6 research outputs found

    Hydrological stability drives both local and regional diversity patterns in rock pool metacommunities

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    © 2014 The Authors. A main challenge associated with macro ecological gradients such as the latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is that proxies of potential underlying processes are often correlated at large scales. One way to reliably identify contributing processes is to show that they can lead to similar responses at local scales. Using a set of invertebrate communities from rock pool clusters along a latitudinal gradient in Australia, we investigated the importance of hydrological stability for explaining both local and regional diversity patterns in this habitat. Results show that, at both local and regional scales, habitat stability in terms of the frequency and length of inundations was strongly correlated to local alpha diversity in individual pools and to gamma diversity at the level of pool clusters. Additionally, partitioning beta diversity into components of nestedness and species turnover revealed that communities in unstable habitats were nested subsets of communities in more stable habitats. Overall, this study provides convincing mechanistic support for the climate stability hypothesis as a potential explanation for the LDG in this system. Results also indicate that when there is enough time for dispersal and colonization, regional processes can be relatively unimportant compared to local processes to explain large scale diversity patterns.status: publishe

    Bottom-up effects on biomass versus top-down effects on identity: a multiple lake fish community manipulation experiment

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York. The extent to which ecosystems are regulated by top-down relative to bottom-up control has been a dominant paradigm in ecology for many decades. For lakes, it has been shown that predation by fish is an important determinant of variation in zooplankton and phytoplankton community characteristics. Effects of fish are expected to not only be a function of total fish biomass, but also of functional composition of the fish community. Previous research on the importance of trophic cascades in lakes has largely focused on the role of zooplanktivorous and piscivorous fish. We conducted a large-scale multiple-lake fish community manipulation experiment to test for the effect of differences in fish functional community composition on the trophic structure of lakes. We examine the effect of top-down and bottom-up factors on phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass as well as on their community composition. We put our data in a broader perspective by comparing our results to data of a survey that also included ponds with low fish densities as well as ponds with very high densities of fish. Our results indicate that the overall food web structure under relative high fish densities is primarily structured by bottom-up factors, whereas community characteristics seem to be primarily regulated by top-down factors. Our results suggest a subtle interplay between bottom-up and top-down factors, in which bottom-up factors dominate in determining quantities while top-down effects are important in determining identities of the communities.status: publishe