355 research outputs found

    Recent Developments of Carboxymethyl Cellulose.

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    Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is one of the most promising cellulose derivatives. Due to its characteristic surface properties, mechanical strength, tunable hydrophilicity, viscous properties, availability and abundance of raw materials, low-cost synthesis process, and likewise many contrasting aspects, it is now widely used in various advanced application fields, for example, food, paper, textile, and pharmaceutical industries, biomedical engineering, wastewater treatment, energy production, and storage energy production, and storage and so on. Many research articles have been reported on CMC, depending on their sources and application fields. Thus, a comprehensive and well-organized review is in great demand that can provide an up-to-date and in-depth review on CMC. Herein, this review aims to provide compact information of the synthesis to the advanced applications of this material in various fields. Finally, this article covers the insights of future CMC research that could guide researchers working in this prominent field

    Advanced treatment technologies efficacies and mechanism of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances removal from water

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    © 2020 Institution of Chemical Engineers The increasing occurrence of chemically resistant per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the natural environment, animal tissues and even the human body poses a significant health risk. Temporal trend studies on water, sediments, bird, fish, marine mammal and the human show that the exposure of PFAS has significantly increased over the last 20–30 years. Different physical, biological and chemical treatment processes have been investigated for PFAS removal from water. However, there is a lack of detailed understating of the mechanism of removal by different methods, especially by different advanced chemical treatment processes. This article reviews PFASs removal efficacy and mechanism by the advanced chemical treatment methods from aqueous solution. Review shows that several advanced oxidation processes (e.g., electrochemical oxidation, activated persulfate oxidation, photocatalysis, UV-induced oxidation) are successful in degrading PFASs. Moreover, defluorination treatment, some thermal and non-thermal degradation processes are also found to be prominent for the degradation of PFASs with some limitations including process costs over physical treatment (e.g., sorption), production of toxic by-products and greenhouse gases. Finally, knowledge gaps concerning the advanced chemical treatment of PFASs are discussed

    Zeolite synthesis from low-cost materials and environmental applications: A review

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    Zeolites with the three-dimensional structures occur naturally or can be synthesized in the laboratory. Zeolites have versatile applications such as environmental remediation, catalytic activity, biotechnological application, gas sensing and medicinal applications. Although, naturally occurring zeolites are readily available, nowadays, more emphasis is given on the synthesis of the zeolites due to their easy synthesis in the pure form, better ion exchange capabilities and uniform in size. Recently, much attention has also been paid on how zeolite is being synthesized from low-cost material (e.g., rice husk), particularly, by resolving the major environmental issues. Hence, the main purpose of this review is to make an effective resolution of zeolite synthesis methods together with potential applications in environmental engineering. Among different synthesis methods, hydrothermal method is commonly found to be used widely in the synthesis of various zeolites from inexpensive raw materials such as fly ash, rice husk ash, blast furnace slag, municipal solid waste, paper sludge, lithium slag and kaolin. Besides, future expectation in the field of synthetic zeolites research is also included

    Positive feedback and noise activate the stringent response regulator Rel in mycobacteria

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    Phenotypic heterogeneity in an isogenic, microbial population enables a subset of the population to persist under stress. In mycobacteria, stresses like nutrient and oxygen deprivation activate the stress response pathway involving the two-component system MprAB and the sigma factor, SigE. SigE in turn activates the expression of the stringent response regulator, rel. The enzyme polyphosphate kinase 1 (PPK1) regulates this pathway by synthesizing polyphosphate required for the activation of MprB. The precise manner in which only a subpopulation of bacterial cells develops persistence, remains unknown. Rel is required for mycobacterial persistence. Here we show that the distribution of rel expression levels in a growing population of mycobacteria is bimodal with two distinct peaks corresponding to low (L) and high (H) expression states, and further establish that a positive feedback loop involving the mprAB operon along with stochastic gene expression are responsible for the phenotypic heterogeneity. Combining single cell analysis by flow cytometry with theoretical modeling, we observe that during growth, noise-driven transitions take a subpopulation of cells from the L to the H state within a "window of opportunity" in time preceding the stationary phase. We find evidence of hysteresis in the expression of rel in response to changing concentrations of PPK1. Our results provide, for the first time, evidence that bistability and stochastic gene expression could be important for the development of "heterogeneity with an advantage" in mycobacteria.Comment: Accepted for publication in PLoS On

    Nucleolin Inhibits G4 Oligonucleotide Unwinding by Werner Helicase

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    The Werner protein (WRNp), a member of the RecQ helicase family, is strongly associated with the nucleolus, as is nucleolin (NCL), an important nucleolar constituent protein. Both WRNp and NCL respond to the effects of DNA damaging agents. Therefore, we have investigated if these nuclear proteins interact and if this interaction has a possible functional significance in DNA damage repair.Here we report that WRNp interacts with the RNA-binding protein, NCL, based on immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescent co-localization in live and fixed cells, and direct binding of purified WRNp to nucleolin. We also map the binding region to the C-terminal domains of both proteins. Furthermore, treatment of U2OS cells with 15 µM of the Topoisomerase I inhibitor, camptothecin, causes the dissociation of the nucleolin-Werner complex in the nucleolus, followed by partial re-association in the nucleoplasm. Other DNA damaging agents, such as hydroxyurea, Mitomycin C, and aphidicolin do not have these effects. Nucleolin or its C-terminal fragment affected the helicase, but not the exonuclease activity of WRNp, by inhibiting WRN unwinding of G4 tetraplex DNA structures, as seen in activity assays and electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA).These data suggest that nucleolin may regulate G4 DNA unwinding by WRNp, possibly in response to certain DNA damaging agents. We postulate that the NCL-WRNp complex may contain an inactive form of WRNp, which is released from the nucleolus upon DNA damage. Then, when required, WRNp is released from inhibition and can participate in the DNA repair processes

    Kisspeptin regulation of genes involved in cell invasion and angiogenesis in first trimester human trophoblast cells

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    The precise regulation of extravillous trophoblast invasion of the uterine wall is a key process in successful pregnancies. Kisspeptin (KP) has been shown to inhibit cancer cell metastasis and placental trophoblast cell migration. In this study primary cultures of first trimester human trophoblast cells have been utilized in order to study the regulation of invasion and angiogenesis-related genes by KP. Trophoblast cells were isolated from first trimester placenta and their identity was confirmed by immunostaining for cytokeratin-7. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated that primary trophoblast cells express higher levels of GPR54 (KP receptor) and KP mRNA than the trophoblast cell line HTR8Svneo. Furthermore, trophoblast cells also expressed higher GPR54 and KP protein levels. Treating primary trophoblast cells with KP induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation, while co-treating the cells with a KP antagonist almost completely blocked the activation of ERK1/2 and demonstrated that KP through its cognate GPR54 receptor can activate ERK1/2 in trophoblast cells. KP reduced the migratory capability of trophoblast cells in a scratch-migration assay. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated that KP treatment reduced the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 14 and VEGF-A, and increased the expression of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 1 and 3. These results suggest that KP can inhibit first trimester trophoblast cells invasion via inhibition of cell migration and down regulation of the metalloproteinase system and VEGF-A
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