78 research outputs found

    Dust Abundance and Properties in the Nearby Dwarf Galaxies NGC 147 and NGC 185

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    We present new mid- to far-infrared images of the two dwarf compact elliptical galaxies that are satellites of M31, NGC 185, and NGC 147, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Spitzer's high sensitivity and spatial resolution enable us for the first time to look directly into the detailed spatial structure and properties of the dust in these systems. The images of NGC 185 at 8 and 24 μm display a mixed morphology characterized by a shell-like diffuse emission region surrounding a central concentration of more intense infrared emission. The lower resolution images at longer wavelengths show the same spatial distribution within the central 50" but beyond this radius, the 160 μm emission is more extended than that at 24 and 70 μm. On the other hand, the dwarf galaxy NGC 147, located only a small distance away from NGC 185, shows no significant infrared emission beyond 24 μm and therefore its diffuse infrared emission is mainly stellar in origin. For NGC 185, the derived dust mass based on the best fit to the spectral energy distribution is 1.9 × 10^3 M_⊙, implying a gas mass of 3.0 × 10^5 M_⊙. These values are in agreement with those previously estimated from infrared as well as CO and H I observations and are consistent with the predicted mass return from dying stars based on the last burst of star formation 1 × 10^9 yr ago. Based on the 70-160 μm flux density ratio, we estimate a temperature for the dust of ~17 K. For NGC 147, we obtain an upper limit for the dust mass of 4.5 × 10^2 M_⊙ at 160 μm (assuming a temperature of ~20 K), a value consistent with the previous upper limit derived using Infrared Space Observatory observations of this galaxy. In the case of NGC 185, we also present full 5-38 μm low-resolution (R ~ 100) spectra of the main emission regions. The Infrared Spectrograph spectra of NGC 185 show strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emission, deep silicate absorption features and H_2 pure rotational line ratios consistent with having the dust and molecular gas inside the dust cloud being impinged by the far-ultraviolet radiation field of a relatively young stellar population. Therefore, based on its infrared spectral properties, NGC 185 shows signatures of recent star formation (a few ×10^8 yr ago), although its current star formation rate is quite low

    The Flux Ratio Method for Determining the Dust Attenuation of Starburst Galaxies

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    The presence of dust in starburst galaxies complicates the study of their stellar populations as the dust's effects are similar to those associated with changes in the galaxies' stellar age and metallicity. This degeneracy can be overcome for starburst galaxies if UV/optical/near-infrared observations are combined with far-infrared observations. We present the calibration of the flux ratio method for calculating the dust attenuation at a particular wavelength, Att(\lambda), based on the measurement of F(IR)/F(\lambda) flux ratio. Our calibration is based on spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from the PEGASE stellar evolutionary synthesis model and the effects of dust (absorption and scattering) as calculated from our Monte Carlo radiative transfer model. We tested the attenuations predicted from this method for the Balmer emission lines of a sample starburst galaxies against those calculated using radio observations and found good agreement. The UV attenuation curves for a handful of starburst galaxies were calculated using the flux ratio method, and they compare favorably with past work. The relationship between Att(\lambda) and F(IR)/F(\lambda) is almost completely independent of the assumed dust properties (grain type, distribution, and clumpiness). For the UV, the relationship is also independent of the assumed stellar properties (age, metallicity, etc) accept for the case of very old burst populations. However at longer wavelengths, the relationship is dependent on the assumed stellar properties.Comment: accepted by the ApJ, 18 pages, color figures, b/w version at http://mips.as.arizona.edu/~kgordon/papers/fr_method.htm

    Measuring Extinction Curves of Lensing Galaxies

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    We critique the method of constructing extinction curves of lensing galaxies using multiply imaged QSOs. If one of the two QSO images is lightly reddened or if the dust along both sightlines has the same properties then the method works well and produces an extinction curve for the lensing galaxy. These cases are likely rare and hard to confirm. However, if the dust along each sightline has different properties then the resulting curve is no longer a measurement of extinction. Instead, it is a measurement of the difference between two extinction curves. This "lens difference curve'' does contain information about the dust properties, but extracting a meaningful extinction curve is not possible without additional, currently unknown information. As a quantitative example, we show that the combination of two Cardelli, Clayton, & Mathis (CCM) type extinction curves having different values of R(V) will produce a CCM extinction curve with a value of R(V) which is dependent on the individual R(V) values and the ratio of V band extinctions. The resulting lens difference curve is not an average of the dust along the two sightlines. We find that lens difference curves with any value of R(V), even negative values, can be produced by a combination of two reddened sightlines with different CCM extinction curves with R(V) values consistent with Milky Way dust (2.1 < R(V) < 5.6). This may explain extreme values of R(V) inferred by this method in previous studies. But lens difference curves with more normal values of R(V) are just as likely to be composed of two dust extinction curves with R(V) values different than that of the lens difference curve. While it is not possible to determine the individual extinction curves making up a lens difference curve, there is information about a galaxy's dust contained in the lens difference curves.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figues, ApJ in pres

