12 research outputs found

    Application of Genetic Resources in the Development of New Lithuanian Vegetable Cultivars

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    The investigations of genetic resources in Lithuania started in 1924. Collections including more than 110 samples of different vegetable species have been accumulated and continue to expand. The breeding program is focused on productivity, quality traits and biochemical composition, and tolerance of unfavorable environmental factors in changing climates. Currently, over 95 cultivars and hybrids of vegetables have been released, about 40 of which are included in the EU Common catalogue of varieties of vegetable species. From 2012 to 2021, twelve cultivars were developed at the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, seven of which are fruit vegetables, four are root crops, and two are in the onion group. The breeding direction was to increase the sustainable production of vegetables and improve the quality of the products by using national and adapted genetic resources as valuable parental forms. For 10 years, vegetable plant hybrids and cultivars were developed to meet commercial cultivars’ market requirements. The tomato cultivars ‘Ainiai’ H, ‘Adas’ H, ‘Auksiai’ H, ‘Alvita’ and cucumber cultivar ‘Roliai’ are distinguished by a good biochemical composition and taste, while the sweet pepper cultivar ‘Gabija’ has high productivity and fruit quality. The carrot hybrids ‘Ieva’, ‘Rokita’, ‘Jola’, garlic cultivar ‘Dangiai’, and onion cultivar ‘Joriai’ are distinguished by their productivity and good storage ability. The Jerusalem artichoke cultivar ‘Sauliai’ has tubers with white skin and the colour of the flowers is yellow

    Application of Genetic Resources in the Development of New Lithuanian Vegetable Cultivars

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    The investigations of genetic resources in Lithuania started in 1924. Collections including more than 110 samples of different vegetable species have been accumulated and continue to expand. The breeding program is focused on productivity, quality traits and biochemical composition, and tolerance of unfavorable environmental factors in changing climates. Currently, over 95 cultivars and hybrids of vegetables have been released, about 40 of which are included in the EU Common catalogue of varieties of vegetable species. From 2012 to 2021, twelve cultivars were developed at the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, seven of which are fruit vegetables, four are root crops, and two are in the onion group. The breeding direction was to increase the sustainable production of vegetables and improve the quality of the products by using national and adapted genetic resources as valuable parental forms. For 10 years, vegetable plant hybrids and cultivars were developed to meet commercial cultivars’ market requirements. The tomato cultivars ‘Ainiai’ H, ‘Adas’ H, ‘Auksiai’ H, ‘Alvita’ and cucumber cultivar ‘Roliai’ are distinguished by a good biochemical composition and taste, while the sweet pepper cultivar ‘Gabija’ has high productivity and fruit quality. The carrot hybrids ‘Ieva’, ‘Rokita’, ‘Jola’, garlic cultivar ‘Dangiai’, and onion cultivar ‘Joriai’ are distinguished by their productivity and good storage ability. The Jerusalem artichoke cultivar ‘Sauliai’ has tubers with white skin and the colour of the flowers is yellow

    The influence of the sample preparation of carrots (Daucus carota L. Neptun) on the antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds

