159 research outputs found

    Mon congé de l'Amérique ; suivi de Juste l

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    Les deux parties de ce mĂ©moire rĂ©vĂšlent -chacune Ă  sa maniĂšre -mon sentiment d'attachement Ă  la terre, au Nord, Ă  la grande AmĂ©rique en mĂȘme temps que le besoin viscĂ©ral de m'en affranchir parfois, de m'en Ă©loigner pour mieux voir ce que chaque lieu imprime en moi Ă  tout moment. La premiĂšre partie, mon congĂ© de l'amĂ©rique, est construite sous la forme d'une suite poĂ©tique oĂč un moi-sujet se livre Ă  un travail de dĂ©cantation de l'affectif, du territorial et de l'identitaire. Chacune des cinq sections de ce long poĂšme trace des portraits de l'AmĂ©rique qui originent aussi bien des paysages du Lac-Saint-Pierre, du Lac-Saint-Jean, des forĂȘts du Nord, de MontrĂ©al que du monde intĂ©rieur prĂ©sent dans chaque individu. L'exploration de ces territoires se fait par le biais du questionnement, de l'admiration, de la nostalgie, du deuil. L'AmĂ©rique se montre alors dans sa vastitude, ses nĂ©vroses, ses beautĂ©s, ses contradictions, sa dĂ©suĂ©tude. Le moi-sujet, pour sa part, traverse ces aspĂ©ritĂ©s, apprenant (parfois douloureusement) Ă  composer avec elles. La seconde partie, Juste lĂ , propose une rĂ©flexion formĂ©e d'un ensemble de rubriques portant sur les histoires que chaque lieu raconte Ă  celui qui le traverse. Que ce soit par les bruits de la rue, les lignes tortueuses sur l'Ă©corce d'un arbre, la douceur de l'herbe, le monde du dehors arrive certains jours Ă  toucher des pans de l'ĂȘtre de façon inattendue. Ce sont des dĂ©tails d'habitude, des Ă©lĂ©ments d'un dĂ©cor familier qui, au lieu de passer inaperçus, tout Ă  coup tendent la main pour montrer quelque chose et dire: «c'Ă©tait juste lĂ  sous tes yeux». Alors, pendant un court laps de temps, l'individu se reconnaĂźt dans ce qui se trouve devant lui et y participe intensĂ©ment, profondĂ©ment.\ud Cette composition du dedans et du dehors, cette construction de l'ĂȘtre dans un imaginaire de la langue et du lieu, c'est le sens du travail d'atelier. L'atelier d'Ă©criture, tout compte fait, permet de se situer, de s'ancrer dans un espace donnĂ©. Il faut arriver Ă  s'y inscrire en tant que sujet parfois en s'altĂ©rant, parfois en s'imposant. Partout dans ce mĂ©moire on pourra reconnaĂźtre les mĂȘmes questions fondamentales : comment exister vraiment dans un lieu de grandeurs, dans un espace rempli d'histoires dĂ©jĂ , dans un monde qui ne correspond pas toujours Ă  nos attentes et nos dĂ©sirs? Comment les lieux dĂ©terminent-ils ce que l'on est, ce que l'on devient? Est-il possible enfin que moi aussi je puisse marquer les lieux que je traverse? ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : AmĂ©rique, IdentitĂ©, Arbre, Appartenance, Nord, DĂ©sir, Deuil

    Étude comparative de l’utilisabilitĂ© de trois interfaces de formulation de requĂȘtes Ă  une base de donnĂ©es relationnelle

