6 research outputs found

    Undervisningspraktiker online : Ett sociomateriellt perspektiv pÄ högre utbildning

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    The aim of this study was to describe and analyse online teaching practices in the Swedish higher education context. The study had an online ethnographic approach and was based on empirical data on the teaching in two university courses. The study rested primarily on observational data but interviews and available documents also formed the basis for analysis. Empirical data were analysed with a perspective of practice theory – a perspective within a sociomaterial account. The results showed that online teaching was characterised by an embodied sociomaterial practice. The teacher’s body could be understood as both multiple and closely interwoven with technology. Furthermore, the teacher’s body was used in the teaching situation to reduce technological complexity but also, along with other forms of materiality, to prefigure what kind of teaching would take place. Teacher interventions in online environments could furthermore be understood as relational to both technology (that is the virtual material arrangement) and teachers’ doings and sayings (that is the teaching practice). Teacher interventions were aimed at making the arrangement intelligible for the students. The study showed that teacher interventions arranged both students and information and communication technology (ICT) in order to make them work as a teaching practice. The teaching practice that emerged was characterised as an interplay between virtual materiality and social practice, where asymmetricrelations between teachers and the ICT prevailed.Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva och analysera undervisningspraktiker online i svensk högre utbildningskontext. Studien har en onlineetnografisk ansats och baseras pĂ„ empiriska data av undervisningen i tvĂ„ kurser pĂ„ universitetsnivĂ„. Studien stödjer sig frĂ€mst pĂ„ observationsdata men Ă€ven intervjuer och dokumentstudier ligger som grund för analysen. Empiriska data har analyserats med ett praktikteoretiskt perspektiv – ett perspektiv inom sociomateriell teoribildning. Resultatet visar att undervisning online kĂ€nnetecknas av en förkroppsligad sociomateriell praktik. LĂ€rarkroppen kan förstĂ„s som bĂ„de multipel och tĂ€tt sammanvĂ€vd med teknologi. Vidare anvĂ€nds lĂ€rarkroppen i undervisningssituationen för att reducera komplexitet men Ă€ven för att, tillsammans med annan materialitet, prefigurera vad det Ă€r för typ av undervisning som kommer att utspela sig. Vidare kan lĂ€rarinterventioner i onlinemiljöer förstĂ„s som relationella till bĂ„de tekniken (det vill sĂ€ga det virtuellt materiella arrangemanget) och lĂ€rares göranden och sĂ€ganden (det vill sĂ€ga undervisningspraktiken). LĂ€rarinterventioner syftar till att göra arrangemanget begripligt för studenterna. Studien visar att lĂ€rarinterventionerna arrangerar bĂ„de studenter och informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT) i syfte att fĂ„ dem att fungera som en undervisningspraktik. Den undervisningspraktik som uppstĂ„r Ă€r inte given pĂ„ förhand utan emergent. Den karaktĂ€riseras av ett samspel mellan virtuell materialitet och social praktik dĂ€r asymmetriska relationer mellan lĂ€rare och IKT rĂ„der

    The emergence of online teaching practices : A sociomaterial analysis

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    The aim of this article was to analyse relations between online teaching practices and their virtual material arrangements. Two higher education online settings were studied using an online ethnographic approach in which observation of the teaching process was of central importance. The first setting was a course in education carried out on itslearning© (a learning management system) and the second setting was a language course in Second LifeŸ (a virtual world). A sociomaterial perspective based on practice theory was used in the analysis, and the focal point was the co-constitutive relation between teaching practices and material arrangements in online settings. A number of relations between practice and arrangement were identified and analysed in the results section. It is argued that the relation between online arrangements and practice is not fixed and determined beforehand, but emerges and alters as the teaching unfolds.On the day of the defence date the status of this article was Manuscript.</p

    Teachers' embodied presence in online teaching practices

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    This study aims to examine teachers’ embodiments online. The analysis is based ononline ethnographic data from two online courses in higher education settings usingdifferent information and communication technologies. The perspective of practicetheory and the concepts of being a body, having a body and the instrumental body wereused to analyse how teachers step into an embodied presence. The embodied presencedepends on both teacher judgements and what the technology offers. The finding addsto the understanding of the concept of teacher presence online, in showing that teacherembodiment occurs online and furthermore that the body could be understood asmultiple. The result also shows how online and offline bodies hang together,actualising the offline body in the online setting, which in turn raises questions onthe dualism of online and offline. Teachers also deliberately used their embodimentsand bodily traces online in order to sustain presence and to bring about certain teachingpractices. Their bodily positioning signalled what kind of teaching that would takeplace. A deliberate positioning of the online body in a virtual world also helped toreduce the complexity of the arrangements for the students

    Undervisningspraktiker online : Ett sociomateriellt perspektiv pÄ högre utbildning

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    The aim of this study was to describe and analyse online teaching practices in the Swedish higher education context. The study had an online ethnographic approach and was based on empirical data on the teaching in two university courses. The study rested primarily on observational data but interviews and available documents also formed the basis for analysis. Empirical data were analysed with a perspective of practice theory – a perspective within a sociomaterial account. The results showed that online teaching was characterised by an embodied sociomaterial practice. The teacher’s body could be understood as both multiple and closely interwoven with technology. Furthermore, the teacher’s body was used in the teaching situation to reduce technological complexity but also, along with other forms of materiality, to prefigure what kind of teaching would take place. Teacher interventions in online environments could furthermore be understood as relational to both technology (that is the virtual material arrangement) and teachers’ doings and sayings (that is the teaching practice). Teacher interventions were aimed at making the arrangement intelligible for the students. The study showed that teacher interventions arranged both students and information and communication technology (ICT) in order to make them work as a teaching practice. The teaching practice that emerged was characterised as an interplay between virtual materiality and social practice, where asymmetricrelations between teachers and the ICT prevailed.Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva och analysera undervisningspraktiker online i svensk högre utbildningskontext. Studien har en onlineetnografisk ansats och baseras pĂ„ empiriska data av undervisningen i tvĂ„ kurser pĂ„ universitetsnivĂ„. Studien stödjer sig frĂ€mst pĂ„ observationsdata men Ă€ven intervjuer och dokumentstudier ligger som grund för analysen. Empiriska data har analyserats med ett praktikteoretiskt perspektiv – ett perspektiv inom sociomateriell teoribildning. Resultatet visar att undervisning online kĂ€nnetecknas av en förkroppsligad sociomateriell praktik. LĂ€rarkroppen kan förstĂ„s som bĂ„de multipel och tĂ€tt sammanvĂ€vd med teknologi. Vidare anvĂ€nds lĂ€rarkroppen i undervisningssituationen för att reducera komplexitet men Ă€ven för att, tillsammans med annan materialitet, prefigurera vad det Ă€r för typ av undervisning som kommer att utspela sig. Vidare kan lĂ€rarinterventioner i onlinemiljöer förstĂ„s som relationella till bĂ„de tekniken (det vill sĂ€ga det virtuellt materiella arrangemanget) och lĂ€rares göranden och sĂ€ganden (det vill sĂ€ga undervisningspraktiken). LĂ€rarinterventioner syftar till att göra arrangemanget begripligt för studenterna. Studien visar att lĂ€rarinterventionerna arrangerar bĂ„de studenter och informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT) i syfte att fĂ„ dem att fungera som en undervisningspraktik. Den undervisningspraktik som uppstĂ„r Ă€r inte given pĂ„ förhand utan emergent. Den karaktĂ€riseras av ett samspel mellan virtuell materialitet och social praktik dĂ€r asymmetriska relationer mellan lĂ€rare och IKT rĂ„der