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    Skirtingomis ekstrakcijos sąlygomis – derinant sausos masės kiekį ir tirpiklio procentinį santykį, atliekant reakcijas su laisvuoju radikalu DPPH bei matuojant spektrofotometriškai ties 515 nm bangos ilgiu – siekta nustatyti antioksidacinį ‘Neptun’ morkų veislės aktyvumą. Šioje morkų veislėje rasti fenolinių junginių kiekiai svyravo tarp 0,07 ir 0,31 mg/ml metanolio ekstrakto ir tarp 1,51 ir 7,1 mg/g sausos morkų masės pagal galo rūgšties ekvivalentus (Folin- Ciocalteu modifikuotas metodas). Didžiausias antioksidacinis aktyvumas – 82 % nustatytas sukapotų ir vaisių džiovyklėje išdžiovintų morkų, kai 0,5 g sausos morkų žaliavos ekstrahuota 75 % metanoliu. Mažiausias aktyvumas – apie 8 % gautas ekstrahuojant 0,25 g sausos morkų žaliavos 100 % metanolio tirpikliu. Išmatavus antioksidacinio aktyvumo kaitą laiko atžvilgiu kas 15min., reikšmingi skirtumai gauti iki 45min. taikant 100 % metanolio ekstrakciją 0,5 g kapotai sausai medžiagai (p > 0,05). Su 75 % metanolio ekstrakcija gauti skirtumai nereikšmingi laiko atžvilgiu. 0,5 g kapotose morkose, džiovintose vaisių džiovyklėje, pasiekus 80 % aktyvumą, reakcija pasiekdavo pusiausvyrą. Džiovinimo poveikis antioksidaciniam aktyvumui buvo nedidelis (p > 0,05), bet reikšmingas bendram fenolinių junginių kiekiui (p Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The effect of organic certified materials on the tendency of yield and quality index of potatoes

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    The article presents analysis of organic farming, in which quality of organic production is problematical question and asking different field testing. Investigation on potato fertilizers composed of the combination of phosphorus and potassium were carried out in 2007-2008 in the Experimental Station at Aleksandras Stulginskis University and in 2010 investigation on applying biological preparations to organically grown potatoes was carried out on V. Elzbergas‘s farm of organic production in Kelme district. Results show, that treating potatoes with a combination of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers and potassium fertilizers alone significantly increased total and marketable yield of organically grown potatoes. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers had little effect on the output of marketable yield of potatoes. Energetic P value increased under the influence of combination of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and this shows lower suitability to human body. Treating potatoes with biological preparation in their growth technology did not allow determining their total and marketable yields. Biological preparations had a positive effect on energetic values of potatoes- lower values were calculated and this shows greater suitability to humanVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The influence of pre-harvest LEDs on phytochemical constituents and antioxidant ctivity of microgreens during short-term storage

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    This study aims to evaluate the influence of the pre-harvest light-emitting diode (LED) spectrum on the metabolic indices in microgreens during post-harvest storage. Broccoli ‘Micro Green’ and kale ‘Dwarf Blue Green’ microgreens were cultivated in a growth chamber under the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 200 µmol m−2 s−1 provided by violet (V, 405 nm), blue (B, 447 nm), green (G, 520 nm), and red (R638, R665, R—638 nm and 665 nm, or both, respectively) LEDs in combinations of BR638, BR665, BR, BRV, and BRG. We evaluated the total phenolic content (TPC), total protein (TP), chlorophyll (CHL), and carotenoid (CAR) contents, and the ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and ABTS and DPPH free radical scavenging activities at harvest and during storage at 4 °C for five days in the dark. The results demonstrate that the influence of pre-harvest LEDs on the metabolic indices varied among microgreens species and decreased consistently throughout the post-harvest period. BRV treatment led to the highest TPC, CHL, and CAR in kale, and increased the DPPH radical scavenging activity in broccoli. The TP content was the highest in kale and broccoli under BR665 and BR lights, respectively. In addition, BR light had a similar impact on the antioxidant capacity at harvest day for both microgreens species. The TPC, CHL, and CAR contents were influenced by BR665 after one day from harvest

    Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging to Describe Properties of Conventionally and Organically Grown Carrots

