7,295 research outputs found

    Probable solar flare doses encountered on an interplanetary mission as calculated by the MCFLARE code

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    The computer program, MCFLARE, uses Monte Carlo methods to simulate solar flare occurrences during an interplanetary space voyage. The total biological dose inside a shielded crew compartment due to the flares encountered during the voyage is determined. The computer program evaluates the doses obtained on a large number of trips having identical trajectories. From these results, a dose D sub p having a probability p of not being exceeded during the voyage can be determined as a function of p for any shield material configuration. To illustrate the use of the code, a trip to Mars and return is calculated, and estimated doses behind several thicknesses of aluminum shield and water shield are presented

    A preliminary shield design for a SNAP-8 power system

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    A preliminary shield design for a nuclear power system utilizing a SNAP-8 reactor for space base application is presented. A representative space base configuration was selected to set the geometry constraints imposed on the design. The base utilizes two independent power packages each with a reactor operating at 600 kwt and each producing about 50 kwe. The crew compartment is located about 200 feet from each reactor and is large enough in extent to intercept a total shadow angle of 60 deg measured about the center line of each reactor

    The design of a Pulse Position Modulated /PPM/ optical communication system

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    Design of pulse position modulation optical communication syste

    Sum-of-squares lower bounds for planted clique

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    Finding cliques in random graphs and the closely related "planted" clique variant, where a clique of size k is planted in a random G(n, 1/2) graph, have been the focus of substantial study in algorithm design. Despite much effort, the best known polynomial-time algorithms only solve the problem for k ~ sqrt(n). In this paper we study the complexity of the planted clique problem under algorithms from the Sum-of-squares hierarchy. We prove the first average case lower bound for this model: for almost all graphs in G(n,1/2), r rounds of the SOS hierarchy cannot find a planted k-clique unless k > n^{1/2r} (up to logarithmic factors). Thus, for any constant number of rounds planted cliques of size n^{o(1)} cannot be found by this powerful class of algorithms. This is shown via an integrability gap for the natural formulation of maximum clique problem on random graphs for SOS and Lasserre hierarchies, which in turn follow from degree lower bounds for the Positivestellensatz proof system. We follow the usual recipe for such proofs. First, we introduce a natural "dual certificate" (also known as a "vector-solution" or "pseudo-expectation") for the given system of polynomial equations representing the problem for every fixed input graph. Then we show that the matrix associated with this dual certificate is PSD (positive semi-definite) with high probability over the choice of the input graph.This requires the use of certain tools. One is the theory of association schemes, and in particular the eigenspaces and eigenvalues of the Johnson scheme. Another is a combinatorial method we develop to compute (via traces) norm bounds for certain random matrices whose entries are highly dependent; we hope this method will be useful elsewhere

    Complex-linear invariants of biochemical networks

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    The nonlinearities found in molecular networks usually prevent mathematical analysis of network behaviour, which has largely been studied by numerical simulation. This can lead to difficult problems of parameter determination. However, molecular networks give rise, through mass-action kinetics, to polynomial dynamical systems, whose steady states are zeros of a set of polynomial equations. These equations may be analysed by algebraic methods, in which parameters are treated as symbolic expressions whose numerical values do not have to be known in advance. For instance, an "invariant" of a network is a polynomial expression on selected state variables that vanishes in any steady state. Invariants have been found that encode key network properties and that discriminate between different network structures. Although invariants may be calculated by computational algebraic methods, such as Gr\"obner bases, these become computationally infeasible for biologically realistic networks. Here, we exploit Chemical Reaction Network Theory (CRNT) to develop an efficient procedure for calculating invariants that are linear combinations of "complexes", or the monomials coming from mass action. We show how this procedure can be used in proving earlier results of Horn and Jackson and of Shinar and Feinberg for networks of deficiency at most one. We then apply our method to enzyme bifunctionality, including the bacterial EnvZ/OmpR osmolarity regulator and the mammalian 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase glycolytic regulator, whose networks have deficiencies up to four. We show that bifunctionality leads to different forms of concentration control that are robust to changes in initial conditions or total amounts. Finally, we outline a systematic procedure for using complex-linear invariants to analyse molecular networks of any deficiency.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figure
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