439 research outputs found

    Provenance and Paleogeography of the 25-17 Ma Rainbow Gardens Formation: Evidence for Tectonic Activity at Ca. 19 Ma and Internal Drainage rather than Throughgoing Paleorivers on the Southwestern Colorado Plateau

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    The paleogeographic evolution of the Lake Mead region of southern Nevada and northwest Arizona is crucial to understanding the geologic history of the U.S. Southwest, including the evolution of the Colorado Plateau and formation of the Grand Canyon. The ca. 25ā€“17 Ma Rainbow Gardens Formation in the Lake Mead region, the informally named, roughly coeval Jean Conglomerate, and the ca. 24ā€“19 Ma Buck and Doe Conglomerate southeast of Lake Mead hold the only stratigraphic evidence for the Cenozoic pre-extensional geology and paleogeography of this area. Building on prior work, we present new sedimentologic and stratigraphic data, including sandstone provenance and detrital zircon data, to create a more detailed paleogeographic picture of the Lake Mead, Grand Wash Trough, and Hualapai Plateau region from 25 to 18 Ma. These data confirm that sediment was sourced primarily from Paleozoic strata exposed in surrounding Sevier and Laramide uplifts and active volcanic fields to the north. In addition, a distinctive signal of coarse sediment derived from Proterozoic crystalline basement first appeared in the southwestern corner of the basin ca. 25 Ma at the beginning of Rainbow Gardens Formation deposition and then prograded north and east ca. 19 Ma across the southern half of the basin. Regional thermochronologic data suggest that Cretaceous deposits likely blanketed the Lake Mead region by the end of Sevier thrusting. Post-Laramide northward cliff retreat off the Kingman/Mogollon uplifts left a stepped erosion surface with progressively younger strata preserved northward, on which Rainbow Gardens Formation strata were deposited. Deposition of the Rainbow Gardens Formation in general and the 19 Ma progradational pulse in particular may reflect tectonic uplift events just prior to onset of rapid extension at 17 Ma, as supported by both thermochronology and sedimentary data. Data presented here negate the California and Arizona River hypotheses for an ā€œoldā€ Grand Canyon and also negate models wherein the Rainbow Gardens Formation was the depocenter for a 25ā€“18 Ma Little Colorado paleoriver flowing west through East Kaibab paleocanyons. Instead, provenance and paleocurrent data suggest local to regional sources for deposition of the Rainbow Gardens Formation atop a stripped low-relief western Colorado Plateau surface and preclude any significant input from a regional throughgoing paleoriver entering the basin from the east or northeast

    Natural trace element salinization of the Jemez River, New Mexico by geothermal springs and major tributaries

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    The Jemez River (JR), a tributary of the Rio Grande, is in north-central New Mexico within the Jemez Mountains, which houses the active, high-temperature (ā‰¤ 300 oC), liquid-dominated Valles Caldera geothermal system (VC). This work focuses on the northern portion of the JR, spanning a reach from the East Fork JR to the town of San Ysidro. Previous decadal work during low-flow or baseflow conditions (~10-20 cfs) has identified and characterized significant major-solute contributions from two outflow expressions of the VC, Soda Dam Springs and Jemez Hot Springs, and two major tributaries, Rio San Antonio and Rio Guadalupe. There is generally a net ~500-ppm increase from below Soda Dam to the end of the study segment. The distribution of concentrations of twenty-four trace metals from recent Fall 2017 sampling are defined by range from \u27ultra-trace\u27 levels (0.1-1 ppb) to measurements as much as 1 ppm. A set of elements (e.g., As, Li, Rb, Ba, Ti) follows the same downstream behavior of major ions, which is characterized by an increase in concentrations at each inflow and the observed greatest contribution (as much as an order of magnitude) is at Soda Dam. Another group (e.g., U, Al, Fe, Mn, Se) shows complex downstream patterns, which may be a result of non-conservative processes, such as precipitation/dissolution, sorption, and complexation. We attempt to resolve these potential in-stream processes with high-resolution (regular 1-km spacing with interspersed 50-m intervals around sites with complete chemistry) spatial surveys of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, and turbidity

    Applying spatial regression to evaluate risk factors for microbiological contamination of urban groundwater sources in Juba, South Sudan

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    This study developed methodology for statistically assessing groundwater contamination mechanisms. It focused on microbial water pollution in low-income regions. Risk factors for faecal contamination of groundwater-fed drinking-water sources were evaluated in a case study in Juba, South Sudan. The study was based on counts of thermotolerant coliforms in water samples from 129 sources, collected by the humanitarian aid organisation M,decins Sans FrontiSres in 2010. The factors included hydrogeological settings, land use and socio-economic characteristics. The results showed that the residuals of a conventional probit regression model had a significant positive spatial autocorrelation (Moran\u27s I = 3.05, I-stat = 9.28); therefore, a spatial model was developed that had better goodness-of-fit to the observations. The most significant factor in this model (p-value 0.005) was the distance from a water source to the nearest Tukul area, an area with informal settlements that lack sanitation services. It is thus recommended that future remediation and monitoring efforts in the city be concentrated in such low-income regions. The spatial model differed from the conventional approach: in contrast with the latter case, lowland topography was not significant at the 5% level, as the p-value was 0.074 in the spatial model and 0.040 in the traditional model. This study showed that statistical risk-factor assessments of groundwater contamination need to consider spatial interactions when the water sources are located close to each other. Future studies might further investigate the cut-off distance that reflects spatial autocorrelation. Particularly, these results advise research on urban groundwater quality