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    International audienceThis paper discusses the potential of visible and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to describe properties of conventionally and organically grown carrots. 140 samples of four Lithuanian carrot cultivars were scanned using a VNIR400H hyperspectral camera, capable of covering the spectral range of 400-1000 nm with a sampling interval of 0.6 nm. Half of the samples were grown under organic farming conditions and the remainder under conventional conditions. Chemical and electro-chemical properties, i.e. nitrate content, acidity, reduction potential and electrical conductivity, were determined for the carrot root samples using conventional methods of chemical investigations. The ability to separate organically and conventionally grown samples on the basis of spectral data was examined by applying estimations of Jeffries-Matusita distances and linear discriminant analysis. Opportunities to predict the chemical and electro-chemical properties of samples applying the partial least squares regression and the spectral data as predictors were also investigated. The overall classification accuracy of samples of organically and conventionally grown carrot cultivars when applying linear discriminant analysis was in the range of 94.4-100% and the Jeffries-Matusita distances were in the range of 1.98-2.00. There was good prediction potential using the partial least squares regression for electrical conductivity (R 2 = 0.88) and reduction potential (R 2 = 0.81), better than moderate for nitrate content (R 2 = 0.77) and moderate for acidity (R 2 = 0.68) using hyperspectral reflectance data of carrot captured under laboratory conditions. Both the separation ability and prediction potential were higher if taking into account the cultivar

    Baltagūžio kopūsto (Brassica oleracea L.) ir valgomojo ridiko (Raphanus sativus L.) kokybės ir vystymosi kitimai pasodų saugojimo metu

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    e-ISSN 2335-8947Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti Brassicaceae šeimos augalų: baltagūžio kopūsto (B. oleracea L., ‘Rocktor’ H) bei žieminio valgomojo ridiko (Raphanus sativus L., ‘Murzynka’) kokybinių rodiklių kitimus ir įvertinti fitohormonų bei tirpių angliavandenių veiklą vykstant vystymosi procesams pasodų saugojimo metu. Augalai auginti pagal skirtingas daržovių auginimo technologijas (tradicinę ir ekologinę). Ridikų ir kopūstų derlius nuimtas atitinkamai rugsėjo 19 ir spalio 14 dienomis. Pasodai saugoti 1–4° C temperatūroje, esant 90 % drėgniui. Kopūstų ir ridikų perėjimas iš juvenalinio periodo (II organogenezės tarpsnis) į generatyvinį vystymąsi (III organogenezės tarpsnis) prasidėjo atitinkamai lapkričio ir sausio mėnesiais; tai lėmė evokacijos procesų pradžią. Apikalinių meristemų mitotinis aktyvumas ir prefloralinių meristemų vystymasis pastebėtas tik pavasarį – nustatytas IV organogenezės etapas. Tai reiškia, kad II evokacijos etapo procesai gali prasidėti pasodų saugojimo metu, esant žemai temperatūrai ir tamsoje. Nustatyta didėjanti invertuoto cukraus, sacharozės, suminio cukraus ir tirpių sausųjų medžiagų kiekio tendencija saugojimo metu galėjo būti dėl lėtesnio angliavandenių hidrolizės greičio, o tai sąlygoja geresnę daržovių kokybę. Tačiau saugojimo metu abiejų daržovių sandėliniuose organuose (ridikų šakniavaisiuose ir kopūstų stiebuose) nustatytas reikšmingas heksozių (apie 1,5 ir 4,7 karto kopūstuose ir ridikuose) ir sacharozės (apie 2,0 ir 19,0 kartų kopūstuose ir ridikuose) mažėjimas, tikriausiai dėl cukrų skaidymoThe aim of this study was to investigate the changes of quality indices and to evaluate the action of phytohormones and soluble sugars in developmental processes of Brassicaceae plants: white head cabbage (Brassica oleracea L., ‘Rocktor H’) and winter type radish (Raphanus sativus L., ‘Murzynka’) during winter storage. Radish and white head cabbage were harvested on the 19th of September and 14th of October, respectively. The switching from juvenile period (II organogenesis stage) to reproductive (III organogenesis stage) development started in November for white head cabbage and in January for radish, winter type, and conditioned the beginning of evocation processes. The mitotic activity of apical meristems started, and the development of floral meristems was observed only in spring – IV organogenesis stage was identified. Thus, this means that processes of II evocation stage can occur during storage, at low temperature conditions and in the dark for both plants. The increasing pattern of reducing sugars, sucrose, total sugars and soluble solids could be due to slower rate of hydrolysis of carbohydrates, which has implication for better quality maintenance. On the other hand, significant decline of hexoses (about 1.5 and 4.7 times in white head cabbage and radish, respectively) and sucrose (about 2.0 and 19.0 times in white head cabbage and radish, respectively), probably due to sugar cleavage, in storage organs of both harvested vegetables was observed during storage. The increasing pattern of hexoses, especially glucose (2.2 times in both plants), sucrose (7.5 times in white head cabbage), gibberellin (1.3 and 2.2 times in white head cabbage and radish, respectively) and indole-3-acetic acid (0.8 times in white head cabbage) during evocation (III and IV organogenesis stages) was observed in apical meristems of both plantsAleksandro Stulginskio universitetasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Biochemical and electrochemical evaluation of organic red beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. Vulgaris convar. Vulgaris var. Vulgaris) root crops

