29 research outputs found

    Raznolikost in odpornost bakterijske mikroflore na kontaktnih površinah v različnih kliničnih oddelkih

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    This study was conducted to determine the bacterial colonization of some bacterial groups, including extended–spectrum β-lactamase (ESBLs) producers and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), on surfaces of the equipment and instruments in patient rooms and other workspaces in three different medical wards. The number of microorganisms on swabs was determined with the colony count method on selective microbiological mediums. The aerobic mesophilic microorganisms were found in 73.5 % out of 102 samples, with the average and maximum values of 2.6 × 102 and 4.6 × 103 colony forming units (CFU) 100 cm-2, respectively. Members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, coagulase positive staphylococci, coagulase-negative staphylococci, and enterococci were detected in 23.4, 31.4, 53.2, and 2.9 % of samples, respectively. The differences in bacterial counts on the surfaces of the psychiatric, oncology, and paediatric wards were statistically significant (P<0.001). About 40 % out of 19 isolates from the family Enterobacteriaceae showed multiple resistance to three or more different groups of tested antibiotics, while ESBL was confirmed for only one strain. Staphylococci isolates were mostly resistant to penicillin. MRSA was confirmed in 5.2 % of the tested S. aureus isolates. Greater attention should be paid to cleaning and the appropriate choice of disinfectants, especially in the psychiatric ward. Employees should be informed about the prevention of the spreading of nosocomial infections. Routine application of rapid methods for hygiene control of surfaces is highly recommended.Ugotavljali smo število in prisotnost nekaterih bakterijskih skupin, vključno z ESBL in MRSA na površinah opreme in instrumentov v bolniških sobah in drugih delovnih prostorih v treh različnih kliničnih oddelkih. Število mikroorganizmov v brisih, odvzetih na izbranih površinah, smo določili z metodo štetja kolonij na selektivnih mikrobioloških gojiščih. Skupno število aerobnih mezofilnih mikroorganizmov smo našli v 73,5 % od 102 vzorcev, s povprečnimi in najvišjimi vrednostmi 2,6 × 102 in 4,6 × 103 CFU 100 cm-2. Predstavnike družine enterobakterij, koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke, koagulaza negativne stafilokoke in enterokoke smo ugotovili v 23,4, 31,4 53,2 in 2,9 % vzorcev. Število mikroorganizmov na površinah v psihiatričnem oddelku se je statistično značilno (P<0,001) razlikovalo od števila, dobljenega na vzorčenih površinah onkološkega in pediatričnega oddelka. Okoli 40 % od 19 izolatov iz družine Enterobacteriaceae je bilo večkratno odpornih proti trem ali več različnim skupinam testiranih antibiotikov, medtem ko je bil kot ESBL potrjen le en sev. Osamljeni sevi stafilokokov so bili večinoma odporni proti penicilinu. MRSA je bil potrjen v 5,2 % sevov S. aureus. Zaposleni morajo večjo pozornost posvetiti pravilnemu umivanju rok, čiščenju in razkuževanju površin, instrumentov in opreme v bolniških sobah in tudi v drugih prostorih kliničnih oddelkov, zlasti to velja za psihiatrični oddelek. Priporočljiva je uporaba hitrih metod za ugotavljanje uspešnosti čiščenja površin

    Partial Characterisation of Bacteriocins Produced by Bacillus cereus Isolates from Milk and Milk Products

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    Thirty one (19.2 %) out of 161 Bacillus cereus isolates from raw milk and milk products were found to produce proteinaceous substances which inhibit the growth of other B. cereus isolates. The detection of antibacterial activity depended on medium and method used. Bactericidal activity was detected in 23 (14 %) or 19 (12 %) of the tested strains on the triptic soya agar and brain-heart infusion with glucose, respectively, while 11 (7 %) of the strains produced bactericidal substances on both media. Nineteen percent of isolates from raw milk and 20 % of isolates from milk products were found to produce bacteriocins. Four B. cereus isolates inhibited the growth of individual test strains belonging to B. licheniformis, B. subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobacillus helveticus and L. casei species. The bacteriocins of four B. cereus isolates were studied in more detail. The production and activity of these substances were detected in stationary- phase of bacterial culture. Two of them were stable after heating at 60 °C, while only one was stable after heating at 75 °C for 15 minutes. All of them were active over a range of pH=3–10. The apparent molecular weights of four bacteriocins detected by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis were in the range of 1 to 8 kDa

