103 research outputs found


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    Sveučilišni udžbenik Bolesti cvije}a i ukrasnog bilja upoznaje studente preddiplomskih, diplomskih i poslijediplomskih sveučilišnih studija, ali i sve koji se bave proizvodnjom cvijeća i ukrasnog bilja, s najznačajnijim uzročnicima bolesti. Cvjećarstvo je kao grana biljne proizvodnje vrlo staro i razvijalo se zajedno s ljudskim rodom, a bolesti su, iako se to ponekada ne čini tako, iznimno važne u proizvodnome ciklusu cvijeća i ukrasnoga bilja. Bolesti su opisane po skupinama uzročnika (gljive, bakterije i virusi). Unutar skupina paraziti su svrstani prema sistematskoj pripadnosti pa su na taj način izbjegnuta ponavljanja, jer jedan uzročnik može parazitirati i više od deset različitih vrsta biljaka. Za svakog su uzročnika bolesti opisani simptomi koje izaziva na napadnutim biljkama, što je popraćeno fotografijama te razvojni ciklus i mjere zaštite. Na kraju knjige nalaze se Rječnik stručnih izraza i pojmova te Stručni i udomaćeni nazivi cvijeća i ukrasnog bilja. U udžbeniku su prikazana saznanja mnogih stručnjaka i znanstvenika, ali i vlastitog istraživačkog rada.The academic textbook Diseases of Flowers and Decorative Plants introduces the most important casual agents of flower and decorative plant diseases to students at all study levels, as well as to floriculturists. Floriculture as a branch of plant production is a very old discipline that was developed along with human mankind. Although it may seem otherwise, diseases are extremely important in plant production cycle. Diseases elaborated in the present handbook are classified according to their casual agents (fungi, bacteria and viruses). Parasites are organized according to their systematic grouping within separate classes, thus avoiding repetitions, as one parasite can attack different plant sorts. Disease symptoms appearing on attacked plants, development stages and protection measures are presented for each casual agent. The textbook is also well illustrated with photographs. The list of professional terminology and the list of scientific and common names for flowers and decorative plants are provided at the end of the handbook. Besides results of the authors’ own researches, this academic textbook comprises up-to-date findings of well known scientists and professionals

    Pojavnost mikotoksina u hrani i piću

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    This paper describes the mycotoxins produced by fungi from the genera Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Claviceps and other types of molds, their characteristics and importance. Mycotoxins are secondary fungi metabolites that serve as a defense mechanism in stressful conditions. Several hundred mycotoxins have been identified so far, and the most significant in terms of danger to human health and animals are aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, patulin, fumonisin, zearalenone and nivalenol/deoxynivalenol produced by toxigenic fungi from the genera Penicillium, Aspergillus, Claviceps, Stachybotris and Fusarium. Moisture and temperature are two factors that have a crucial influence on the development of the fungus and the synthesis of toxins. It is estimated that approximately 25% of agricultural crops are infected with fungi. Consequently, foods can also be contaminated with mycotoxins. By treating the stored grain with various chemicals, and in recent years, using environmentally friendly fungicides, the synthesis of mycotoxins is being prevented and the development of mycotoxicogenic fungi is being controlled. The mycotoxicosis can occur directly through the consumption of infected food, inhalation and skin contact, or indirectly through animals that eat contaminated feed. Mycotoxins have a pathological effect primarily on liver. Some mycotoxins also interfere with cellular protein synthesis, causing hypersensitivity and extreme immunodeficiency. Despite mycotoxins being resilient and remaining stable while undergoing chemical and thermal food processing, methods such as applying good hygiene and production practices from field to table can reduce their occurence.U ovom radu opisani su mikotoksini koji stvaraju gljivice iz rodova Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Claviceps i drugih vrsta plijesni; njihove karakteristike i važnost. Mikotoksini su sekundarni metaboliti gljivica koji služe kao obrambeni mehanizam u stresnim uvjetima. Do sada je identificirano više stotina mikotoksina, a najznačajniji s obzirom na opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje i životinje su aflatoksini, ohratoksin A, patulin, fumonizin, zearalenon i nivalenol/deoksinivalenol koje stvaraju toksikogene gljivice iz rodova Penicillium, Aspergillus, Claviceps, Stachybotris i Fusarium. Vlaga i temperatura dva su faktora koji imaju krucijalni utjecaj na razvoj gljive i sintezu toksina. Procjenjuje se da je oko 25% poljoprivrednih usjeva zaraženo gljivama. Posljedično tome namirnice mogu također biti kontaminirane mikotoksinima. Tretiranjem uskladištenog zrna raznim kemikalijama, a zadnjih godina primjenom ekološki prihvatljivih fungicida, onemogućuje se sinteza mikotoksina i kontrolira se razvoj mikotoksikogenih gljiva. Do pojave mikotoksikoza može doći direktno konzumacijom zaražene hrane, inhalacijom i kontaktom putem kože ili indirektno konzumacijom mesa, mliječnih proizvoda i jaja životinja koje se hrane kontaminiranom krmom. Mikotoksini patološki prije svega djeluju na jetru. Neki mikotoksini također interferiraju sa sintezom staničnih bjelančevina uzrokujući preosjetljivost i ekstremnu imunodeficijenciju. Budući da je karakteristika mikotoksina da su kemijski i termički stabilni i da podnose procese prerade hrane, ipak postoje metode pomoću kojih se njihova pojavnost može smanjiti, pogotovo primjenom dobre higijenske i proizvodne prakse od polja do stola


