41 research outputs found
CoM Estimation Code Instructions
Word '97 document version of code usage instruction
Photogrammetric reconstruction of Bird's chase sequence.
<p>Far left, photo-textured and height mapped plan-view of the reconstructed trackway. Track labels according to Farlow et al. (1989). Right, photo-textured and height mapped views, top to bottom; isometric view along trackway, close up of high fidelity southern end, close up of poor quality northern end.</p
Sixteen of Bird's original photographs used in the photogrammetric reconstruction of the trackway.
<p>Note that the state of excavation (flooded parallel trackways, sandbags, tools etc) varies between images, causing complications for the reconstruction.</p
Overlays of Bird's Rye and Austin charts with photogrammetric and laser scan digital models.
<p>a) The Rye chart, b) portion of the Rye chart reconstructed via photogrammetry with historical photos, c) Close-up of photogrammetric reconstruction, d) location of laser scans of the AMNH and TMM sections in the Rye chart, e) close-up of match between Rye chart and laser scans, f) Austin chart, g) Austin chart and photogrammetric reconstruction, h) Austin chart and laser scans of AMNH and TMM sections.</p
Mesquite Data
Mesquite (Nexus) data files for phylogenetic analysis of evolutionary patterns in body dimensions. http://mesquiteproject.org/mesquite/mesquite.html for information on usage and free software download
R.T. Bird's maps of the Paluxy ‘chase sequence.’
<p>a) Bird's Rye chart, b) the Austin chart, and c) the Austin and Rye charts overlaid. Note that the Austin and Rye charts diverge toward the north.</p
Supporting information. Additional background on hypotheses, methods and results
Mass Segment objs
.obj graphics files (data)- 3D body segment dimensions of archosaur