    One Relation for All Wavelengths: The Far-Ultraviolet to Mid-Infrared Milky Way Spectroscopic R(V) Dependent Dust Extinction Relationship

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    Dust extinction is one of the fundamental measurements of dust grain sizes, compositions, and shapes. Most of the wavelength dependent variations seen in Milky Way extinction are strongly correlated with the single parameter R(V)=A(V)/E(B-V). Existing R(V) dependent extinction relationships use a mixture of spectroscopic and photometry observations, hence do not fully capture all the important dust features nor continuum variations. Using four existing samples of spectroscopically measured dust extinction curves, we consistently measure the R(V) dependent extinction relationship spectroscopically from the far-ultraviolet to mid-infrared for the first time. Linear fits of A(lambda)/A(V) dependent on R(V) are done using a method that fully accounts for their significant and correlated uncertainties. These linear parameters are fit with analytic wavelength dependent functions to determine the smooth R(V) (2.3-5.6) and wavelength (912 A-32 micron) dependent extinction relationship. This relationship shows that the far-UV rise, 2175 A bump, and the three broad optical features are dependent on R(V), but the 10 and 20 micron features are not. Existing literature relationships show significant deviations compared to this relationship especially in the far-ultraviolet and infrared. Extinction curves that clearly deviate from this relationship illustrate that this relationship only describes the average behavior versus R(V). We find tentative evidence that the relationship may not be linear with 1/R(V) especially in the ultraviolet. For the first time, this relationship provides measurements of dust extinction that spectroscopically resolve the continuum and features in the ultraviolet, optical, and infrared as a function of R(V) enabling detailed studies of dust grains properties and full spectroscopic accounting for the effects of dust extinction on astrophysical objects.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, ApJ, in pres

    The Dusty Starburst Nucleus of M33

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    We have thoroughly characterized the ultraviolet to near-infrared (0.15 - 2.2 micron) spectral energy distribution (SED) of the central parsec of the M33 nucleus through new infrared photometry and optical/near-infrared spectroscopy, combined with ultraviolet/optical observations from the literature and the HST archive. The SED shows evidence for a significant level of attenuation, which we model through a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code as a shell of clumpy Milky Way-type dust (tau_V ~ 2 +/- 1). The discovery of Milky Way-type dust (with a strong 2175 A bump) internal to the M33 nucleus is different from previous work which has found SMC-like dust (no bump) near starburst regions. The amount by which dust can be processed may be related to the mass and age of the starburst as well as the extent to which the dust can shield itself. Our starburst models include the effects of this dust and can fit the SED if the nucleus was the site of a moderate (~10^8 L_sun at 10 Myrs) episode of coeval star formation about 70 Myrs ago. This result is quite different from previous studies which resorted to multiple stellar populations (between 2 and 7) attenuated by either no or very little internal dust. The M33 nuclear starburst is remarkably similar to an older version (70 Myr versus 10 Myr) of the ultra-compact starburst in the center of the Milky Way.Comment: 29 pages, 9 embedded figures, ApJ, in pres

    The DIRTY Model. I. Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Through Dust

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    We present the DIRTY radiative transfer model in this paper and a companion paper. This model computes the polarized radiative transfer of photons from arbitrary distributions of stars through arbitrary distributions of dust using Monte Carlo techniques. The dust re-emission is done self-consistently with the dust absorption and scattering and includes all three important emission paths: equilibrium thermal emission, non-equilibrium thermal emission, and the aromatic features emission. The algorithm used for the radiative transfer allows for the efficient computation of the appearance of a model system as seen from any viewing direction. We present a simple method for computing an upper limit on the output quantity uncertainties for Monte Carlo radiative transfer models which use the weighted photon approach.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted to the Ap

    A Reanalysis of theUltraviolet Extinction from Interstellar Dust in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We have reanalyzed the Large Magellanic Cloud's (LMC) ultraviolet (UV) extinction using data from the IUE final archive. Our new analysis takes advantage of the improved signal--to--noise of the IUE NEWSIPS reduction, the exclusion of stars with very low reddening, the careful selection of well matched comparison stars, and an analysis of the effects of Galactic foreground dust. Differences between the average extinction curves of the 30 Dor region and the rest of the LMC are reduced compared to previous studies. We find that there is a group of stars with very weak 2175 Ang. bumps that lie in or near the region occupied by the supergiant shell, LMC 2, on the southeast side of 30 Dor. The average extinction curves inside and outside LMC 2 show a very significant difference in 2175 Ang. bump strength, but their far--UV extinctions are similar. While it is unclear whether or not the extinction outside the LMC 2 region can be fit with the relation of Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (CCM), sightlines near LMC 2 cannot be fit with CCM due to their weak 2175 Ang. bumps. While the extinction properties seen in the LMC lie within the range of properties seen in the Galaxy, the correlations of UV extinction properties with environment seen in the Galaxy do not appear to hold in the LMC.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Ap
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