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    RÉSUMÉ : L’utilisation de bases de donnĂ©es relationnelles est une activitĂ© complexe pour la grande majoritĂ© des utilisateurs et cela ne fait pas exception dans une entreprise de technologie financiĂšre comme Croesus Finansoft. De nombreux chercheurs et dĂ©veloppeurs se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  cette activitĂ© ces derniĂšres annĂ©es pour tenter de rĂ©duire la complexitĂ© et d’amĂ©liorer l’utilisabilitĂ© des interfaces utilisateurs des systĂšmes de requĂȘtes Ă  une base de donnĂ©es relationnelle. L’objectif du projet de recherche est de dĂ©velopper une solution d’interface utilisateur permettant aux utilisateurs d’un logiciel de gestion de portefeuilles de crĂ©er plus facilement des requĂȘtes Ă  une base de donnĂ©es qu’avec les interfaces actuelles. La recherche a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e en collaboration avec Croesus Lab. qui oeuvre dans le domaine de la technologie financiĂšre et offre des produits logiciels aux grandes institutions financiĂšres canadiennes. Elle comporte une Ă©tude des problĂšmes rencontrĂ©s par les utilisateurs avec les interfaces d’un logiciel de gestion de portefeuille comprenant une interface de critĂšres de recherche simplifiĂ©e basĂ©e sur une approche par filtres combinĂ©e avec une approche de langage semi-naturel sous forme de phrases structurĂ©es rigides et une interface de critĂšres de recherche avancĂ©e basĂ©e sur une approche par filtres dans un formulaire flexible prĂ©sentĂ© sous forme hiĂ©rarchique. La recherche a aussi menĂ© Ă  la conception de maquettes puis d’un prototype d’interface utilisateur basĂ©e sur une approche de formulaire flexible de formulation de requĂȘtes par diagramme. Trois cycles de tests d’utilisabilitĂ© visant Ă  tester les maquettes et le prototype et Ă  Ă©valuer les rĂ©sultats en termes de performance et de satisfaction humaine ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s durant le processus de conception. À chaque cycle de tests, la chercheure a observĂ© soigneusement les comportements des utilisateurs. De plus, elle a menĂ© des entrevues semi-dirigĂ©es pour recueillir les commentaires et les impressions des utilisateurs. Ces informations ont permis d’amĂ©liorer les maquettes. Dix et 12 sujets ont participĂ© respectivement au premier et au second cycle de tests d’utilisabilitĂ© portant sur les maquettes. Par la suite, le prototype fonctionnel d’interface a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© et un troisiĂšme cycle de tests d’utilisabilitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© avec celui-ci auprĂšs de six sujets. Pour finir, nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale comparative visant Ă  tester trois hypothĂšses (H) stipulant que la nouvelle interface du prototype donne de meilleurs rĂ©sultats que les deux interfaces actuelles en termes de temps d’exĂ©cution des tĂąches (H1), de nombre d’erreurs (H2) et de nombre de demandes d’assistance (H3) de la part des utilisateurs. Douze utilisateurs connaissant dĂ©jĂ  les deux interfaces actuelles du logiciel de gestion de portefeuilles ont participĂ© aux tests ; chacun devait effectuer trois tĂąches de crĂ©ation de requĂȘtes avec chacune des trois interfaces. De façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, les commentaires recueillis auprĂšs des utilisateurs au sujet du prototype de la nouvelle interface (formulaire flexible de formulation de requĂȘtes par diagramme) sont positifs : l’interface est considĂ©rĂ©e comme plus intuitive, elle nĂ©cessite moins d’opĂ©rations pour formuler les diffĂ©rentes conditions des requĂȘtes et l’utilisateur est guidĂ© pour l’ajout d’opĂ©rateurs logiques ET/OU. Les rĂ©sultats montrent aussi que mĂȘme si les utilisateurs n’ont aucune expĂ©rience avec la nouvelle interface contrairement aux deux autres interfaces, la durĂ©e de la formulation de requĂȘtes tend Ă  ĂȘtre plus courte avec la nouvelle interface pour toutes les tĂąches effectuĂ©es : toutefois, une seule (sur trois) offre une diffĂ©rence significative en termes statistiques entre la nouvelle interface et l’interface des critĂšres de recherche avancĂ©e. L’hypothĂšse H1 est donc partiellement confirmĂ©e, pour une interface sur deux et pour une tĂąche sur trois). De plus, la nouvelle interface a permis de rĂ©duire le nombre d’erreurs de façon significative par rapport Ă  l’interface des critĂšres de recherche avancĂ©e pour l’une des trois tĂąches. L’hypothĂšse H2 est partiellement confirmĂ©e (pour une interface sur deux, et pour une tĂąche sur trois). Enfin, il n’y a pas de diffĂ©rence significative entre les deux interfaces actuelles et le prototype de formulaire flexible de formulation de requĂȘtes par diagramme quant au nombre de demandes d’assistance Ă  la tĂąche. L’hypothĂšse H3 est donc infirmĂ©e. Dans la discussion, nous tentons d’expliquer ces rĂ©sultats et dans la conclusion, nous proposons quelques pistes de recherches pour la suite.----------ABSTRACT : Exploration of relational databases is a complex activity for most people and database users of financial technology software like Croesus Finansoft are no exception. Lots of research has been done in the late years to reduce the complexity and improve the usability of interfaces used to create relational database requests. The goal of this research is to develop a user interface solution, allowing portfolio management software users to create relational database requests in an easier way than with the actual interfaces. The research has been done in collaboration with Croesus Lab. which works in financial technology field and offers software products to Canadians financial institutions. It includes a study of the problems encountered by the portfolio management software users offering a simplified search criteria interface based on a filter approach combined with a rigid semi-natural language approach and an advanced search criteria interface based on a filter approach presented in a hierarchical flexible form. The research has led to the conception of a mock-up and an interface prototype based on an approach of a flexible form or query formulation by diagram. Three cycles of usability tests were done to test the mock-ups and the prototype and to evaluate the results in terms of performance and human satisfaction has been done during the conception process. In every meeting between the searcher and a subject, the searcher has taken notes about her observations of the subject’s behaviour. At the end of each meeting, an interview was conducted by the searcher to collect feedback from the subjects. The information has been used to improve the mock-ups. Ten and 12 subjects have participated respectively to the first and second usability test cycles on mock-ups. Then, the functional prototype has been developed and a third cycle of usability tests has been done with six subjects. An experimental comparative study has been conducted to validate three hypotheses (H) saying that the new interface prototype gives better results than the two actual interfaces in terms of tasks execution time (H1), the number of errors (H2) and the amount of assistance demands (H3) from users. Twelve users already knowing the two actual interfaces have participated in the tests; each of them had to perform three tasks of requests creation with each of the three interfaces. In general, the collected comments on the new interface prototype (interface based on an approach of a flexible form or query formulation by diagram) are positive : the interface is considered more intuitive, it requires fewer operations to formulate the different request’s conditions and the user is guided during the insertion of logical operators AND/OR. The results show that even if the user has no experience with the new interface, the request formulation duration tends to be shorter with the new interface for all the tasks : however, only one task (on three) offers a significant difference in statistic terms between the new interface and the advanced search criteria. The hypothesis H1 is partially confirmed for one interface out of two and one task out of the three. The new interface as significantly reduce the number of errors compared to the advanced search criteria interface for one task out of the three. The hypothesis H2 is partially confirmed (for one interface out of two and for one task out of the three). There is no significant difference between the two actual interfaces and the new interface in terms of the amount of assistance demands. The hypothesis H3 is informed. In the discussion, we try to explain the results and the conclusion. New search fields are proposed for the future

