27 research outputs found

    Impacts D’une Technique De Restauration De Terre Dégradée Sur La Survie Et La Croissance Des Plants De Quatre Espèces De Combretaceae En Zone Sahélienne Du Niger

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    Les banquettes sylvopastorales constituent l’une des techniques les plus utilisées au Niger pour restaurer les terres dégradées de plateaux. La présente expérimentation a été réalisée sur un plateau dégradé de Simiri dans l’Ouest nigérien où des banquettes sylvopastorales ont été installées. L’objectif est d’évaluer la survie et la croissance des plants de quatre essences locales de Combretaceae, Combretum glutinosum, Combretum micranthum, Combretum nigricans et Guiera senegalensis. Les méthodes utilisées ont consisté d’abord à délimiter un espace sur le plateau dégradé où 40 banquettes sont confectionnées et un autre espace sans banquette pour servir de témoin. Dans les banquettes, 200 plants de chaque espèce ont été plantés à raison de 20 plants/banquette. Deux mois après la plantation un suivi périodique de l’humidité du sol et des paramètres dendrométriques des plants a été effectué durant 30 mois. Les paramètres dendrométriques mesurés sont le taux de survie, la hauteur et le diamètre au collet du grand axe caulinaire, le nombre de rejets et de feuilles. Les résultats obtenus ont montré d’une part que les banquettes améliorent les conditions hydriques du sol de 18,19 % par rapport à la zone non traitée (sans banquette) et d’autre part que les meilleurs taux de survie et de croissance ont été observés au niveau des espèces Guiera senegalensis, Combretum. glutinosum et Combretum. micranthum. Ainsi, les espèces Guiera senegalensis, Combretum glutinosum et Combretum micranthum peuvent être utilisées dans le reboisement de sites aménagés avec des banquettes sylvopastorales pour restaurer les terres de plateaux au Niger Silvopastoral banquettes are one of the techniques mostly used in Niger to restore degraded plateau lands. The present experiment was carried out on a degraded Simiri plateau in western Niger where silvopastoral banquettes have been installed. The objective is to assess the survival and growth of plants of four local species of Combretaceae, Combretum glutinosum, Combretum micranthum, Combretum nigricans, and Guiera senegalensis. The methods used consisted first of delimiting a space on the degraded plateau where 40 banquettes are made and another space without a banquette to serve as a control zone. In the banquettes, 200 plants of each species were planted at 20 plants/banquette. Two months after planting, periodic monitoring of soil moisture and dendrometric parameters of the plants was carried out for 30 months. The dendrometric parameters measured are the survival rate, the height and the collar diameter of the stem axis, the number of suckers and leaves. The results obtained showed on the one hand that the banquettes improve the water conditions of the soil by 18.19% compared to the untreated zone (without banquettes) and on the other hand that the best survival and growth rates were observed at the level of the species Guiera senegalensis, Combretum. glutinosum and Combretum. micranthum. Thus, Guiera senegalensis, Combretum glutinosum, and Combretum micranthum species can be used in the reforestation of sites developed with silvopastoral banquettes to restore plateau lands in Niger

    Enquête Ethnobotanique Auprès Des Tradipraticiens De Santé Des Régions De Niamey Et Tillabéri Au Niger: Données 2012-2017

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    Introduction: In Niger, people employ the services of traditional health practitioners who use medicinal recipes and plants for primary health care. Scope: Identify medicinal plants for primary health care. Methods: An ethnobotanical survey was carried out in two regions of Niger, Tillabéri and Niamey, according to a questionnaire. Results: This study assessed the transmission of knowledge, understood the concept of dosage in traditional medicine, and established a repertoire of recipes and plants of the traditional pharmacopoeia. A total of 913 therapeutic recipes for 226 species belonging to 77 families were collected from 168 traditional practitioners. The species most frequently encountered are: Sclerocarya birrea, Acacia nilotica, Guiera senegalensis, Annona senegalensis, Combretum micranthum, Balanites aegyptiaca, Pennisetum americanum, Piliostigma reticulatum, Cassia sieberiana, Ziziphus mauritiana, Azadirachta indica, Cassia occidentalis, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Combretum glutinosum, Khaya senegalensis, Momordica balsamina, Tephrosia lupunifolia, Prosopis africana, Alysicarpus ovalifolius, Bauhinia rufescens. The most common among them is the Combretaceae (10.68%), followed by Fabaceae (9.67%), Caesalpiniaceae (8.49%), Mimosaceae (7.82%), and Anacardiaceae (5, 55%). Among these plants, 60 belonging to 31 families, including 6 new families, were recorded. Several pathologies were treated. The most frequent of them are digestive disorders, hemorrhoids. Conclusion: These plants will be subjected to experimental studies before the development of new phytomedicines