    Bayesian Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Inversion of Low-Temperature Thermochronology Around Two 8 āˆ’ 10 m Wide Columbia River Flood Basalt Dikes

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    Flood basalt volcanism involves large volumes of magma emplaced into the crust and surface environment on geologically short timescales. The mechanics of flood basalt emplacement, including dynamics of the crustal magma transport system and the tempo of individual eruptions, are not well-constrained. Here we study two exhumed dikes from the Columbia River Flood Basalt province in northeast Oregon, USA, using apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology to constrain dike emplacement histories. Sample transects perpendicular to the dike margins document transient heating of granitic host rocks. We model heating as due to dike emplacement, considering a thermal model with distinct melt-fraction temperature relationships for basaltic magma and granitic wallrock, and a parameterization of unsteady flow within the dike. We model partial resetting of thermochronometers by considering He diffusion in spherical grains as a response to dike heating. A Bayesian Markov-Chain Monte Carlo framework is used to jointly invert for six parameters related to dike emplacement and grain-scale He diffusion. We find that the two dikes, despite similar dimensions on an outcrop scale, exhibit different spatial patterns of thermochronometer partial resetting away from the dike. These patterns predict distinct emplacement histories. We extend previous modeling of a presumed feeder dike at Maxwell Lake in the Wallowa Mountains of northeastern Oregon, finding posterior probability distribution functions (PDFs) that predict steady heating from sustained magma flow over 1ā€“6 years and elevated farfield host rock temperatures. This suggests regional-scale heating in the vicinity of Maxwell Lake, which might arise from nearby intrusions. The other dike, within the Cornucopia subswarm, is predicted to have a 1ā€“4 year thermally active lifespan with an unsteady heating rate suggestive of low magma flow rate compared to Maxwell Lake, in a cool near-surface thermal environment. In both cases, misfit of near-dike partial resetting of thermochronometers by models suggests either heat transfer via fluid advection in host rocks or pulsed magma flow in the dikes. Our results highlight the diversity of dike emplacement histories within the Columbia River Flood Basalt province and the power of Bayesian inversion methods for quantifying parameter trade-offs and uncertainty in thermal models

    Tectonic setting of the Sandia pluton: An orogenic 1.4 Ga granite in New Mexico

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    Structural studies of the circa 1.42 Ga Sandia pluton and its aureole document significant deformation synchronous with pluton emplacement and call into question the ā€œanorogenicā€ label associated with this and other 1.4 Ga granites in the southwestern United States. The SE margin of the pluton is a 1ā€ to 2ā€kmā€wide NW dipping ductile shear zone. Field and microstructural observations (meltā€filled shear bands, highā€temperature dynamic recrystallization of Kā€feldspar megacrysts, and crosscutting pegmatite dikes) indicate that topā€toā€theā€NW (normal) movement in the shear zone took place in the presence of melt. Subparallel magmatic fabrics north of and structurally above the shear zone contain kinematic indicators consistent with topā€toā€theā€NW shear sense, suggesting that over large regions of the pluton, magmatic flow mimicked solidā€state strain. In the northern aureole, contact metamorphic aluminosilicate porphyroblasts grew during the formation of a NE striking crenulation cleavage (S3) and related folds of lateā€stage pegmatite dikes. These features document the synchroneity of magma emplacement, shortening, and metamorphism and indicate that the Sandia pluton is syntectonic, not anorogenic. We interpret the kinematic consistency of structural elements from the base of the pluton, the interior of the pluton, and the northern aureole to reflect a regional (larger than the pluton) strain field and suggest that the ā€œorogenyā€ recorded in and around the Sandia pluton involved a three dimensional strain field with subhorizontal extension (Nā€“S) and contraction (Eā€“W) directions. Nā€“S extension is documented by the orientation of mineral lineations and movement directions in the basal shear zone and in highā€strain zones in the northern aureole and by the orientations of tabular pegmatite and aplite dikes in the pluton and aureole. East to SE shortening is documented in the northern aureole by orientations of folded pegmatite dikes and associated S3 crenulation cleavage, and east to SE shortening (or least extension) directions in the pluton proper are documented by the intersections of orthogonal dikes. Thus emplacement of the Sandia pluton is interpreted to record a snapshot of regional strains inboard of an active plate margin, rather than local strains generated by emplacement

    Using Fill Terraces to Understand Incision Rates and Evolution of the Colorado River in Eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona

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    The incision and aggradation of the Colorado River in eastern Grand Canyon through middle to late Quaternary time can be traced in detail using well-exposed fill terraces dated by a combination of optically stimulated luminescence, uranium series, and cosmogenic nuclide dating. This fluvial history provides the best bedrock incision rate for this important landscape and highlights the complications and advantages of fill terrace records for understanding river long-profile evolution and incision. The use of fill terraces, as distinct from strath terraces, for calculating incision rates is complicated by the cyclic alluviation and incision they record. In the example of the Grand Canyon this has led to various rates being reported by different workers and rates that tend to be overestimates in shorter records. We illustrate that a meaningful long-term bedrock incision rate of 140 m/m.y. can be extracted from the Grand Canyon record by linking episodes when the Colorado River is floored on bedrock. Variable incision rates reported in the greater region may be, to some degree, due to inconsistent calculations. Our data also highlight that the Colorado River has been a mixed alluvial-bedrock river through both time and space and has been a bedrock river for less than half of its Pleistocene history. This strong temporal variation, combined with the varying bedrock the river encounters on its path, heightens the challenge of understanding the tectonic, climatic, and drainage integration controls on the form and evolution of the Colorado Riverā€™s long profile

    High-Precision U-Pb Geochronology Links Magmatism in the Southwestern Laurentia Large Igneous Province and Midcontinent Rift

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    The Southwestern Laurentia large igneous province (SWLLIP) comprises voluminous, widespread ca 1.1 Ga magmatism in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The timing and tempo of SWLLIP magmatism and its relationship to other late Mesoproterozoic igneous provinces have been unclear due to difficulties in dating mafic rocks at high precision. New precise U-Pb zircon dates for comagmatic felsic segregations within mafic rocks reveal distinct magmatic episodes at ca. 1098 Ma (represented by massive sills in Death Valley, California, the Grand Canyon, and central Arizona) and ca. 1083 Ma (represented by the Cardenas Basalts in the Grand Canyon and a sill in the Dead Mountains, California). The ca. 1098 Ma magmatic pulse was short-lived, lasting 0.25^+0.67_-0.24 m.y., and voluminous and widespread, evidenced by the ā‰„100 m sills in Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, and central Arizona, consistent with decompression melting of an upwelling mantle plume. The ca. 1083 Ma magmatism may have been generated by a secondary plume pulse or post-plume lithosphere extension. The ca. 1098 Ma pulse of magmatism in southwestern Laurentia occurred ā‰2 m.y. prior to an anomalous renewal of voluminous melt generation in the Midcontinent Rift of central Laurentia that is recorded by the ca. 1096 Ma Duluth Complex layered mafic intrusions. Rates of lateral plume spread predicted by mantle plume lubrication theory support a model where a plume derived from the deep mantle impinged near southwestern Laurentia, then spread to thinned Midcontinent Rift lithosphere over ~2 m.y. to elevate mantle temperatures and generate melt. This geodynamic hypothesis reconciles the close temporal relationships between voluminous magmatism across Laurentia and provides an explanation for that anomalous renewal of high magmatic flux within the protracted magmatic history of the Midcontinent Rift

    Evaluating the Shinumo-Sespe drainage connection: Arguments against the ā€œoldā€ (70ā€“17 Ma) Grand Canyon models for Colorado Plateau drainage evolution

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    The provocative hypothesis that the Shinumo Sandstone in the depths of Grand Canyon was the source for clasts of orthoquartzite in conglomerate of the Sespe Formation of coastal California, if verified, would indicate that a major river system flowed southwest from the Colorado Plateau to the Pacific Ocean prior to opening of the Gulf of California, and would imply that Grand Canyon had been carved to within a few hundred meters of its modern depth at the time of this drainage connection. The proposed Eocene Shinumo-Sespe connection, however, is not supported by detrital zircon nor paleomagnetic-inclination data and is refuted by thermochronology that shows that the Shinumo Sandstone of eastern Grand Canyon was \u3e60 Ā°C (āˆ¼1.8 km deep) and hence not incised at this time. A proposed 20 Ma (Miocene) Shinumo-Sespe drainage connection based on clasts in the Sespe Formation is also refuted. We point out numerous caveats and non-unique interpretations of paleomagnetic data from clasts. Further, our detrital zircon analysis requires diverse sources for Sespe clasts, with better statistical matches for the four ā€œmost-Shinumo-likeā€ Sespe clasts with quartzites of the Big Bear Group and Ontario Ridge metasedimentary succession of the Transverse Ranges, Horse Thief Springs Formation from Death Valley, and Troy Quartzite of central Arizona. Diverse thermochronologic and geologic data also refute a Miocene river pathway through western Grand Canyon and Grand Wash trough. Thus, Sespe clasts do not require a drainage connection from Grand Canyon or the Colorado Plateau and provide no constraints for the history of carving of Grand Canyon. Instead, abundant evidence refutes the ā€œoldā€ (70ā€“17 Ma) Grand Canyon models and supports a \u3c6 Ma Grand Canyon
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