    Developmental regulation of the neuroinflammatory responses to LPS and/or hypoxia-ischemia between preterm and term neonates: An experimental study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preterm and term newborns are at high risk of brain damage as well as subsequent cerebral palsy and learning disabilities. Indeed, hypoxia-ischemia (HI), pathogen exposures, and associated intracerebral increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines have all been linked to perinatal brain damage. However, the developmental effects of potential variations of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine ratios remain unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using rat models of perinatal brain damage induced by exposures to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and/or HI at distinct levels of maturity, we compared cytokine expression at stages of cerebral development equivalent to either preterm (postnatal day 1, P1) or term (P12) newborns.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At P1, expression of anti-inflammatory cytokine within the brain was either not modulated (IL-6, IL-10) or down-regulated (IL-1ra, TGF-ÎČ1) by HI, LPS or LPS+HI. In contrast, there was at P12 an up-regulation of all anti-inflammatory cytokines studied in HI or LPS+HI condition, but not after LPS exposure. Interestingly, IL-1ÎČ was the main pro-inflammatory cytokine up-regulated moderately at P1, and strongly at P12, with a weak co-expression of TNF-α observed mainly at P12. These age-dependant inflammatory reactions were also accompanied, under HI and LPS+HI conditions, at P12 only, by combined: (i) expression of chemokines CINC-1 and MCP-1, (ii) blood-brain barrier (BBB) leakage, and (iii) intracerebral recruitment of systemic immune cells such as neutrophils. In contrast, sole LPS induced IL-1ÎČ responses mainly within white matter at P1 and mainly within gray matter at P12, that were only associated with early MCP-1 (but no CINC-1) induction at both ages, without any recruitment of neutrophils and CD68+ cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HI and LPS+HI induce pro-inflammatory oriented immune responses in both preterm and term like brains, with a maximal inflammatory response triggered by the combination of LPS+HI. The profile of these neuroinflammatory responses presented striking variations according to age: no or down-regulated anti-inflammatory responses associated with mainly IL-1ÎČ release in preterm-like brains (P1), in sharp contrast to term-like brains (P12) presenting stronger anti-and pro-inflammatory responses, including both IL-1ÎČ and TNF-α releases, and BBB leakage. These developmental-dependant variations of neuroinflammatory response could contribute to the differential pattern of brain lesions observed across gestational ages in humans. This also highlights the necessity to take into consideration the maturation stage, of both brain and immune systems, in order to develop new anti-inflammatory neuroprotective strategies.</p