    Usages Socioeconomiques Des Espèces Ligneuses Au Sahel: Cas De Guidan Roumdji Au Niger

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    Woody species are of multiple use in the department of Guidan- Roumdji, in Niger. The present study carried out in Garin-yahaya and Tsayin-daka aims to identify the woody species, their different uses and to determine their present state. Data collection methodology consisted of a floristic inventory at the level of 80 plots and ethnobotanical surveys on a sample of 250 respondents. 46 species, divided into 38 genera and 22 families, were recorded. There were 24 species used in food, 19 fodder species and 38 others species used in the treatment of several ailments in the area. Also, in handicrafts and construction, a dozen species are used respectively against 19 others species in the production of wood energy. These diverse and wide-ranging uses, associated with the effects of climate change, affect the woody species populations. Thus, in the area, 25 species are declared extinct, 18 and 14 others are respectively considered threatened and rare. The study also reported on woody species management practices in the area, including the conservation of 7 local species and the introduction of 11 exotic species because of various products and services they provide. Also, 96% of the local population practices the trees’ farming natural regeneration management (FNRM) in their farms for various reasons. This would be a start in the sustainable and rational management of forest resources in the area with the maintenance of several woody species in the area

    Évaluation de Stocks de Semence de Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A. Rich. (Ebenaceae): Une Espèce en Forte Régression au Niger

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    Les graines sont les Ă©lĂ©ments indispensables dans la dispersion et le renouvellement des individus d’une espèce. De la qualitĂ© et surtout de la quantitĂ© de ses graines dĂ©pendent la dynamique d’une population surtout ligneuse. L'objectif est d'Ă©valuer les stocks des semences de D.mespiliformis dans les sols afin de contribuer Ă  la maĂ®trise des contraintes liĂ©es Ă  sa rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration naturelleAinsi un Ă©chantillon de 265 arbres adultes dans les zones de prĂ©sence de l’espèce a Ă©tĂ© pris pour cette Ă©tude le long de quatre cours d’eau du Niger (Dargol, Goulbi N’kaba, Goulbi Maradi, Gouroubi). L’évaluation des stocks de graines du sol rĂ©vèle 42 graines/m2 avec le pourcentage de graines pleines variant entre 73,98 % Ă  Goroubi et 95,94% dans les champs dunaires de Goulbi Maradi. Au total, 83 % de graines rĂ©coltĂ©es sont pures avec une viabilitĂ© moyenne de 95 %. Ce stock est nĂ©cessaire et est suffisant pour assurer la dynamique progressive de population de l’ébène d’Afrique.   Seeds are indispensable in the dispersal and renewal of a particular species. The quantity and quality of these seeds depend on the dynamics of a predominantly woody population. The objective is to assess seed stocks in soils so as to contribute to the knowledge of the difficulties related to natural regeneration of D. mespiliformis. A sample of 265 adult trees were taken from the species for this study along four rivers of Niger (Dargol, Goulbi kaba, Goulbi Maradi, Gouroubi). The evaluation of the soil seed stocks reveals 42 seeds/m2 with the percentage of full seeds varying between 73.98% in Goroubi and 95.94 % in the dune fields of Goulbi Maradi. 83% of seeds harvested are pure with an average viability of 95%. This stock is necessary and sufficient to allow the progressive population dynamics of african ebony

    Inventaire Et Gestion Des Plantes Médicinales Dans Quatre Localités Du Niger

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    Objective: the present study, aims to list medicinal plants, and gathering the maximum of information concerning the therapeutic uses practised by the population and finally to determine the impact of the takings of the various organs on the survival of plants. Methodology and results: An ethnobotanic survey was driven in four municipalities in Niger, to list healing plants used by the populations. The study showed that 111 species being of 84 kinds and 48 families are used in the traditional pharmacopoeia. The main listed families are Caesalpiniaceae, Combretaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Anarcadiaaceae and Rubiaceae, with respectively, 10, 7, 7, 6, 5 and 4 species. For fragments, the most used organs are sheets, barks and roots. The results of the study also show that the majority of remedies are prepared in form of decoction. The taking of organs especially roots are not without consequence for the survival of the medicinal plants according to the local population. Conclusion and research application: These results can be used for scientific research in phytochemistry and in pharmacology to go towards the development of improved traditional medicine

    Floristic and ecological characteristics of the plant formations of Gouré (South-eastern Niger)

