15 research outputs found
Relación entre factores de regulación externa y motivación en alumnos de posgrado de Universidad Autónoma del Noreste campus Monclova durante emergencia sanitaria por SARS-CoV2
La contingencia sanitaria causada por covid-19 ha afectado sistemas gubernamentales, económicos, de salud y educativos a lo largo del mundo. En el sistema educativo ha obligado a las instituciones a migrar súbitamente de modelos presenciales a modelos de educación a distancia o virtuales. En menor escala durante esta pandemia las personas se han visto impactadas con problemas de salud, emocionales, económicos y laborales. Los alumnos de maestrías de salud ocupacional y terapia familiar de la Universidad Autónoma del Noreste campus Monclova no están ajenos a estos problemas que pueden llevarlos a desmotivación académica y en casos graves deserción del estudiante, por lo que esta investigación tiene por objetivo verificar estadísticamente la existencia de relación entre la motivación por adquirir nuevos conocimientos y los factores de regulación externa del alumno de maestrías en salud ocupacional y terapia familiar de la Universidad Autónoma del Noreste campus Monclova durante emergencia sanitaria por SARS-CoV2. La investigación se llevó durante febrero a marzo de 2021 en la Universidad Autónoma del Noreste campus Monclova teniendo como muestra 35 alumnos de posgrado de maestrías de Salud Ocupacional y Terapia Familiar. Para recabar información se aplicó el instrumento “Escala de Motivación Educativa”. Al realizar prueba de correlación de Spearman en variables se obtiene que “no existe relación significativa entre los factores de regulación externa y la motivación para adquirir conocimientos por parte de los alumnos de las maestrías de salud ocupacional y terapia familiar de la Universidad Autónoma del Noreste campus Monclova durante emergencia sanitaria por SARS-CoV2
Debido al pensamiento cada vez más recurrente de la mujer a incertarse dentro del mercado laboral remunerado y formal, el cartel propuesto pretende exponer, primeramente como análisis estadístico descriptivo, la tasa de ocupación a razón de género en los diversos grupos ocupacionales presentes dentro de la Zona Metropolitana de la Laguna a través de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (ENOE) para el segundo trimestre del 2015 aplicando el procedimiento propuesto por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI); posteriormente, se estima el índice de segregación ocupacional horizontal a razón de género en dichos grupos ocupacionales tomando como referencia el índice propuesto por Karmel y MacLachlan
An increase of cereal intake as an approach to weight reduction in children is effective only when accompanied by nutrition education: a randomized controlled trial
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The main emphasis of dietary advice for control of obesity has been on reducing dietary fat. Increasing ready to eat cereal (RTEC) consumption could be a strategy to reduce fat intake and increase carbohydrate intake resulting in a diet with lower energy density.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>1. To determine if an increase in RTEC intake is an effective strategy to reduce excess body weight and blood lipids in overweight or at risk of overweight children. 2. To determine if a nutrition education program would make a difference on the response to an increase in cereal intake. 3) To determine if increase in RTEC intake alone or with a nutrition education program has an effect on plasma lipid profile.</p> <p>Experimental design</p> <p>One hundred and forty seven overweight or at risk of overweight children (6–12 y of age) were assigned to one of four different treatments: a. One serving of 33 ± 7 g of RTEC for breakfast; b. one serving of 33 ± 7 g of RTEC for breakfast and another one for dinner; c. one serving of 33 ± 7 g of RTEC for breakfast and a nutrition education program. d. Non intervention, control group. Anthropometry, body composition, physical activity and blood lipids were measured at baseline, before treatments, and 12 weeks after treatments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After 12 weeks of intervention only the children that received 33 ± 7 g of RTEC and nutrition education had significantly lower body weight [-1.01 (-1.69, -0.34) ], p < 0.01], lower BMI [-0.95 (-1.71, -0.20), p < 0.01] and lower total body fat [-0.71 (-1.71, 0.28), p < 0.05] compared with the control group [1.19 (0.39, 1.98), 0.01 (-0.38, 0.41), 0.44 (-0.46, 1.35) respectively]. Plasma triglycerides and VLDL were significantly reduced [-20.74 (-36.44, -5.05), -3.78 (-6.91, -0.64) respectively, p < 0.05] and HDL increased significantly [6.61 (2.15, 11.08), p < 0.01] only in this treatment group. The groups that received 1 or 2 doses of RTEC alone were not significantly different to the control group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A strategy to increase RTEC consumption, as a source of carbohydrate, to reduce obesity is effective only when accompanied by nutrition education. The need for education could be extrapolated to other strategies intended for treatment of obesity.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Australian New Zealand Clincial Trial Registry. Request no: ACTRN12608000025336</p
Socio-emotional skills and their relationship with educational achievement in high school students
