20 research outputs found

    Standard-Arbeitsanleitung zur peripher venösen Blutentnahme für die labormedizinische Diagnostik

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    Für die Gewinnung von Blut für die Diagnostik ist die periphere venöse Blutentnahme das häufigste Vorgehen. Eine fehlerhafte Blutentnahme ist eine relevante Quelle fehlerhafter Befunde. Aus diesem Grund werden als Anleitung für die Abnehmenden die wichtigen Schritte praxisnah detailliert beschrieben. Zu den dargestellten Schritten zählen Verantwortlichkeiten, klinische Fragestellung und Testauswahl, Vorbereitung und Identifikation des Patienten, Durchführung der Entnahme und Probentransport

    Standard operating procedure for peripheral venous blood sampling

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    This document provides a recommendation for peripheral venous blood sampling by the working group Extraanalytical Quality of the German, Austrian and Swiss Society for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL, OGLMKC and SGKC/SSCC). It provides guidance on the requirements for ensuring that blood collection is a safe and patient-centered procedure for healthcare staff members in German-speaking countries

    Do you know your laboratory? A way for medical laboratories to self-evaluation according to the EFQM-model

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    The association Institut fur Qualitatsmanagement in Medizinischen Laboratorien (INQUAM) promotes the principle of excellence and supports medical laboratories on their way to the first step of the quality management system of the European Foundation for Quality Management Committed to Excellence with an adapted matrix for self-evaluation of medical laboratories

    Structural basis of small-molecule inhibition of human multidrug transporter ABCG2

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    ABCG2 is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that protects tissues against xenobiotics, affects the pharmacokinetics of drugs and contributes to multidrug resistance. Although many inhibitors and modulators of ABCG2 have been developed, understanding their structure-activity relationship requires high-resolution structural insight. Here, we present cryo-EM structures of human ABCG2 bound to synthetic derivatives of the fumitremorgin C-related inhibitor Ko143 or the multidrug resistance modulator tariquidar. Both compounds are bound to the central, inward-facing cavity of ABCG2, blocking access for substrates and preventing conformational changes required for ATP hydrolysis. The high resolutions allowed for de novo building of the entire transporter and also revealed tightly bound phospholipids and cholesterol interacting with the lipid-exposed surface of the transmembrane domains (TMDs). Extensive chemical modifications of the Ko143 scaffold combined with in vitro functional analyses revealed the details of ABCG2 interactions with this compound family and provide a basis for the design of novel inhibitors and modulators