    The influence of the beta-galaktosidase enzyme on milk coagulation using Streptococcus thermophilus

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    Određivali smo utjecaj enzima beta-galaktozldaze na količinu kiselina, koju su proizvele bakterijske stanice sojeva Str. thermophllus izoliranih iz mljekarskih kultura, razgradnjom laktoze, i s tim u vezi njihov utjecaj na brzinu grušanja mlijeka. Rezultati su ukazali na izravnu vezu između tri varijable u uvjetima temperature 42 °C, koja se pokazala optimalnom. Spora je varijanta sadržala samo 61 % broja jedinica beta-galaktozldaze na bakterijsku stanicu, i samo 54% proizvedene kiseline brze varijante. Vrijeme grušanja spore varijante bilo je dvostruko dulje nego brze.Study relative to strains of bacterium St. thermophilus isolated from dairy starter cultures, the effect of a certain quantity of beta-galactosidase enzyme on content of acid formed by bacterial cells in the course of lactose disintegration and the speed of milk coagulation was undertaken. The results indicate immediate connection between three mentioned variables. The temperature of 42 ° C proved to be optimal, and under such condition only 61% of the number of beta-galactosidase units per bacterial cell were determined and only 54% acid was produced using slow variant in comparison with the fast one. The lenght of milk coagulation was twice as long using slow variant instead of the fast one

    Consumer\u27s attitude and manipulation of raw milk from milk vending machines

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    Despite the high nutrition level of raw milk, consumption of it poses a health risk for consumers, especially high-risk populations. The aim of this survey was to determine consumer’s attitude towards raw milk from milk vending machines (n = 305) and to investigate their habits in manipulation of raw milk from the time of purchase until consumption (n = 74). Survey results show that the majority of consumers purchases milk once a week, using their own glass bottle and consume the milk in approximately two days. In most cases, consumers transport milk to their homes in less than 15 minutes without the use of a cooler bag. The manner of bottle cleaning technique depends on bottle material. Almost half of the consumers boil milk before consumption, which is associated with their attitude towards the safety of raw milk consumption. Most of them are satisfied with the level of hygiene on milk vending machines. The majority of consumers is unfamiliar with health risks of raw milk consumption and correct usage

    Ugotavljanje indikatorskih bakterij fekalnega onesnaženja in prisotnosti vrste Escherichia coli, ki tvori encime β-laktamaze v črni vodi

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    The aim of this study was to identify and quantify faecal indicator bacteria in blackwater collected from a source separation unit and determine the amount of E. coli isolates resistant to antimicrobials and their potential to produce extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESβLs) and metallo-β-lactamases (MβLs), which hydrolyse the most important antibiotics used in clinical practice. Most of the isolates were resistant to amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (36.4 %), followed by ticarcillin with clavulanic acid (22.7 %) and tetracycline (18.2 %). ESβL-producing genes blaCTX-M and blaTEM were found in three (13.6 %) and four (18.2 %) E. coli strains, respectively, while MβL genes were found in two (9.1 %). By separating at source, this pilot study clearly shows that gastrointestinal bacteria of healthy people can be an important source of antibiotic resistance released into the environment through wastewaters. One way to prevent that is to treat wastewater with a combination of TiO2, UV light, or ozone, as successful methods to remove resistant bacteria and prevent their spread in the environment.V vzorcih črne vode, ki je ena od frakcij odpadne vode, smo ugotavljali prisotnost in število fekalnih indikatorskih bakterij, vključno z bakterijo Escherichia coli (E. coli). Pri osamljenih sevih E. coli smo ugotavljali njihovo odpornost proti izbranim antibiotikom in njihov potencial za tvorbo nekaterih β-laktamaz razširjenega spektra in metalo-β-laktamaz. Preizkušeni sevi so bili najpogosteje odporni proti amoksicilinu s klavulansko kislino (36,4 %), tikarcilinu s klavulansko kislino (22,7 %) in tetraciklinu (18,2 %). Nukleotidne sekvence za blaCTX-M in blaTEM smo našli pri treh (13,6 %) in štirih (18,2 %) sevih, medtem ko smo gene za izbrane metalo-β-laktamaze ugotovili pri dveh (9,1 %) sevih E. coli. Pilotna študija, z ločevanjem odpadne vode na viru nastanka, kaže, da so bakterije v prebavnem traktu zdravih ljudi lahko pomemben vir prenosa odpornosti proti antibiotikom v okolju preko odpadne vode. Eden izmed načinov za preprečevanje širjenja odpornosti proti antibiotikom je čiščenje odpadne vode z uporabo kombinacije TiO2, UV svetlobe in ozona, ki so se pokazale kot uspešne metode za odstranjevanje bakterij, odpornih proti antibiotikom


