10 research outputs found

    Size-Segregated Particulate Matter in a Selected Sports Facility in Poland

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    The aims of this study were to determine the concentration of particulate matter, analyze the percentage share of four particulate matter subfractions (PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10) in TSP (total mass of particulate matter (PM)) in a typical Polish sports hall at different day periods during heating and non-heating seasons, and compare the average daily doses of respirable dust (PM4) for three groups of the sports hall users (pupils, teachers, and athletes). Gravimetric measurements of PM4 and TSP concentrations and optical measurements of the concentrations of five PM fractions (PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, PM100) were conducted for 8 h a day, simultaneously inside and outside the hall, for 20 days each in summer and winter. During training, PM mass was concentrated mainly in coarse particles (PM2.5–100) (summer—55%, winter—35%). Without activity, the main part of PM mass was from fine particles (PM2.5, summer—59%, winter—75%). In summer, PM inside the hall originated mainly from internal sources. In winter, the fine PM concentration was affected by outdoor sources. The daily doses of PM4 for different groups of sports hall users indicate that the health exposure of sports practitioners to PM may be greater than for non-practitioners staying in the same conditions

    艢rodki ochrony indywidualnej dla ratownik贸w bior膮cych udzia艂 w zdarzeniach CBRN. Studium przypadku dla wybranych scenariuszy zagro偶e艅

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    One of the challenges in modern rescue are terrorist attacks in which use is made of chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear (CBRN) agents. The mass nature of such incidents causes participation in the operations of various services. The first stage of responding to CBRN incidents is often attended by several hundred rescuers. Important factor influencing the speed and effectiveness of actions thus increasing the safety of rescuers is the appropriate selection and optimization of personal protective equipment (PPE). Although the discussion on the selection of PPE during CBRN incidents has been going on for many years, the main emphasis is on solutions used by the military. There is much less work on PPE for rescuers who are usually the first line of defence. The variety of tasks performed by them and a multitude of factors determining the selection of PPE makes it difficult to find a unified approach to this problem. The aims of this paper consist of identification of factors that should be taken into account when selecting PPE for rescuers, reviewing the standards in this area and select the optimal PPE for rescuers during CBRN incidents based on the two the most realistic hazard scenarios. This study contains a critical review of literature and standards in the field of PPE for rescuers, includes outcomes from observation and may be a catalyst for a discussion of this problem.ednym z wyzwa艅 wsp贸艂czesnego ratownictwa s膮 ataki terrorystyczne z u偶yciem 艣rodk贸w chemicznych, biologicznych, promieniotw贸rczych i j膮drowych (CBRN). Masowy charakter takich zdarze艅 powoduje zaanga偶owanie w dzia艂ania r贸偶nych s艂u偶b. W pierwszej fazie reagowania na zdarzenia CBRN bierze udzia艂 cz臋sto kilkuset ratownik贸w. Istotnym czynnikiem wp艂ywaj膮cym na szybko艣膰 i skuteczno艣膰 dzia艂a艅, a tym samym na zwi臋kszenie bezpiecze艅stwa ratownik贸w jest odpowiedni dob贸r i optymalizacja 艣rodk贸w ochrony indywidualnej (艢OI). Cho膰 dyskusja na temat doboru 艣rodk贸w ochrony indywidualnej podczas zdarze艅 CBRN trwa od wielu lat, g艂贸wny nacisk k艂adzie si臋 na rozwi膮zania stosowane przez wojsko. Znacznie mniej prac po艣wi臋conych jest 艣rodkom ochrony indywidualnej dla ratownik贸w, kt贸rzy stanowi膮 zazwyczaj pierwsz膮 lini臋 obrony. R贸偶norodno艣膰 wykonywanych przez nich zada艅 oraz mnogo艣膰 czynnik贸w determinuj膮cych dob贸r 艣rodk贸w ochrony indywidualnej utrudnia znalezienie jednolitego podej艣cia do tego problemu. Celem pracy jest identyfikacja czynnik贸w, kt贸re powinny by膰 brane pod uwag臋 przy doborze 艣rodk贸w ochrony indywidualnej dla ratownik贸w, przegl膮d standard贸w w tym zakresie oraz wyb贸r optymalnych 艣rodk贸w ochrony indywidualnej dla ratownik贸w podczas zdarze艅 CBRN w oparciu o dwa najbardziej realistyczne scenariusze zagro偶e艅. Niniejsze opracowanie zawiera krytyczny przegl膮d literatury i norm w zakresie 艣rodk贸w ochrony indywidualnej dla ratownik贸w, zawiera wyniki obserwacji i mo偶e by膰 katalizatorem do dyskusji nad tym problemem

