13 research outputs found

    Plasma levels of soluble tumor necrosis factor-α receptors are related to total and LDL-cholesterol in lean, but not in obese subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) is a mediator of insulin resistance. Plasma levels of soluble TNFα receptors (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) probably reflect paracrine action of the cytokine. TNFα is also a regulator of lipid metabolism, however, data about impact of obesity on the relationships between TNFα and plasma lipids remain controversial. AIM: The purpose of the present study was to examine the associations of TNFα system with plasma lipids in lean and obese subjects with normal glucose metabolism. METHODS: We examined 63 subjects, 33 lean (BMI<25 kg × m(-2)) and 30 with marked overweight or obesity (BMI>27.8 kg × m(-2)). Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured. Oral glucose tolerance test and euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp were also performed. RESULTS: Obese subjects were markedly more insulin resistant and had higher levels of both TNFα receptors. Total (TC) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TG) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were also higher in the obese group. In obese subjects, both receptors were significantly related to TG and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), while sTNFR2 was also associated with NEFA. All those correlations disappeared after controlling for insulin sensitivity. In lean subjects, both receptors were related to TC, HDL-C and LDL-C. In that group, sTNFR1 predicted values of all those parameters independently of BMI, plasma glucose and insulin, and insulin sensitivity. CONCLUSION: We conclude that TNFα receptors are associated with plasma lipids in different way in lean and in obese subjects. TNFα system is probably important in determining cholesterol levels in lean subjects, while in obese this effect might be masked by other metabolic abnormalities

    Potential of Language-games in Polish Verbs

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    Gry (w tym językowe) są zwykle działaniami dydaktycznymi o charakterze ludycznym. Zjawisko gry językowej można rozpatrywać zarówno w odniesieniu do decyzji użytkownika języka w danej sytuacji, jak i w przypadku przemyślanego wcześniej działania wykorzystującego elementy języka tkwiące w nim immanentnie. Artykuł jest próbą zebrania zjawisk pokazujących możliwości gry językowej obserwowalne w zasobie czasowników polskich, zwłaszcza w kategorii aspektu i sferze słowotwórstwa. Ilustrację stanowią głownie przykłady z twórczości Jeremiego Przybory.The aim of this paper is to show Polish as a source of language-games and verbal humour. It provides a few descriptions of language-game ideas. The main part presents some examples of specific language-game based on the Polish verbal system, with an illustration from Jeremi Przybora’s output

    Teaching Polish grammar to Slavic speakers

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    W artykule przywołano i pokrótce omówiono współczesne podejścia do uczenia gramatyki języka obcego. Skupiono się na zestawieniu, przypomnieniu i skrótowym omówieniu funkcjonujących dzisiaj (częściej lub rzadziej) modeli, metod, technik i chwytów stosowanych w tym zakresie. Omówiono uczenie gramatyki polskiej Słowian, biorąc pod uwagę pokrewieństwo językowe i wynikające stąd zarówno swoiste ułatwienia, jak i utrudnienia w przyswajaniu gramatyki polskiej przez mówiących po ukraińsku czy rosyjsku.This paper presents diverse approaches to teaching grammar in the language acquisition process. It focuses on a compilation of the models, methods, techniques, and tricks of teaching grammar. The paper concerns especially teaching Polish grammar to Slavic speakers while taking consideration of the cognation of the languages and the resulting interdependencies. This situation creates both easiness and diffi culty in grammar teaching

    Wybrane cechy idiolektu językoznawcy (na przykładzie języka Zenona Leszczyńskiego)

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    Selected attributes of the linguist’s idiolect on the basis of Zenon Leszczyński’s language &nbsp; This paper discusses the question: Is it possible to combine individual language style with the scientific language? The attempt of the answer is the selection of quotations from Zenon Leszczyński’s Professor of Polish linguistics research output with various comments. Those quotations content examples of: titles of the articles, begins and ends of them and the parts of them, different types of metaphors, neologisms. It seems that the category of irony is the common attribute of all of these language acts of discussed author. The general conclusion underlines that the expression of the creative personality is possible even in the particularly organized scientific usage of the language.Selected attributes of the linguist’s idiolect on the basis of Zenon Leszczyński’s language &nbsp; This paper discusses the question: Is it possible to combine individual language style with the scientific language? The attempt of the answer is the selection of quotations from Zenon Leszczyński’s Professor of Polish linguistics research output with various comments. Those quotations content examples of: titles of the articles, begins and ends of them and the parts of them, different types of metaphors, neologisms. It seems that the category of irony is the common attribute of all of these language acts of discussed author. The general conclusion underlines that the expression of the creative personality is possible even in the particularly organized scientific usage of the language

    A problem with sense. violating the language rules and the instructor’s activities in the teaching polish as a foreign language

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    Leksyka współczesnej polszczyzny stale się zmienia. Innowacje leksykalne występują szczególnie często w dyskursie medialnym. Kształt językowy tego dyskursu jest przez wielu Polaków postrzegany jako swoisty punkt odniesienia (jeśli nawet nie wzorzec) w sytuacjach wątpliwości językowych, zwłaszcza leksykalnych. Ilustrację tego zjawiska stanowi omówienie kilku przykładów żywych dzisiaj naruszeń normy leksykalnej w zakresie semantyki. Podjęte rozważania prowadzą następnie do zastanowienia się nad reakcjami lektorów JPJO na uzualne i nienormatywne zjawiska językowe oraz nad sposobami radzenia sobie z nimi w działaniach dydaktycznych.Contemporary Polish vocabulary changes all the time. We observe it especially in the media language. A lot of Poles look up to this type of language as the general pattern of correctness. In this paper we present some incorrect changes in the semantics of words. Then we discuss some aspects of strategies in language teacher’s work with these neologisms and mistakesPublikacja wydana dzięki wsparciu finansowemu Urzędu Miasta Łodz

    On the Theory and Practice of Witold Doroszewski's Linguistic Counselling

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    Linguistic counselling has quite a long tradition in Poland. Witold Doroszewski had been its leading figure since the interwar period until the 70s. His cultural interests dealt with both counselling alone and its theoretical foundations. The theory of Doroszewski's linguistics counselling may be divided into: some general statements about the essence and the theory of correctness of language, general directives of linguistic counselling, and particular criteria of linguistic correctness. He was the first among linguists who sought to describe and classify the latter criteria (Kryteria poprawności językowej in 1950). Doroszewski's counselling practice is characterized by: a reflexive instead of categorical character of solutions, usual reference to the criterium of sense as a measure of correctness, asserting greater power of habit than logic in language, rich variety of aesthetic evaluations, defining without explaining, referring to one's own sense of language and to Słownik poprawnej polszczyzny which he was editing. In the case of correctness with which he deals repeatedly, Doroszewski sometimes verifies his previous evaluations. He does this by extending his counselling with new examples or else with quotations from dictionaries, an analysis the problem from a different point of view and with reflections on his one sense of language. The style of Doroszewski's counsels is plastic and suggestive. He is no alien to a metaphor and joke, or even malicious remarks. We often find remarks which bear a didactic, moralizing and even narrative tone. The confrontation of his counselling theory with practice shows their certain incompatibility. It does not mean that there was something wrong in his activity. On the contrary, it shows phenomenon of this researcher within the discipline situated in the fringes of linguistics

    Language Peculiarities of Zenon Leszczyński's Research Output

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    This article is the special anthology of quotations from Zenon Leszczyński's works. It contents selected examples of his typical metaphors, euphemistic expressions, puns etc. The very short comment to this review underlines different aspects of Leszczyński's humour

    Teksty, „podteksty” i konteksty a przyswajanie aspektu

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