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    During a three year period (2004 to 2006) on locations of Eastern Croatia (Kneževi Vinogradi, Osijek, Brođanci and Krndija) we collected plants of Achillea millefolium L. from which we isolated Phomopsis sp. Many of the collected plants exhibited no visible symptoms of infection but in spring pycnidia were noticed on overwintered plants. Isolation was done on PDA from naturally infected plants and morphological and molecular characteristics were studied. Biometrical values of reproductive structures developed on naturally infected plants and grown on PDA were measured. Internal transcribed spacers ITS rDNA of the examined isolates were sequenced. Although molecular analysis showed that isolates were grouped with Diaporthe arctii, we decided to classify isolates from A. millefolium as Phomopsis sp., the details of which were discussed in the paper.Phomopsis sp. izolirali smo s biljaka A. millefolium na kojima nije bilo vidljivih simptoma zaraze, kao i s biljaka sa simptomima tipičnima za Phomopsis vrste. Biljke su prikupljene tijekom tri godine (2004.-2006. godine) u jesen i proljeće na lokacijama (Kneževi Vinogradi, Osijek, Brođanci i Krndija) istočne Hrvatske. S prirodno zaraženih biljaka izolacija gljive obavljena je na KDA te su proučene morfološke i molekularne karakteristike. Biometrijske vrijednosti reproduktivnih struktura izmjerene su u kulturi (KDA) i na prirodno inficiranome materijalu. Za proučavane izolate sekvencirane su unutarnje prijepisne razmaknice jezgrine DNA (ITS rDNA) te je utvrđena povezanost analiziranih izolata s Diaporthe arctii. Zbog nedovoljno pouzdanih informacija zadržan je naziv Phomopsis sp. detalji su raspravljeni u radu


