4 research outputs found

    Perfil nutricional y antioxidante post-cosecha de Beta vulgaris L. cultivada en microhuerto sin suelo de baja emisión con nutrientes orgánicos e inorgánicos

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    Beetroot was grown in an open soilless cultivation system with nutrition supplied by organic and inorganic sources. This low emission system was tested for microgardening high quality red beets with high water use efficiency and less pollutant emission in the environs. For this purpose, a pot experiment was planned according to completely randomized design. For inorganically grown red beets, peat moss was combined with 150, 200 and 250 ppm NH4NO3, whereas for organic red beets, peat moss was amended with compost having nitrogen equivalent to the mentioned NH4NO3 concentrations. Rosette and roots were analysed for fresh and dry biomass. Nitrate content, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, ripening index, ascorbic acid, betacyanins, flavonols and antioxidant capacity were assessed as beetroot quality attributes. Combination of peat moss with NH4NO3 showed comparatively lower fresh plant biomass, fresh and dry biomasses of rosette and root, and root to rosette ratio. However, enhanced antioxidant activity and bioaccumulation of ascorbic acid, total soluble solids, betacyanins, flavonols and reduced titratable acids, resulting in higher ripening index and good quality were observed in peat moss combined NH4NO3 treated beetroots. Overall, combination of peat moss with NH4NO3 led to higher nutritional and antioxidant quality of red beet plants.La remolacha se cultivó en un sistema de cultivo abierto sin suelo con nutrición suministrada por fuentes orgánicas e inorgánicas. Este sistema de baja emisión fue probado para la microhorticultura de remolachas rojas de alta calidad con una eficiencia alta de uso de agua y menor emisión de contaminantes a los alrededores. Con esta finalidad se planificó un experimento en macetas de acuerdo con un diseño completamente al azar. Para las remolachas rojas cultivadas inorgánicamente se combinó musgo de turbera con 150, 200 y 250 ppm de NH4NO3, mientras que para las orgánicas se adecuó el musgo de turbera con compost con un contenido de nitrógeno equivalente a las concentraciones de NH4NO3 mencionadas. Se analizó el contenido de biomasa fresca y seca de la roseta y de la raíz. El contenido de nitratos, los sólidos solubles totales, la acidez titulable, el índice de maduración, el ácido ascórbico, las betacianinas, los flavonoles y la capacidad antioxidante se evaluaron como atributos de calidad de la remolacha. La combinación de musgo de turbera con NH4NO3 mostró valores comparativamente más bajos de biomasa fresca de planta, de biomasa fresca y seca de roseta y raíz, y de relación raíz‑roseta. Sin embargo, también se observaron valores más altos de actividad antioxidante y bioacumulación de ácido ascórbico, sólidos solubles totales, betacianinas, flavonoles y menos ácidos titulables, lo que resultó en un mayor índice de maduración y buena calidad. En general, la combinación de musgo de turbera con NH4NO3 condujo a una mayor calidad nutricional y antioxidante de las plantas de remolacha roja.Fil: Ejaz, Shaghef.Fil: Jezik, Karoline Maria.Fil: Anjum, Muhammad Akbar.Fil: Gosch, Christian.Fil: Halbwirth, Heidrun.Fil: Stich, Karl

    Influence of Organic Fertilizers on Physiological Quality and Rooting of Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus)

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    In this study, the effects of organic fertilizers on internal quality and rooting of snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) were investigated. Seedlings of 'White Rocket', 'Rocket Gold', 'Orchid', 'Red Stone' and 'Red Rocket' species were transplanted into 12 L pots filled with 1:1 sand: soil mixture at the beginning of March 2011. Two different liquid biological fertilizers were used. The first one is the Effective Microorganisms (EM (R)) consisting of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus plantarum), photosynthesis bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas palustris) and fermentation bacteria (Saccharomyces cervisiae); the second one is Rhizo Vital 42 (R) consisting of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacteria. The physiological quality of the petals was investigated. With regard to petal P-dissipation values, while EM treatments yielded almost identical results with the control treatment, Rhizo Vital 42 treatments had lower yield values than the control treatment. Both organic fertilizer treatments improved rooting and effects of EM treatments on rooting were found to be significant. Biophoton measurements were also performed over the petals and photoluminescence values of fertilizer treatments of all species were found to be lower than the control plants. In other words, organic fertilizer treatments improved the quality by decreasing the stress levels in petals. (C) 2016 Friends Science Publisher