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    Karbapenemi su često posljednja terapijska opcija za liječenje infekcija uzrokovanih multirezistentnim gram-negativnim bakterijama. Pojava karbapenemaza u izolatima enterobakterija ograničava terapijske mogućnosti. Izolati enterobakterija rezistentni na karbapenem pojavili su se od 2008. diljem Hrvatske. U Osječko-baranjskoj županiji do 2013. godine nije zapažena pojava izolata rezistentnih na karbapenem iz porodice Enterobacteriaceae. Prvi takav izolat (Enterobacter cloacae) identificiran je u kolovozu 2013. godine u bolesnice koja je prethodno boravila u KBC-u Zagreb radi liječenja akutne limfocitne leukemije. Molekularnim metodama dokazana je produkcija VIM-1 metalo-b-laktamaze (MBL). Unatoč produkciji metalo-b-laktamaze izolat nije pokazivao rezistenciju na imipenem i meropenem u disk-difuzijskom i dilucijskom testu. Iz ovog prikaza proizlazi da rutinsko testiranje osjetljivosti koje se provodi u većini mikrobioloških laboratorija ne mora uvijek detektirati karbapenemazu u enterobakterija. Budući da su metalo-b-laktamaze kodirane prenosivim genskim elementima, postoji opasnost od horizontalnog širenja na druge bakterijske izolate enterobakterija i mogućnost pojave bolničkih epidemija.Carbapenems are often the only therapeutic option to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Emergence of carbapenemases in the isolates of Enterobacteriaceae limits therapeutic options. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae have emerged since 2008 throughout Croatia. In Osijek-Baranja County carbapenem-resistant strains of Enterobacteriaceae were not reported until 2013. The first carbapenem-resistant strain (Enterobacter cloacae) was identified in August 2013 in a patient previously hospitalized at University Hospital Center Zagreb for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Molecular analysis revealed the production of VIM-1 metallo-b-lactamase (MBL). In spite of the metallo-b-lactamase production the strain was not resistant to imipenem and meropenem in disk-diffusion and microdilution test. This report shows that routine susceptibility testing carried out in most laboratories does not necessarily detect carbapenemase production in Enterobacteriaceae. Since these enzymes are encoded on mobile genetic elements there is a risk of horizontal spread to other enterobacterial isolates and the development of hospital outbreaks

    Prvi opis karbapenemaze u osječko-baranjskoj županiji u unesenom izolatu enterobactera cloacae in vitro osjetljivom na karbapeneme [First report of carbapenemases in Osijek-Baranja County in imported Enterobacter cloacae isolate in vitro susceptible to carbapenems]

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    Carbapenems are often the only therapeutic option to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Emergence of carbapenemases in the isolates of Enterobacteriaceae limits therapeutic options. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae have emerged since 2008 throughout Croatia. In Osijek-Baranja County carbapenem-resistant strains of Enterobacteriaceae were not reported until 2013. The first carbapenem-resistant strain (Enterobacter cloacae) was identified in August 2013 in a patient previously hospitalized at University Hospital Center Zagreb for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Molecular analysis revealed the production of VIM-1 metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL). In spite of the metallo-beta-lactamase production the strain was not resistant to imipenem and meropenem in disk-diffusion and microdilution test. This report shows that routine susceptibility testing carried out in most laboratories does not necessarily detect carbapenemase production in Enterobacteriaceae. Since these enzymes are encoded on mobile genetic elements there is a risk of horizontal spread to other enterobacterial isolates and the development of hospital outbreaks