17 research outputs found

    Thinning mechanisms of heterogeneous continental lithosphere

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    The mechanisms responsible for the formation of extremely thinned continental crust (<10 km thick) and lithosphere during rifting remains debated. Observations from present-day and fossil passive margins highlight the role of deep-seated deformation, likely controlled by heterogeneities within the continental lithosphere, such as changing lithologies, mechanical anisotropies and inherited structures. We investigate the mechanisms of lithospheric thinning by exploring the role of pre-existing heterogeneities on the architecture and evolution of rifted margins. We estimate pre-rift pressure conditions (P0) vs. depth diagrams of crustal to lithospheric sections, to quantify rift-related modifications on inherited lithostatic pressure gradients. Two field examples from the Alpine Tethys margins in the Eastern and Southern Alps (SE Switzerland and N Italy) were selected to characterize: (1) the pre-rift architecture of the continental lithosphere; (2) the localization of rift-related deformation in distinct portions of the lithosphere; and (3) the interaction between pre-existing heterogeneities of the lithosphere and rift-related structures. These observations are compared with high-resolution, two-dimensional thermo-mechanical numerical models. The design of the models takes into account pre-existing mechanical heterogeneities representing the initial pre-rift architecture of the continental lithosphere. Extensional structures consist of high-angle and low-angle normal faults, anastomosing shear-zones and decoupling horizons. Such structures accommodate the lateral extraction of mechanically stronger levels derived from the middle to lower crust. As a result, the extremely thinned continental crust in Tethyan passive margins represents the juxtaposition and amalgamation of distinct strong levels of the crust separated by major extensional structures identified by sharp pressure gradients. Future work should determine the applicability of these results to other present-day and fossil rifted margins

    (Table T3) Vitrinite reflection of samples obtained from ODP Leg 180 sites

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    Seventy-one samples from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 180 sites were analyzed for vitrinite reflectance and organic type. The objective was to define maximum paleotemperatures across the western Woodlark Basin as a function of depth. The organic matter is of early Pliocene to Holocene age and was recovered from drilled depths of 4.5 to 851.3 meters below seafloor. Organic matter is generally restricted to woody fragments within the sediment, although in a number of fine-grained samples, organic matter is dispersed throughout the sample. Virtually all samples contain vitrinite, part of which may be derived from drifted logs. One sample was found to be barren of organic matter, and two contain only fusinite and semifusinite. Variation of vitrinite reflectance is not systematic with either depth or location, and it appears that formation temperatures have been insufficient to cause an increase in vitrinite reflectance levels. Textural variations within the vitrinite show better correlation with depth. Samples of hypautochthonous peats represent either a terrestrial phase of sedimentation or large peat intraclasts within the section, possibly produced by forest fires in the source areas of the organic matter. The vitrinite and peat-derived samples appear to come from eucalyptus forest settings away from the coastline. Liptinite is not abundant in most of the samples (excluding suberinite associated with woody tissues). Marine liptinite is rare to absent, although many of the samples contain abundant foraminiferal tests. Pyrite is abundant in many of the wood fragments, and some pyritization of woody tissues has taken place

    Ages and two-way travel times of ODP Sites 180-1109, 180-1115 and 180-1118

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    Synthetic seismograms are constructed from check shot-corrected velocity and density measurements collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 180 at Sites 1109, 1115, and 1118. The synthetic seismograms facilitate direct correlation of a coincident multichannel seismic (MCS) profile with borehole data collected at the three sites. The MCS data and the synthetic seismograms correlate very well, with most major reflectors successfully reproduced in the synthetics. Our results enable a direct calibration of the MCS data in terms of age, paleoenvironment, and subsidence history. Seismic reflectors are time correlative within stratigraphic resolution but are often observed to result from different lithologies across strike. Our results facilitate the extrapolation of the sedimentation history into an unsampled section of Site 1118 and enable a full correlation between the three sites using all the data collected during ODP Leg 180. This study forms the foundation for regionalizing the site data to the northern margin of the Woodlark Basin, where the transition from continental rifting to seafloor spreading is taking place

    Basalt sills of the U reflector, Newfoundland Basin: a serendiptious dating technique

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    High core recovery at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 210, Site 1276, provided a high-resolution porosity-depth relationship and an equally impressive age-depth model based on first and last occurrences of microfossils. Site 1276 was drilled over transitional crust in the Newfoundland nonvolcanic margin, offshore Canada, between known continental crust on the west and apparent oceanic crust on the east as identified by seafloor-spreading magnetic anomalies M3 to M0 (Barremian–Aptian, 129.8–124.8 Ma). At Site 1276, two diabase sills were drilled at depths equivalent to the U reflection, a bright reflection that overlies transitional crust interpreted from seismic reflection profiles throughout the Newfoundland Basin. The sills were emplaced within uppermost Aptian fine- to coarse-grained sediments, 100–200 m above basement as estimated from seismic reflection data. Magma emplacement occurred at shallow levels within the sediment column, as evidenced by: (1) the occurrence of vesicles in the sill, and (2) compaction-induced folding of calcite veins that were emplaced near vertically in the sediments and are assumed to be coeval with the intrusion. By calculating the degree of shortening of the calcite veins and determining the reconstructed porosity of the sediments during vein emplacement, the age of magma emplacement can be deduced. From the porosity-age curve, the age of sill emplacement is estimated to be 82.5–109.1 Ma, consistent with recent 40Ar/39Ar radiometric dating of the upper sill that gave ages of 105.95 ± 1.78 Ma and 104.7 ± 1.7 Ma. The source of magmatism responsible for the diabase sills is necessarily postrift, and the sills are temporally equivalent to alkali basalts dredged from the Newfoundland Seamounts. The simplest explanation for the Site 1276 diabases and the widespread distribution of the U reflection relates to the migration of the Azores, Madeira, and Canary plumes across the Newfoundland Basin between 80 and 120 Ma