Socio-emotional skills have been recognized for generating great benefits in the academic progress of students, however, these do not have been appreciated based on its fair value. In the present investigation were used data from the National Plan for the Evaluation of Learning for the year 2017, this to determine the weight they have these skills (perseverance, empathy, self-regulation and positive and negative decisions) with the results in the areas of language and communication and mathematics in a sample of 4,822 students of high school in Nuevo León, Mexico. A theoretical model was proposed to represent the relationship and determine the weight that the proposed factors have in the achievement in the referred areas; for the empirical verification, applied the technique of modeling with structural equations. It was found that all the factors have a significant weight in the result in the described areas. The practical implication that is derived is that it is pertinent that in the educational field students are also trained in these skills
Habilidades socioemocionales y su relación con el logro educativo en alumnos de Educación Media Superior
Las habilidades socioemocionales han sido recono-cidas por generar grandes beneficios en el avance académico de los estudiantes, sin embargo, estas no han sido apreciadas con base en su justo valor. En la presente investigación fueron utilizados los datos del Plan Nacional para la Evaluación de los Apren-dizajes correspondientes al año 2017, esto para determinar el peso que tienen dichas habilidades (Perseverancia, Empatía, Autorregulación y Toma de decisiones positiva y negativa) en los resultados en las áreas de lenguaje y comunicación y en mate-máticas en una muestra de 4,822 estudiantes de Educación Media Superior en Nuevo León, Méxi-co. Fue planteado un modelo teórico para represen-tar la relación y determinar el peso que los factores propuestos tienen en el logro en las áreas referidas; para la comprobación empírica, se aplicó la técnica de modelaje con ecuaciones estructurales. Se en-contró que todos los factores tienen un peso signifi-cativo en el resultado de ambas áreas. La implica-ción práctica que se deriva, es que resulta pertinen-te que en el ámbito educativo se forme también a los alumnos en estas habilidades
Finite Element Modeling of Hot Rolling of 1075 Carbon Steel Process with Variable Cross Section
Currently, it is common to use steel poles for applications in livestock and agriculture. In this work, finite element analysis of five hot rolling passes for the manufacture of farm poles using 1075 carbon steels from recycled railway material was developed. The steel industry in Mexico imports products from other countries or from companies specialized in metallurgy at an excessive cost. To be more competitive and save costs, companies seek the reutilization of existing resources such as the railway 1075 steel, which has good mechanical properties. SFTC DEFORM-3D software was used to model five hot rolling passes considering a variable cross section railway profile. The effect of rolling speed and temperature were considered to analyze flow behavior. Rolling loads were also determined
Comparative Analysis of the Protein Composition of Goat Milk from French Alpine, Nubian, and Creole Breeds and Holstein Friesian Cow Milk: Implications for Early Infant Nutrition
Of the diversity of proteins and high digestibility, goat milk will be a food of significant value for infant nutrition. The genetic polymorphisms of milk proteins play an essential role in the different degrees of allergic reactions. This work aimed to identify the proteins and peptides in the composition of goat milk and compare them to those in cow’s milk. The work was performed with goats French Alpine, Nubian, and Creole breeds and Holstein Friesian milking cows at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Amazcala. We investigated the relative abundance of goat and cow milk protein fractions by SDS-PAGE resolution and the densitometric analysis of gels. The protein alfa-casein was (17.67 ± 0.46) for Creole, (19.18 ± 0.88) French Alpine, (17.35 ± 0.49) Nubian, and (35.92 ± 1.96) Holstein cows. The relative abundance obtained from alfa-casein was statistically different between goats and cows, and this protein was vital because it is a protein related to allergies. On the other hand, the amino acid in position 67 of the beta-casein from three goat breeds is a Proline, so it is assumed that the beta-casein variant of goat milk is an A2-type. The latter has excellent relevance for infant nutrition and differs from cow milk
Tolerability assessment of a lectin fraction from Tepary bean seeds (Phaseolus acutifolius) orally administered to rats
Our previous studies have shown that a lectin rich fraction (TBLF) extracted from Tepary bean seeds differentially inhibits cancer cells proliferation in vitro. Before testing the in vivo anticancer effect, the acute and subchronic toxicological assays in rats were conducted, where an oral dose of 50 mg/body weight kg was determined as the NOAEL. This study evaluated the resistance to digestion and complete blood count (CBC) after 24 h of the orally administered 50 mg/kg TBLF. The digestion resistance test showed lectins activity retention after 72 h and the CBC study showed a high level of eosinophils, suggesting an allergic-like response. Tolerability was assayed after 6 weeks of treatment by dosing with an intragastric cannula every third day per week. It was observed a transient reduction in food intake and body weight in the first weeks, resulting in body weight gain reduction of 10% respect to the control group at the end of the study. Additionally, organs weight, histopathological analysis and blood markers for nutritional status and for liver, pancreas and renal function were not affected. Our results suggest that 50 mg/kg TBLF administered by oral route, exhibit no toxicity in rats and it was well tolerated. Further studies will focus on long-term studies