    Genome wide SNP comparative analysis between EGFR and KRAS mutated NSCLC and characterization of two models of oncogenic cooperation in non-small cell lung carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lung cancer with EGFR mutation was shown to be a specific clinical entity. In order to better understand the biology behind this disease we used a genome wide characterization of loss of heterozygosity and amplification by Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Array analysis to point out chromosome segments linked to <it>EGFR </it>mutations. To do so, we compared genetic profiles between <it>EGFR </it>mutated adenocarcinomas (ADC) and <it>KRAS </it>mutated ADC from 24 women with localized lung cancer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patterns of alterations were different between <it>EGFR </it>and <it>KRAS </it>mutated tumors and specific chromosomes alterations were linked to the <it>EGFR </it>mutated group. Indeed chromosome regions 14q21.3 (p = 0.027), 7p21.3-p21.2 (p = 0.032), 7p21.3 (p = 0.042) and 7p21.2-7p15.3 (p = 0.043) were found significantly amplified in EGFR mutated tumors. Within those regions 3 genes are of special interest <it>ITGB8</it>, <it>HDAC9 </it>and <it>TWIST1</it>. Moreover, homozygous deletions at <it>CDKN2A </it>and LOH at <it>RB1 </it>were identified in <it>EGFR </it>mutated tumors. We therefore tested the existence of a link between EGFR mutation, CDKN2A homozygous deletion and cyclin amplification in a larger series of tumors. Indeed, in a series of non-small-cell lung carcinoma (n = 98) we showed that homozygous deletions at <it>CDKN2A </it>were linked to <it>EGFR </it>mutations and absence of smoking whereas cyclin amplifications (<it>CCNE1 </it>and <it>CCND1</it>) were associated to <it>TP53 </it>mutations and smoking habit.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>All together, our results show that genome wide patterns of alteration differ between <it>EGFR </it>and <it>KRAS </it>mutated lung ADC, describe two models of oncogenic cooperation involving either <it>EGFR </it>mutation and <it>CDKN2A </it>deletion or cyclin amplification and <it>TP53 </it>inactivating mutations and identified new chromosome regions at 7p and 14q associated to EGFR mutations in lung cancer.</p

    Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Antagonist Blocks the Development of Endometriosis In Vivo

