31 research outputs found

    Depressive symptomatology of the children

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    Všeobecné mínění dospělých je:,,Děti jsou štastné, hrají si, nemají naše starosti, pracovní zatížení a ty jejich bolístky stačí jen pofoukat." Tato naivní představa štastného a radostného dětství je dávno vyvrácený předsudek stejně jako představa, že dítě je sice často nemocné, ale jen tělesně a velice zřídka duševně. Deprese v dětství se vyskytuje poměrně často, je však mnohem častěji spojována s poruchami chování, agresivitou a s různými somatickými stesky než se symptomy depresivní poruchy u dospělých. Přesto mají depresivní děti a adolescenti podobné příznaky jako dospělí: nedokážou se radovat, mají nízké sebehodnocení, trpí pocity viny, mají chvílemi smutnou, zoufalou náladu (s myšlenkami na smrt), jsou podráždění, osamocení, sociálně izolovaní, někdy agresivní, neklidní až hyperaktivní, jindy unavení, tiší, pomalí s mnoha somatickými nebo vegetativními příznaky. 1 Záměrem této diplomové práce bylo zjistit četnost výskytu určitých příznaků depresivního syndromu u dětí se zaměřením na dospívající, s cílem poukázat na význam a důležitost aktivního vyhledávání, včasného záchytu, diagnostiky a zahájení preventivních opatření, popř. léčby rozvíjející se psychické poruchy. Bez náležité intervence je totiž riziko vážných důsledků depresivního onemocnění, jako je suicidium či kontinuita do deprese dospělého...Conventional wisdom adults is: 'Children are happy, play, do not our worries, workload, and the pains they just pofoukat. "This naive idea of a happy and joyous childhood is long refuted Prejudice as well as the notion that although the child is often sick,but only physically and mentally very rarely. Depression in childhood occursrelatively often, however, is more often associated with behavioral disorders, aggression and various somatic complaints than the symptoms of depressivedisorders adults. Still have depressed children and adolescents similar symptoms as adults: they can not be happy, have low self-esteem, feelings ofsuffering guilt, have at times sad, hopeless mood (with thoughts of death)are irritation, lonely, socially isolated, sometimes aggressive, restlessand hyperactive, sometimes tired, silent, slow with many somatic or vegetative symptoms. a The aim of this thesis was to determine the frequency ofcertain symptoms of depressive syndrome in children, focusing onadolescents with to highlight the significance and importance of active research, early detection, diagnosis and initiation of preventive measures, or.treatment developing mental disorders. Without proper intervention is a risk serious consequences of depressive illness, such as suicide or continuity of depression in adulthood, very high.Ústav hygienyDepartment of HygieneThird Faculty of Medicine3. lékařská fakult

    Industrial wastewater as a source of external organic carbon for the biological nutrient removal

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    Addition of external organic carbon source for denitrification is generally used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to intensify nitrogen removal processes. The aim of the laboratory survey was to measure the composition of concentrated industrial wastewater, determine the possibilities of its use as an external denitrification substrate, and assess its overall impact on WWTP. The obtained results demonstrate that the analysed industrial wastewater is biodegradable, and can be used as a denitrification substrate without special adaptation of biomass. The denitrification rates with tested wastewater were in the range of 1.6 to 1.9 mgN/g·h. Negative influence of long-term dosing of industrial wastewater on activated sludge were not confirmed. The effect of imported wastewater on WWTP must be assessed comprehensively, including the impact of heavy metals from wastewater on the sludge quality. The instructions on how to calculate this balance are provided in the article

    Pycnogenol® and Ginkgo biloba extract: effect on peroxynitrite-oxidized sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase

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    The effect of two natural standardized plant extracts, Pycnogenol® and EGb 761, on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) activity and posttranslational modifications induced by peroxynitrite was investigated to assess their possible protective role. EGb 761 was found to have a protective effect on SERCA activity in the concentration range of 5–40 µg/ml. On the other hand, Pycnogenol® caused a decrease of SERCA activity at concentrations of 25 µg/ml. EGb 761 did not prevent protein carbonyl formation upon oxidation with peroxynitrite. On the contrary, Pycnogenol® at the concentrations of 5 and 10 µg/ml significantly decreased the level of protein carbonyls by 44% and 54%, respectively. Neither Pycnogenol® nor EGb 761 exerted a protective effect against thiol group oxidation.The plant extracts studied modulated peroxynitrite-injured SERCA activity by different ways and failed to correlate with posttranslational modifications. Their effect seems to be associated with their ability to change SERCA conformation rather than by their antioxidant capacity

    The adenylyl cyclase signaling system in normal and failing myocardium

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    This bachelor thesis describes a signal pathway of adenylyl cyclase, which plays a key role in the modulation of heart rate and force of contraction. This pathway begins with membrane-bound β- adrenergic receptors that activate the enzyme adenylyl cyclase. Adenylyl cyclase produces second messengers by reverting ATP to cAMP. Several changes occur in this pathway in failing heart. The most striking changes occur in β-adrenergic receptors, but there are some changes on the level of adenylyl cyclase and G proteins as well. Most of these changes are related to chronic high levels of catecholamines, especially norepinephrine. Some medications try to reverse these adverse effects of norepinephrine. β-blockers are traditional drugs for treating heart failure. However, adenylyl cyclase may be also considered as potential target for pharmacotherapeutic interventions in the future. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Math Kangaroo competition in terms of future teacher.

