52 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of long-term treatment outcomes in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer

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    The aim of the study was to compare the survival rates of patients with prostate cancer (PC) with lymphogenic metastases (N1) after surgical treatment and after conformal distant radiation therapy followed by adjuvant hormone therapy with analogues of luteinizing-releasing hormone (LHRH)Цель исследования — сравнить показатели выживаемости больных с раком предстательной железы (РПЖ) с лимфогенными метастазами (N1) после хирургического лечения и после конформной дистанционной лучевой терапии с последующей адъювантной гормональной терапией аналогами лютеинизирующего рилизинг-гормона (ЛГРГ)

    Blogging the Virtual: New Geographies of Domination and Resistance In and Beyond Russia

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    Russia’s accelerating authoritarian turn has not ignored the internet, and in recent years, the Russian state has clamped down on internet activities that diverge from the statist line, employing a variety of strategies to dominate online spaces. Nevertheless, oppositional voices flourish on the Russian internet, taking shape in independent blogs and videos. This paper explores three political bloggers through surveillant and resistance assemblages, making sense of this contestation through an interpretation of the Deleuzian virtual that underscores the emancipatory potential of online activities for producing more egalitarian configurations, but also taking stock of the ways that these technologies have increased domination. Encompassing the blurriness between digital and corporeal spaces, the paper contributes by revealing new geographies of contestation against state strategies to dominate the Russian internet. Overlapping with but not corresponding to Russian territorial boundaries, these dynamics highlight shifting spaces of power and resistance in the increasingly illiberal world

    Эффективность применения лучевых методов лечения пациентов с локализованным раком предстательной железы в условиях одного стационара

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    Objectives. Analyzed short-and long-term results of radiation therapies (brachytherapy 125I, conformal radiation therapy, stereotactic robotic radiotherapy) of patients with prostate cancer.Materials and methods. In each treatment the patients were divided into 2 groups received the combined treatment in combination with neoadjuvant hormone therapy without its implementation. The immediate results of treatment were assessed according to the level of total prostatic specific antigen, prostate volume, residual urine, change according to the International Prostatic Symptom Score (IPSS).Results. The dynamics of these indicators comparable in both groups, which is reflected in the regression of the primary tumor, as well as the quality of life of patients. Five-year overall survival and oncospecific survival in the group of patients after stereotactic radiotherapy is 100 %, the remaining groups – of more than 90–95 %.Conclusion. The obtained results testify to the effectiveness of the proposed methods of treatment of patients with localized prostate cancer. Цель работы – оценка показателей ближайших и отдаленных результатов применения лучевых методов лечения (брахитерапии источниками йода-125, конформной лучевой терапии, стереотаксической роботизированной радиотерапии) больных раком предстательной железы.Материалы и методы. В каждом представленном методе терапии пациенты были разделены на 2 подгруппы: больные 1-й подгруппы получали комбинированное лечение в сочетании с неоадъювантной гормонотерапией, пациенты 2-й подгруппы – лучевой метод лечения в монорежиме. Ближайшие результаты терапии оценивали по уровню общего простатического специфического антигена, объему предстательной железы, количеству остаточной мочи и изменению по Международной шкале оценки простатических симптомов (International Prostatic Symptom Score, IPSS).Результаты. Динамика этих показателей была сопоставима в обеих подгруппах, что отражается на регрессии первичного очага, а также на качестве жизни пациентов. Онкоспецифическая и 5-летняя общая выживаемость в группе пациентов после проведения стереотаксической радиотерапии составила 100 %, в остальных группах – более 90–95 %.Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют об эффективности предложенных методов лечения пациентов с локализованным раком предстательной железы.

    Зомета в терапии рака предстательной железы с метастатическим поражением костей на фоне андрогенной депривации (результаты Российского многоцентрового исследования)

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    Introduction: Hormonal therapy is the method of choice in treating disseminated prostate cancer. Chronic androgenic suppression causes a reduction in bone mineral density. The most common complications of bone metastases are pathological fractures, spinal cord compression, pain, etc.Methods: A multicenter study (11 clinics of Russia) assessing the efficacy of Zometa in preventing skeletal complications of bone metastases was conducted in 2004—2005. Zometa was administered intravenously at a dose of 4 mg every 3Р4 weeks with androgenic deprivation. Its objective effect was evaluated in 70 patients. Changes in bone mineral density were evaluated by densitometry.Results: Complete pain relief was achieved in 73% of the patients; after therapy 86% of the patients had 0—1 WHO activity status score, 97% of the patients had no bone complications. The level of bone resorption marker β-Cross-Laps decreased to the normal values in 51% of the patients.Conclusion: The study has provided an evidence of the efficacy of Zometa and the necessity of using this drug in complex therapy for bone metastases of prostate cancer.Introduction: Hormonal therapy is the method of choice in treating disseminated prostate cancer. Chronic androgenic suppression causes a reduction in bone mineral density. The most common complications of bone metastases are pathological fractures, spinal cord compression, pain, etc.Methods: A multicenter study (11 clinics of Russia) assessing the efficacy of Zometa in preventing skeletal complications of bone metastases was conducted in 2004—2005. Zometa was administered intravenously at a dose of 4 mg every 3Р4 weeks with androgenic deprivation. Its objective effect was evaluated in 70 patients. Changes in bone mineral density were evaluated by densitometry.Results: Complete pain relief was achieved in 73% of the patients; after therapy 86% of the patients had 0—1 WHO activity status score, 97% of the patients had no bone complications. The level of bone resorption marker β-Cross-Laps decreased to the normal values in 51% of the patients.Conclusion: The study has provided an evidence of the efficacy of Zometa and the necessity of using this drug in complex therapy for bone metastases of prostate cancer


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    Surgery and risk for multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case–control studies

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