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    Endometriosis, a disease of reproductive age women, is a major cause of infertility, menstrual disorders and pelvic pain. Little is known about its etiopathology, but chronic pelvic inflammation is a common feature in affected women. Beside symptomatic treatment of endometriosis-associated pain, only two main suboptimal therapeutic approaches (hormonal and invasive surgery) are generally recommended to patients and no specific targeted treatment is available. Our studies led to the detection of a marked increase in the expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in the eutopic endometrium, the peripheral blood and the peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis, and in early, vascularized and active endometriotic lesions. Herein, we developed a treatment model of endometriosis, where human endometrial tissue was first allowed to implant into the peritoneal cavity of nude mice, to assess in vivo the effect of a specific antagonist of MIF (ISO-1) on the progression of endometriosis and evaluate its efficacy as a potential therapeutic tool. Administration of ISO-1 led to a significant decline of the number, size and in situ dissemination of endometriotic lesions. We further showed that ISO-1 may act by significantly inhibiting cell adhesion, tissue remodeling, angiogenesis and inflammation as well as by altering the balance of pro- and anti-apoptotic factors. Actually, mice treatment with ISO-1 significantly reduced the expression of cell adhesion receptors αv and ß3 integrins (P<0.05), matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) 2 and 9 (P<0.05), vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) (P<0.01), interleukin 8 (IL8) (P<0.05), cyclooxygenease (COX)2 (P<0.001) and the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl2 (P<0.01), but significantly induced the expression of Bax (P<0.05), a potent pro-apoptotic protein. These data provide evidence that specific inhibition of MIF alters endometriotic tissue growth and progression in vivo and may represent a promising potential therapeutic avenue

    La filiacion y la fecundacion "in vitro"

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    Las tecnicas de reproduccion asistida no solo representan una solucion para ayudar a superar problemas de esterilidad, sino que su practica conlleva problemas eticos y juridicos. Esta Tesis analiza los problemas que plantea la fecundacion "in vitro", desde el punto de vista de la filiacion, para determinar la paternidad y maternidad cuando se utilizan los gametos de la pareja o de un tercero. Desde este punto de vista, se estudian la situacion juridica del tercero -llamado donante- y de las madres subrogadas, asi como las acciones de filiacion Tambien se examina la problematica que plantea la congelacion de semen y embriones, al poder un hombre engendrar un hijo despues de muerto. Entre las fuentes que se analizan estan los principales informes extranjeros que han estudiado la problematica de estas tecnicas, asi como el Informe especial de..

    Core Outcome Set for IgE ‐mediated food allergy clinical trials and observational studies of interventions: International Delphi consensus study ‘ COMFA ’

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    Background: IgE‐mediated food allergy (FA) is a global health concern with substantial individual and societal implications. While diverse intervention strategies have been researched, inconsistencies in reported outcomes limit evaluations of FA treatments. To streamline evaluations and promote consistent reporting, the Core Outcome Measures for Food Allergy (COMFA) initiative aimed to establish a Core Outcome Set (COS) for FA clinical trials and observational studies of interventions. Methods: The project involved a review of published clinical trials, trial protocols and qualitative literature. Outcomes found as a result of review were categorized and classified, informing a two‐round online‐modified Delphi process followed by hybrid consensus meeting to finalize the COS. Results: The literature review, taxonomy mapping and iterative discussions with diverse COMFA group yielded an initial list of 39 outcomes. The iterative online and in‐person meetings reduced the list to 13 outcomes for voting in the formal Delphi process. One more outcome was added based on participant suggestions after the first Delphi round. A total of 778 participants from 52 countries participated, with 442 participating in both Delphi rounds. No outcome met a priori criteria for inclusion, and one was excluded as a result of the Delphi. Thirteen outcomes were brought to the hybrid consensus meeting as a result of Delphi and two outcomes, ‘allergic symptoms’ and ‘quality of life’ achieved consensus for inclusion as ‘core’ outcomes. Conclusion: In addition to the mandatory reporting of adverse events for FA clinical trials or observational studies of interventions, allergic symptoms and quality of life should be measured as core outcomes. Future work by COMFA will define how best to measure these core outcomes