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    The obligate fungi inside the family Albuginaceae are widespread world wide and cause white rust or white blister disease. Mycopopulation of weeds has been researched within the project „The role of weeds in epidemiology of row-crop diseases“. The aim of this research was to identify white blister species occurring on weeds in Eastern Croatia. Weed plants with disease symptoms characteristic for white blister species have been collected since 2001 on location Slavonia and Baranja country. Determination of white blister species was based on morphological characters of pathogen and the host. Wilsoniana bliti was determined on Amaranthus retroflexus and Amaranthus hybridus leaves. Capsella bursa pastoris is a host for Albugo candida. Ambrosia artemisiifolia is a host for Pustula sp. and Cirsium arvense was found to be host for Pustula spinulosa. Wilsoniana portulaceae was determined on Portulaca oleracea.Gljive iz porodice Albuginaceae utvrđene su diljem svijeta i uzrokuju bolesti poznate pod imenom bijela hrđa. U okviru projekta „Uloga korova u epidemiologiji bolesti okopavinskih kultura“ proučava se mikopopulacija korova, a cilj ovoga rada bio je proučiti Albugo vrste koje se javljaju na korovima u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Korovi sa simptomima bolesti karakterističnim za bijelu hrđu prikupljani su od 2001. godine na lokacijama Slavonije i Baranje. Determinacija uzročnika bijele hrđe temeljila se na morfološkim karakteristikama patogena i domaćinu. S lišća Amaranthus retroflexus i Amaranthus hybridus izoliran je Wilsoniana bliti. Capsella bursa pastoris je domaćin za Albugo candida. Ambrosia artemisiifolia je domaćin za Pustula sp., Cirsium arvense za Pustula spinulosa, a Wilsoniana portulacae izolirana je s Portulaca oleracea

    Cercospora leaf spot

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    Pjegavost lista, koju uzrokuje gljiva Cercospora beticola, najznačajnija je bolest koja se javlja na šećernoj repi u svim područjima uzgoja i uzrokuje značajne ekonomske štete. Pjege, kao tipični simptomi ove bolesti, najčešeće su veličine 2-5 mm, svjetlije sredine i tamnijeg ruba. Prvo se javljaju na starijim listovima, ali kako bolest napreduje pjege se šire i na mlađe listove. Najvažnije mjere zaštite podrazumijevaju uništavanje zaraženih biljnih ostataka, sjetvu otpornih sorata, plodored i primjenu fungicida tijekom vegetacije.Leaf spot, which is caused by the pathogen Cercospora beticola, is the most significant disease that occurs on sugar beet in all areas of cultivation, causing significant economic damage. By being a typical symptom of the mentioned disease, spots are most often from 2 to 5 mm in size, lighter in the centre, but darker on the edges. They first appear on older leaves, but as the disease progresses the spots spread to younger leaves as well. The most important protection measures include destruction of the infected plant residues, sowing of resistant varieties, crop rotation and application of fungicides during the growing season

    White rot on oilseed crops

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    Vrsta Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) De Bary najznačajniji je patogen koji uzrokuje značajne štete na uljaricama (suncokret, soja i uljana repica) širom svijeta. U područjima s vlažnijom i hladnijom klimom može doći do velikih ekonomskih gubitaka. Karakteristični simptomi su bijele prevlake micelija na zaraženim dijelovima biljaka i pojava sklerocija. Budući da efikasnih mjera zaštite nema, nužno je provoditi agrotehničke mjere suzbijanja.Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) De Bary is the most significant pathogen which cause significant damage to sunflower, soybean and rapeseed worldwide. Great economics losses can occur in areas with humid and colder climate. Characteristic symptoms are white coatings of mycelium on infected parts of plants and the appearance of sclerotia. Since there are no effective protection measures, it is necessary to implement agro-technical control measures

    Cercospora beticola Sacc.- causer mottling of suger beet

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    Pjegavost lišća šećerne repe najdestruktivnija je bolest ove uzgajane vrste diljem svijeta. Karakteristični simptomi, po kojima se bolest repoznaje, su pjege koje se pojavljuju prvo na starijem, a potom i na mlađem lišću. Pjege su promjera 2 do 5 mm, sivo pepeljaste sredine i crvenog do crvenosmeđeg ruba. Razvoj bolesti ovisi o osjetljivosti kultivara i okolinskim čimbenicima. Mjere zaštite uključuju i preventivne i kurativne (fungicidi) mjere.Cercospora leaf spot is the most serious and destructive foliar disease of sugarbeet all over the world. Characteristic symptoms are individual leaf spots in itiallyoccur on older leaves and then progress to younger leaves.Spots are approximately 2 to 5 mm in diameter with ash-colored centers and purple to brown borders. The development of disease is highly dependen tupon the presence of susceptible cultivars and environ mental conditions. Disease management include preventive and curative measures (fungicides)