    Publicly Available Data-Based Flood Risk Assessment Methodology: A Case Study for a Floodplain in Poland

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    Flood risk assessment is used to estimate the expected consequences and probability of a flood. It leads to the strengthening of resilience through appropriate preparation for an event of a specific scale. The methodology described in this paper was developed by the authors for the purposes of flood risk assessment in Poland, introduced to and applied on an actual example. It is based on simple calculations and a comparison of the results with a template. All of the data required for calculation came from freely available sources. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of the flood risk assessment methodology in improving construction safety and identifying the factors that influence its implementation. The approach presented in this article is based on implementation of the parameters of floods, describing the characteristics of the exposed area and human vulnerability, among other factors, to the national risk assessment methodology, and then using it to determine the directions of activities aimed at reducing the risk of flooding. Simultaneously, assessment of these parameters might not be related directly to flood threats, but rather to the broader approach to risk assessment, including other threats. As a result of the application of the described methodology, it was estimated that the flood risk in the studied area is catastrophic, which requires immediate decisions of people responsible for safety

    Publicly Available Data-Based Flood Risk Assessment Methodology: A Case Study for a Floodplain in Poland

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    Flood risk assessment is used to estimate the expected consequences and probability of a flood. It leads to the strengthening of resilience through appropriate preparation for an event of a specific scale. The methodology described in this paper was developed by the authors for the purposes of flood risk assessment in Poland, introduced to and applied on an actual example. It is based on simple calculations and a comparison of the results with a template. All of the data required for calculation came from freely available sources. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of the flood risk assessment methodology in improving construction safety and identifying the factors that influence its implementation. The approach presented in this article is based on implementation of the parameters of floods, describing the characteristics of the exposed area and human vulnerability, among other factors, to the national risk assessment methodology, and then using it to determine the directions of activities aimed at reducing the risk of flooding. Simultaneously, assessment of these parameters might not be related directly to flood threats, but rather to the broader approach to risk assessment, including other threats. As a result of the application of the described methodology, it was estimated that the flood risk in the studied area is catastrophic, which requires immediate decisions of people responsible for safety

    Concentrations of Particulate Matter and PM-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Released during Combustion of Various Types of Materials and Possible Toxicological Potential of the Emissions: The Results of Preliminary Studies

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    The aim of this study was to compare the concentrations of particulate matter (PM) and PM-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the combustion of various types of materials (i.e., oak, beech, and pine wood, polypropylene, polyurethane, paper, cotton, and oriented strand board (OSB)), and to compare the carcinogenic, mutagenic, and toxic potential of the emissions during the burning of these materials. Personal portable sampling devices were used to collect samples and to determine concentrations of PM4, total suspended particles (TSPs), PM-bound PAHs. The samples were collected during controlled fires under laboratory conditions. The highest PM concentration was recorded during the burning of polyurethane (PM4-1818 mg/m3, TSP-2800 mg/m3), while the highest concentration of PAH mixture was recorded when burning OSB (628.5 µg/m3 PM4-bound; 791.2 µg/m3 TSP-bound PAHs). Thus, the highest carcinogenic (85.5 µg/m3), mutagenic (68.2 µg/m3) and toxic equivalents (26.4 ng/m3) of the PAH mixture were noted during OSB combustion. Carcinogenic potential (CP) of PAH group was determined mainly by phenanthrene (CP on average 21.6%) and pyrene concentrations (13.3%). The results of the study express possible adverse effects from PM-bound PAHs released during combustion for firefighters and other people staying near a fire site

