoL improvement