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    La présente étude vise à évaluer les caractéristiques de la végétation du département de Gouré au Niger. Les données ont été collectées au moyen des relevés phyto-sociologiques et des mesures dendrométriques dans des placettes de 1000 m2 reparties dans des unités d’occupation des terres (cuvettes, dunes et bas-fonds). Un total de 56 relevés a été réalisé et 81 espèces réparties dans 68 genres et 27 familles ont été inventoriées. L’analyse Factorielle des Correspondances Détendancées (AFCD) et la Classification Hiérarchique Ascendante (CHA) a permis de discriminer trois groupements végétaux. Il s’agit du groupement à Hyphaene thebaica et Amaranthus spinosus (G1); le groupement à Acacia raddiana et Cenchrus biflorus (G2) et le groupement à Leptadenia pyrotechnica et Aristida mutabilis (G3). Par ailleurs, les Thérophytes suivies des microphanérophytes sont les types biologiques dominants. Les espèces Soudano-Zambéziennes et Guinéo-Congolaises-Soudano-Zambéziennes sont les types phytogéographiques dominants. L’indice de diversité de Shannon varie de 3,13 à 5,16 bits et l’équitabilité de Pielou de 0,56 à 0,86. La structure en classes de diamètre des peuplements ligneux montre que les individus des groupements (G2) et (G3) sont à dominance d’individus de faible diamètre tandis que le groupement (G1) sont à dominance de gros sujets. Mots clés: Diversité floristique, types biologiques et phytogéographiques, groupements végétaux, structure démographique, GouréThe present study aims to evaluate the characteristics of the vegetation of the department of Gouré. The data were collected using phytosociological surveys and dendrometric measurements in plots of 1000 m2 located in different units of land use (basins, dunes and shallows). A total of 56 surveys were conducted. The carried out phytosociological inventories showed the floristic richness with 81 species distributed in 68 genera and 29 families. A matrix made up of 81 species and 56 surveys, submitted to a Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and the Ascending Hierarchy Classification (CHA) discriminated three plant communities. It is about plant communities of Hyphaene thebaica and Amaranthus spinosus (G1); Acacia raddiana and Cenchrus biflorus (G2) and the grouping Leptadenia pyrotechnica and Aristida mutabilis (G3). In addition, therophytes followed by microphanerophytes are the dominant biological types. The Sudano-Zambezian and Guineo-Congolese-Sudano-Zambezian species are the dominant phytogeographic types. The Shannon diversity index varied from 3.13 to 5.16 bits and the Pielou equitability from 0.56 to 0,86. The diameter structure of woody stands shows that individuals of the Acacia raddiana and Cenchrus biflorus (G2) and Leptadenia pyrotechnica and Aristida mutabilis (G3) groups are dominated by small diameter individuals whereas the grouping with Hyphaene thebaica and Amaranthus spinosus (G1) are dominated by large subjects. Keywords: Floristic diversity, biological and phytogeographic types, plant communities, demographic structure, Gour

    Diversité Inter Décennale De La Végétation De La Vallée De Goulbi N’Kaba

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    The present study is conducted in the Sylvo-Pastoral Zone (ZSP) of the Goulbi N'Kaba Valley and the agricultural zone (fields on adjacent terraces), in the southern center of Niger. The objective of the study is to evaluate the inter-decennial plant biodiversity (2004-2014). Thus, the phytosociological surveys (Daget and Poissonet, 1971) were carried out in plots of 2500 m², along the 6.5 km transects following stratified sampling. An ascending hierarchical classification, followed by an ordination by Nonmetric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMS) allowed to identify the plant groups. The diversity of each group was evaluated. The results show that the families of Poaceae and Fabaceae are the most abundant in 2004 (15.58% and 11.69%) and in 2014 (18.75% and 7.29%). However, compared to the genera, Indigofera (10.53%), Cassia (6.58%), Acacia (5.26%), Aristida (5.26%) are the most abundant in 2004, while Aristida (4 , 17%), Cassia (4.17%), Spermacoce (3.13%), in 2014. Three groups (mixed, fields, ZSP) have been identified. The 2004 and 2014 index, of Margalef (18,38 and 11,28), Menhinick (2,55 and 1,52), Shannon-Weaver (4,77 and 4,14), the fairness of Pielou (0, 66 and 0.63), the Simpson index (0.89 and 0.91) and Hill (0.95 and 0.93) are high in all the groups, mixed, fields and ZSP (respectively for G1, G2 and G3). But the beta diversity (Whittaker (24), Jaccard (0.52), Sorensen (0.69) index) for each of these groupings remains low. There was no significant change in inter-decennial diversity at the Guidan Tawayé and Korin Habdjia sites from 2004 to 2014