10 research outputs found

    The Anesthesiologist-Informatician: A Survey of Physicians Board-Certified in Both Anesthesiology and Clinical Informatics

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    All 36 physicians board-certified in both anesthesiology and clinical informatics as of January 1, 2016, were surveyed via e-mail, with 26 responding. Although most (25/26) generally expressed satisfaction with the clinical informatics boards, and view informatics expertise as important to anesthesiology, most (24/26) thought it unlikely or highly unlikely that substantial numbers of anesthesiology residents would pursue clinical informatics fellowships. Anesthesiologists wishing to qualify for the clinical informatics board examination under the practice pathway need to devote a substantive amount of worktime to informatics. There currently are options outside of formal fellowship training to acquire the knowledge to pass

    Association of Vital Signs and Process Outcomes in Emergency Department Patients

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    Introduction: We sought to determine the association of abnormal vital signs with emergency department (ED) process outcomes in both discharged and admitted patients. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of five years of operational data at a single site. We identified all visits for patients 18 and older who were discharged home without ancillary services, and separately identified all visits for patients admitted to a floor (ward) bed. We assessed two process outcomes for discharged visits (returns to the ED within 72 hours and returns to the ED within 72 hours resulting in admission) and two process outcomes for admitted patients (transfer to a higher level of care [intermediate care or intensive care] within either six hours or 24 hours of arrival to floor). Last-recorded ED vital signs were obtained for all patients. We report rates of abnormal vital signs in each group, as well as the relative risk of meeting a process outcome for each individual vital sign abnormality. Results: Patients with tachycardia, tachypnea, or fever more commonly experienced all measured process outcomes compared to patients without these abnormal vitals; admitted hypotensive patients more frequently required transfer to a higher level of care within 24 hours. Conclusion: In a single facility, patients with abnormal last-recorded ED vital signs experienced more undesirable process outcomes than patients with normal vitals. Vital sign abnormalities may serve as a useful signal in outcome forecasting