    BTEXS Concentrations and Exposure Assessment in a Fire Station

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and styrene (BTEXS) concentrations in the changing room and garage in a fire station located in the Upper Silesian agglomeration (Poland), to compare them with the concentrations of the same compounds in the atmospheric air (outdoor background) and to assess the health exposure to BTEXS among firefighters and office workers in this unit. BTEXS samples were collected during the winter of 2018 in parallel in the garage, in the changing room, and outside, using sorption tubes filled with activated carbon. The average total BTEXS concentrations in the changing room and garage were over six times higher than those in the atmospheric air in the vicinity of the fire station. At each sampling site, toluene and benzene had the highest concentrations. According to the diagnostic indicators, the combustion of various materials and fuels was the source of BTEXS inside, while outside, the sources were the combustion of fuels and industrial activity. The carcinogenic risk related to benzene inhalation by the firefighters and office employees in the monitored unit exceeded the acceptable risk level value of 7.8 × 10−6 per 1 μg/m3 by more than 20 times

    Impact of Municipal, Road Traffic, and Natural Sources on PM10: The Hourly Variability at a Rural Site in Poland

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    The paper presents data from a monthly campaign studying the elemental composition of PM10, as measured by a specific receptor in Kot贸rz Ma艂y (Opole Voivodeship)鈥攍ocated in the vicinity of a moderately inhabited rural area鈥攎easured in one-hour samples using a Horiba PX-375 analyzer. The hourly variability of SO2, NO, NO2, CO, and O3 concentrations, as well as the variability of meteorological parameters, was also determined. On average, during the entire measurement period, the elements related to PM10 can be arranged in the following order: As < V < Ni < Pb < Cr < Mn < Cu < Ti < Zn < K < Fe < Ca < Al < Si < S. Trace elements, including toxic elements鈥攕uch as As, V, Ni, Pb, Cr, and Mn鈥攚ere present in low concentrations, not exceeding 10 ng/m3 (average daily value). These elements had fairly even concentrations, both daily and hourly. The concentrations of the main elements in the PM10, as measured by the receptor, are subject to strong hourly changes related not only to changes in the structures of the sources identified in the statistical analysis, but also to wind speed and direction changes (soil and sand particle pick-up and inflow of pollutants from coal combustion). It has been shown that the transport emissions measured by the receptor can have an intense effect on PM10 in the afternoon

    Properties of Particulate Matter in the Air of the Wieliczka Salt Mine and Related Health Benefits for Tourists

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    This study aimed to evaluate the mass concentration of size-resolved (PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, PM100) particulate matter (PM) in the Wieliczka Salt Mine located in southern Poland, compare them with the concentrations of the same PM fractions in the atmospheric air, and estimate the dose of dry salt aerosol inhaled by the mine visitors. Measurements were conducted for 2 h a day, simultaneously inside (tourist route, passage to the health resort, health resort) and outside the mine (duty-room), for three days in the summer of 2017 using DustTrak DRX devices (optical method). The highest average PM concentrations were recorded on the tourist route (54–81 µg/m3), while the lowest was in the passage to the health resort (49–62 µg/m3). At the same time, the mean outdoor PM concentrations were 14–20 µg/m3. Fine particles constituting the majority of PM mass (68–80%) in the mine originated from internal sources, while the presence of coarse particles was associated with tourist traffic. High PM deposition factors in the respiratory tract of children and adults estimated for particular mine chambers (0.58–0.70), the predominance of respirable particles in PM mass, and the high content of NaCl in PM composition indicate high health benefits for mine visitors

    Comparative Study of PM10 Concentrations and Their Elemental Composition Using Two Different Techniques during Winter–Spring Field Observation in Polish Village

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    The aims of this study were to determine the concentrations and elemental composition of PM10 in the village of Kotórz Mały (Poland), to analyse their seasonal variability, to determine the sources of pollutant emissions and to compare the consistency of the results obtained using different methods. Sampling and weather condition measurements were carried out in the winter (January–February) and spring (April) of 2019. Two combinations of different techniques were used to examine PM10 concentrations and their chemical composition: gravimetric method + atomic absorption spectrometry (GM+AAS) and continuous particle monitor + energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (CPM+EDXRF). In winter, the average concentrations of PM10 measured by the GM and CPM were similar (GM 44.3 µg/m3; CPM 34.0 µg/m3), while in spring they were clearly different (GM 49.5 µg/m3; CPM 29.8 µg/m3). Both AAS and EDXRF proved that in both seasons, Ca, K and Fe had the highest shares in the PM10 mass. In the case of the lowest shares, the indications of the two methods were slightly different. Factor analysis indicated that air quality in the receptor was determined by soil erosion, coal and burning biomass, and the combustion of fuels in car engines; in the spring, air quality was also affected by gardening activities