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    Investigations of biochemical composition of red beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris convar. vulgaris var. vulgaris) cultivars were carried out at the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2011–2012. There were evaluated four Lithuanian (‘Kamuoliai’, ‘Joniai’, ‘Rikiai’, ‘Ilgiai’) and six foreign (‘Tardel’, ‘Egyptic platround’, ‘Forono’, ‘Renova’, ‘Rocket’, ‘Cylindra’) cultivars. Red beets were grown according to organic growing conditions - plants were fertilized with Ekoplant (preplant) and two times sprayed with Kelkat and Fitomare Bio mix. Electrochemical and biochemical parameters of various red beet roots forms were evaluated. Red beet of Lithuanian selection cultivars accumulated higher amounts of soluble solids and total sugar compared with the foreign cultivars. Lowest nitrates content (2011y. – 480.5 mg kg-1 and 2012 y. – 521.0 mg kg-1) was observed in the cultivar ‘Tardel’ root-cropVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Differential Physiological Response and Antioxidant Activity Relative to High-Power Micro-Waves Irradiation and Temperature of Tomato Sprouts

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    Among the various types of stress, microwaves and temperature can induce major impacts on plant growth. There is information describing the thermal impact of microwaves on living organisms, but it is necessary to segregate the warming effect and direct impact of microwaves irradiation on plants. It was detected that High Power Microwaves (HPM) (9.3 GHz) and elevated temperature exposure upon tomato seeds and sprouts in primary ontogenetic stages showed a slightly incentive effect on plant-growing indicators such as dry mass, fresh mass, plants height, and assimilation area. Such a positive effect on plant growing parameters could be related to saccharides distribution by microwaves in seeds or plants and nutrients mobilization. Moreover, tomato plants (+R) and seeds (R) irradiation significantly reduced the content of non-structural carbohydrates (raphinose, glucose, fructose, and sucrose). Obtained results confirm that a common plant acclimatization response to various environmental elements is the concentration of secondary metabolites and antioxidants

    Differential Physiological Response and Antioxidant Activity Relative to High-Power Micro-Waves Irradiation and Temperature of Tomato Sprouts

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    Among the various types of stress, microwaves and temperature can induce major impacts on plant growth. There is information describing the thermal impact of microwaves on living organisms, but it is necessary to segregate the warming effect and direct impact of microwaves irradiation on plants. It was detected that High Power Microwaves (HPM) (9.3 GHz) and elevated temperature exposure upon tomato seeds and sprouts in primary ontogenetic stages showed a slightly incentive effect on plant-growing indicators such as dry mass, fresh mass, plants height, and assimilation area. Such a positive effect on plant growing parameters could be related to saccharides distribution by microwaves in seeds or plants and nutrients mobilization. Moreover, tomato plants (+R) and seeds (R) irradiation significantly reduced the content of non-structural carbohydrates (raphinose, glucose, fructose, and sucrose). Obtained results confirm that a common plant acclimatization response to various environmental elements is the concentration of secondary metabolites and antioxidants