131 research outputs found

    The 1-2-3 Conjecture for Hypergraphs

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    A weighting of the edges of a hypergraph is called vertex-coloring if the weighted degrees of the vertices yield a proper coloring of the graph, i.e., every edge contains at least two vertices with different weighted degrees. In this paper we show that such a weighting is possible from the weight set {1,2,...,r+1} for all hypergraphs with maximum edge size r>3 and not containing edges solely consisting of identical vertices. The number r+1 is best possible for this statement. Further, the weight set {1,2,3,4,5} is sufficient for all hypergraphs with maximum edge size 3, up to some trivial exceptions.Comment: 12 page

    Random Graphs: From Paul Erdős to the Internet

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    Paul Erdős, one of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century, was a champion of applications of probabilistic methods in many areas of mathematics, such as a graph theory, combinatorics and number theory. He also, almost fifty years ago, jointly with another great Hungarian mathematician Alfred Rényi, laid out foundation of the theory of random graphs: the theory which studies how large and complex systems evolve when randomness of the relations between their elements is incurred. In my talk I will sketch the long journey of this theory from the pioneering Erdős era to modern attempts to model properties of large real world networks which grow unpredictably, including the Internet, World Wide Web (WWW), peer-to-peer, social, neural and metabolic networks.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/math_dalrymple/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Properties of stochastic Kronecker graphs

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    The stochastic Kronecker graph model introduced by Leskovec et al. is a random graph with vertex set Z2n\mathbb Z_2^n, where two vertices uu and vv are connected with probability αuvγ(1u)(1v)βnuv(1u)(1v)\alpha^{{u}\cdot{v}}\gamma^{(1-{u})\cdot(1-{v})}\beta^{n-{u}\cdot{v}-(1-{u})\cdot(1-{v})} independently of the presence or absence of any other edge, for fixed parameters 0<α,β,γ<10<\alpha,\beta,\gamma<1. They have shown empirically that the degree sequence resembles a power law degree distribution. In this paper we show that the stochastic Kronecker graph a.a.s. does not feature a power law degree distribution for any parameters 0<α,β,γ<10<\alpha,\beta,\gamma<1. In addition, we analyze the number of subgraphs present in the stochastic Kronecker graph and study the typical neighborhood of any given vertex.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Addendum and erratum to the paper "On the size of a maximal induced tree in a random graph"

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    The number of connected sparsely edged uniform hypergraphs

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    AbstractCertain families of d-uniform hypergraphs are counted. In particular, the number of connected d-uniform hypergraphs with r vertices and r + k hyperedges, where k = o(log r/ log log r), is found

    Equivalence of the random intersection graph and G(n,p)

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    We solve the conjecture posed by Fill, Scheinerman and Singer-Cohen and show the equivalence of the sharp threshold functions of the random intersection graph G(n,m,p) with m>=n3m >= n^3 and a graph in which each edge appears independently. Moreover we prove sharper equivalence results under some additional assumptions

    Creation and Growth of Components in a Random Hypergraph Process

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    Denote by an \ell-component a connected bb-uniform hypergraph with kk edges and k(b1)k(b-1) - \ell vertices. We prove that the expected number of creations of \ell-component during a random hypergraph process tends to 1 as \ell and bb tend to \infty with the total number of vertices nn such that =o(nb3)\ell = o(\sqrt[3]{\frac{n}{b}}). Under the same conditions, we also show that the expected number of vertices that ever belong to an \ell-component is approximately 121/3(b1)1/31/3n2/312^{1/3} (b-1)^{1/3} \ell^{1/3} n^{2/3}. As an immediate consequence, it follows that with high probability the largest \ell-component during the process is of size O((b1)1/31/3n2/3)O((b-1)^{1/3} \ell^{1/3} n^{2/3}). Our results give insight about the size of giant components inside the phase transition of random hypergraphs.Comment: R\'{e}sum\'{e} \'{e}tend

    An iterative approach to graph irregularity strength

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    AbstractAn assignment of positive integer weights to the edges of a simple graph G is called irregular if the weighted degrees of the vertices are all different. The irregularity strength, s(G), is the maximal edge weight, minimized over all irregular assignments, and is set to infinity if no such assignment is possible. In this paper, we take an iterative approach to calculating the irregularity strength of a graph. In particular, we develop a new algorithm that determines the exact value s(T) for trees T in which every two vertices of degree not equal to two are at distance at least eight