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    This diploma thesis presents the perspective of a future teacher on mathematical contests and their impact on the development of crucial competencies, with special focus on the contest Mathematical kangaroo. The thesis deals with test questions from categories Benjamin and Kadet from 2015. Furthermore, a set of worksheets expounding similar examples that can be found in this contest, is included in the thesis. These exercises are established to serve pupils with inferior results as a preparation for the contest, or for the enlivening of math classes. Solution is illustrated via pictures, sketches, geometrical constructions, tables and verbal comments that should help pupils to better understand the topics

    Depressive symptomatology of the children

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    Conventional wisdom adults is: 'Children are happy, play, do not our worries, workload, and the pains they just pofoukat. "This naive idea of a happy and joyous childhood is long refuted Prejudice as well as the notion that although the child is often sick,but only physically and mentally very rarely. Depression in childhood occursrelatively often, however, is more often associated with behavioral disorders, aggression and various somatic complaints than the symptoms of depressivedisorders adults. Still have depressed children and adolescents similar symptoms as adults: they can not be happy, have low self-esteem, feelings ofsuffering guilt, have at times sad, hopeless mood (with thoughts of death)are irritation, lonely, socially isolated, sometimes aggressive, restlessand hyperactive, sometimes tired, silent, slow with many somatic or vegetative symptoms. a The aim of this thesis was to determine the frequency ofcertain symptoms of depressive syndrome in children, focusing onadolescents with to highlight the significance and importance of active research, early detection, diagnosis and initiation of preventive measures, or.treatment developing mental disorders. Without proper intervention is a risk serious consequences of depressive illness, such as suicide or continuity of depression in adulthood, very high

    Compartmentalization of the beta-adrenergic signaling system in cardiac cells: the effect of hypoxia

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    The aim of this thesis was to study the changes that occur in cell line H9c2 after exposure to an oxygen level reduced to 2 % for 24 hours. We monitored changes in compartmentation of chosen members of β-adrenergic signaling system. We found an increase in expression of β1AR and β2AR. Only β2AR showed change in compartmentation after hypoxia, as they relocate from membrane rafts to non-rafts fractions of membrane. AC also showed an increase of expression and was located in membrane rafts. The next aim of this work was to monitore apoptotic markers to determine whether there are activated pro-apoptotic or anti-apoptotic signals under chosen conditions of hypoxia. There was an increase in expression of both pro-apoptotic protein Bax and anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. We compare ratios of Bcl-2 to Bax and we found that there is a bigger increase in protein Bax expression. Another apoptotic marker, caspase 3, was tested and we also found that there was an increase in expression of caspase 3 in cells after hypoxia. Furthermore, we studied possible activation of kinase signaling pathways that may contribute to protective effects of hypoxia. Expression of Akt and ERK kinases was increased after hypoxia, but we did not confirm activation by phosphorylation of these kinases. Levels of phosphorylated Akt..

    Rural tourism in the Trebon region - case study

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    This bachelor thesis on the theme of Rural tourism in the Třeboň region maps Třeboňsko as a tourist destination and analyzes the situation in selected municipalities of Chlum u Třeboně and Staňkov by the form of a case study. In the theoretical part key terms such as rural space, rural tourism and its forms are defined. It describes the regional context of the model municipalities and describes their history and present, especially in terms of tourism. The practical part summarizes the empirical survey based on interviews with selected businessmen and the results of the questionnaire between residents and tourists. Finally, the sustainability of rural tourism in these municipalities is assessed

    Depressive symptomatology of the children

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    Conventional wisdom adults is: 'Children are happy, play, do not our worries, workload, and the pains they just pofoukat. "This naive idea of a happy and joyous childhood is long refuted Prejudice as well as the notion that although the child is often sick,but only physically and mentally very rarely. Depression in childhood occursrelatively often, however, is more often associated with behavioral disorders, aggression and various somatic complaints than the symptoms of depressivedisorders adults. Still have depressed children and adolescents similar symptoms as adults: they can not be happy, have low self-esteem, feelings ofsuffering guilt, have at times sad, hopeless mood (with thoughts of death)are irritation, lonely, socially isolated, sometimes aggressive, restlessand hyperactive, sometimes tired, silent, slow with many somatic or vegetative symptoms. a The aim of this thesis was to determine the frequency ofcertain symptoms of depressive syndrome in children, focusing onadolescents with to highlight the significance and importance of active research, early detection, diagnosis and initiation of preventive measures, or.treatment developing mental disorders. Without proper intervention is a risk serious consequences of depressive illness, such as suicide or continuity of depression in adulthood, very high

    A digest of solved problems offunction for lower secondary school

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    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to create an exercise book for primary schools in the field of mathematical functions. The paper serves for understanding of the whole topic of functions of a real variable at upper primary education including assignment of functions, graphs of functions and theoretical properties. Moreover, the thesis deals with single types of taught mathematical functions including linear functions, direct proportion, quadratic functions and indirect proportion. Furthermore, the paper is focused on graphical solutions of systems of equations using the mathematics software Geogebra