22 research outputs found

    Solar cycle influence on the interaction of the solar wind with Local Interstellar Cloud

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    We present results of a new time-dependent kinetic model of the H atom penetration through the solar wind - interstellar medium interaction region. A kinetic 6D (time, two dimensions in space, and three dimensions in velocity-space) equation for interstellar H atoms was solved self-consistently with time-dependent Euler equations for the solar wind and interstellar charged components. We study the response of the interaction region to 11-year solar cycle variations of the solar wind dynamic pressure. It is shown that the termination shock location varies within ±7 AU, the heliopause variation is ~4 AU, and the bow shock variation is negligible. At large heliocentric distances, the solar cycle induces 10-12% fluctuations in the number density of both primary and secondary interstellar H atoms and atoms created in the inner heliosheath. We underline the kinetic behavior of the fluctuations of the H atom populations. Closer to the Sun the fluctuations increase up to 30-35% at 5 AU due to solar cycle variation of the charge exchange rate. Solar cycle variations of interstellar H atoms in the heliospheric interface and within the heliosphere may have major importance for the interpretation of H atom observations inside the heliosphere

    A Parallel Three-dimensional Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell Code for Non-Orthogonal Meshes

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    We describe a new parallel three dimensional electromagnetic particle-in-cell code that uses body fitted curvilinear coordinates for modeling plasma and beam devices. Cells in the structure grid are deformable hexahedra in physical space and are mapped to unit cubes in logical space for particle interpolations. The algorithms conserve particle charge and current, and update the electromagnetic fields in a divergence preserving manner. The code is modular and portable, and we present numerical results of convergence rates and benchmarks on serial, vector and parallel computers for the components separately and together. 1 Introduction An electromagnetic particle-in-cell (EMPIC) code seeks to simulate a plasma or charged particle beam through a direct simulation of the evolution of the electromagnetic fields and the charged particle positions and velocities. The overall accuracy of the code depends on (1) how well it models the geometry of the problem, (2) the algorithms it uses to upda..

    Optimising Shared Reduction Variables in MPI Programs

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    CFL (Communication Fusion Library) is an experimental C++ library which supports shared reduction variables in MPI programs

    Loci: A Deductive Framework for Graph-Based Algorithms

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