22 research outputs found


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    Artiklen giver et etologisk perspektiv pÄ terapidyr, introducererde bagvedliggende teorier og giver information om brugen afterapidyr i Danmark.Dyreassisteret terapi er en mÄlrettet intervention, hvor dyreter en fast integreret del.Den teoretiske baggrund baseres pÄ 1) unikke egenskaberved selve dyret eller 2) dyrets funktion som interaktiv partner.Der findes undersÞgelser af dyrs terapeutiske effekt, men genereltmangler der videnskabeligt grundlag for terapeutiskanvendelse af dyr.En uformel spÞrgeskemaundersÞgelse i Danmark indikerer,at terapidyr bruges til flere problemstillinger, at udbyderne harmeget forskellig baggrund, og at de primÊrt bruger interaktionermed dyr som det bÊrende element.En styrkelse af fremtidig forskning i dyreassisteret terapi kanopnÄs ved mere fokus pÄ metodik, stÞrre forsÞgspopulationerog bedre forsÞgsdesign. Desuden bÞr der satses pÄ at kvantificeredyr-menneske-interaktionerne i selve terapisituationen ogses pÄ sammenhÊngen med traditionelle effektmÄl, sÄ det blivermuligt a


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    Artiklen introducerer det tvĂŠrdisciplinĂŠre felt, der internationaltkaldes “human-animal studies” eller “anthrozoology” ogforeslĂ„r “antropozoologi” som dansk fĂŠllesbetegnelse. Feltetsbaggrund og bredde skitseres, og dyreassisteret psykoterapibeskrives mere detaljeret. To smĂ„ undersĂžgelser indgĂ„r ogsĂ„ iartiklen. Den ene analyserede international forskningsinteressefor dyreassisteret terapi ved sĂžgning i tre videnskabelige databaserog fandt i alle et ungt, men hastigt voksende felt. Denanden undersĂžgelse angik opfattelse af og erfaring med dyreassisteretintervention blandt danske psykologer (N = 59).Mens stĂžrstedelen af dette (selv-selekterede) sample fandt brugaf dyr meget relevant for psykologer, havde fĂ„ erfaring med det(n = 17). Forfatterne hilser pĂ„ denne baggrund temanummerets15 tvĂŠrdisciplinĂŠre og overvejende skandinaviskebidrag velkommen

    Transportation of Cull Sows—Deterioration of Clinical Condition From Departure and Until Arrival at the Slaughter Plant

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    Cull sows may be more vulnerable to transportation compared to other swine categories, as they are typically culled after several production cycles, and hence may be injured or weak. Until now, transportation of sows has received very little scientific attention. We aimed to investigate whether the clinical condition of the sows changed during transportation from commercial Danish farms to slaughter plants, and to initiate identification of potential risk factors for such deterioration. This observational study included 522 sows in 47 batches from 12 farms, varying according to transportation time from farm to slaughter plant. Standardized clinical examinations were conducted on-farm and on the slaughter plant. In addition, data on transportation duration, number and duration of stops, temperature during driving, and during waiting before unloading were collected. The sows' median parity was five (range 1–11) and close to 40% were lactating at the day of transportation. The mean duration of transportation was 232 ± 113 min, and the mean temperature in the trucks was 14.1 ± 5.3°C. Half of the clinical variables recorded before and after transportation changed significantly. Among these were injuries (e.g., superficial skin lesions, totally, P < 0.000; front, P < 0.001; wounds, P < 0.001; gait score, P < 0.001), and measures possibly related to heat stress (e.g. skin elasticity, P < 0.001). Three sows arrived in a condition as legally unfit for transport. The deterioration of the sows' condition was mainly related to transportation factors, such as temperature and duration—often in interaction—as well as duration of stops during the journey and while waiting before unloading. The changes in clinical condition were less dependent on the pre-transportation clinical condition of the sows, such as parity, body condition score and gait score. The results show that the clinical condition of the cull sows deteriorated from farm to slaughter plant, thereby adding data to the debate on fitness for transport of cull sows. The main risk factors were not related to characteristics of the sows, but of the journeys. Future studies should focus on identifying and distinguishing between risk factors in order to develop procedures that allow transportation of cull sows to slaughter without jeopardizing their welfare

    Aktuelle perspektiver pÄ menneskers forhold til dyr:en dansk introduktion

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    Artiklen introducerer det tvĂŠrdisciplinĂŠre felt, der internationaltkaldes “human-animal studies” eller “anthrozoology” ogforeslĂ„r “antropozoologi” som dansk fĂŠllesbetegnelse. Feltetsbaggrund og bredde skitseres, og dyreassisteret psykoterapibeskrives mere detaljeret. To smĂ„ undersĂžgelser indgĂ„r ogsĂ„ iartiklen. Den ene analyserede international forskningsinteressefor dyreassisteret terapi ved sĂžgning i tre videnskabelige databaserog fandt i alle et ungt, men hastigt voksende felt. Denanden undersĂžgelse angik opfattelse af og erfaring med dyreassisteretintervention blandt danske psykologer (N = 59).Mens stĂžrstedelen af dette (selv-selekterede) sample fandt brugaf dyr meget relevant for psykologer, havde fĂ„ erfaring med det(n = 17). Forfatterne hilser pĂ„ denne baggrund temanummerets15 tvĂŠrdisciplinĂŠre og overvejende skandinaviskebidrag velkommen

    Learning green care in nordic countries : based on observations, good practices and supporting theoretical frameworks

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    The aim of this report is to give some background research on how Green Care, Naturebased interventions (NBI) and Animal-assisted interventions (AAI) can support students at different levels in the school sector, and to present eight different schools/farms that offer support to students with different challenges. The report is the effort of a collaboration between Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark within the Erasmus+ project Learning Green Care that has been running from 2018-2021. There is an increasing awareness in the Nordic countries that children with special challenges have problems with the regular school and increasing problems with school attendance, in some cases leading to complete dropout. Developing schools with much outdoor activities such as Kiipula in Finland, Karolinaskolan in Sweden and Green Chimneys in USA is one way to give students support. Another option is that private farms can have some students visiting the farm on a regular basis such as with Inn pa Tunet in Norway, Green Arena farms in Sweden and private farms in all Nordic countries. This is usually based on close collaborations between schools and farms in municipalities. As the municipalities decides how they want to use the government money for schools, offers to the students in need of support may vary between municipalities, regions and countries. Politicians need to learn about the “good examples” of how farm schools and private farms can help students in different ways. Learning Green Care should be carried out within the One Health – One Welfare framework. International research shows varying results on how Green Care, NBI and AAI affects students of varying ages. Therefore, there is a need for more research, especially in the Nordic countries and within the Nordic school and health system. If students can finish school with approved grades, they have a better possibility to get a job or to continue studying. This will lead to improve national economy due to lowered risk for these students to end up having to be financially supported by the society