10 research outputs found

    A national survey of managed honey bee 2010-11 winter colony losses in the USA: results from the Bee Informed Partnership

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    This study records the fifth consecutive year that winter losses of managed honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in the USA have been around 30%. In April 2011, a total of 5,441 US beekeepers (an estimated 11% of total US beekeepers) responded to a survey conducted by the Bee Informed Partnership. Survey respondents reported that they had lost an average of 38.4% of their colonies, for a total US colony loss of 29.9% over the winter of 2010-11. One-third of respondents (all classified as backyard beekeepers, i.e. keeping fewer than 50 colonies) reported no winter loss. There was considerable variation in both the average and total loss by state. On average, beekeepers consider acceptable losses to be 13.2%, but 68% of all responding beekeepers suffered actual losses in excess of what they considered acceptable. Of beekeepers who reported losing at least one colony, manageable conditions, such as starvation and a weak condition in the fall, were the leading self-identified causes of mortality. Respondents who indicated that varroa mites (Varroa destructor), small hive beetles (Aethina tumida), poor wintering conditions, and / or Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) conditions were a leading cause of mortality in their operations suffered a higher average loss than beekeepers who did not list any of these as potential causes. In a separate question, beekeepers who reported the symptom “no dead bees in hive or apiary” had significantly higher losses than those who did not report this symptom. In addition, commercial beekeepers were significantly more likely to indicate that colonies died with this symptom than either backyard or sideliner beekeepers. Este estudio registra por quinto año consecutivo que las pérdidas invernales de abejas manejadas (Apis mellifera) en Estados Unidos están en torno al 30%. En abril del 2011, un total de 5,441 apicultores de los EE.UU. (se estima que el 11% del total de apicultores de EE.UU.) respondieron a una encuesta realizada por la Bee Informed Partnership. Los encuestados indicaron que habían perdido un promedio de 38.4% de sus colonias, con una pérdida total de colonias en EE.UU. del 29.9% durante el invierno de 2010-11. Un tercio de los encuestados (todos ellos clasificados como apicultores aficionados, es decir, con menos de 50 colonias) indicaron que no tuvieron pérdidas de invierno. Hubo una variación considerable tanto en la media como en el total de pérdidas por Estado. Por término medio, los apicultores consideran aceptables pérdidas del 13.2%, sin embargo, el 68% de todos los apicultores encuestados sufrieron pérdidas reales superiores a lo que consideran aceptable. Entre los apicultores que informaron de la pérdida de al menos una colonia, las principales causas de mortalidad identificadas por ellos fueron condiciones de manejo, tales como el hambre o una condición débil de las abejas en el otoño. Los encuestados que indicaron como principales causas de mortalidad de sus colmenas a los ácaros de Varroa (Varroa destructor), los escarabajos de las colmenas (Aethina tumida), las malas condiciones de invernada y / o condiciones del Síndrome de Colapso de las Colmenas (SCC), sufrieron una pérdida media mayor que aquellos apicultores que no incluyeron ninguna de estas causas potenciales. En una cuestión aparte, los apicultores que indicaron el síntoma “sin abejas muertas en la colmena o apiario” tenían pérdidas muy superiores a aquellos que no registraron ese síntoma. Además, los apicultores comerciales fueron significativamente más propensos a indicar que las colonias morían con este síntoma que los apicultores aficionados o los apicultores semi-profesionales

    Survey-derived best management practices for backyard beekeepers improve colony health and reduce mortality.

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    Honey bee colony losses in the US have exceeded acceptable levels for at least a decade, leaving beekeepers in need of management practices to improve colony health and survival. Here, an empirical Best Management Practice (BMP) regimen was tested, comprised of the top four management practices associated with reduced colony mortality in backyard beekeeping operations according to Bee Informed Partnership Loss and Management survey results. Seven study locations were established across the US, and each location consisted of ten colonies treated according to empirical BMPs and ten according to average beekeeping practice. After 3 years, colonies treated according to empirical BMPs experienced reduced Varroa infestation, viral infection, and mortality compared to colonies managed with Average practices. In addition, BMP colonies produced more new colonies via splits. The colonies under Average practices were given chemical Varroa treatments only once per year, and thus spent more months above economic threshold of 3.0 mites/100 bees. Increased time spent above the economic threshold was significantly correlated to both increased viral infection and colony mortality. This study demonstrates the cumulative effects of management and colony health stressors over months and years, especially the dire importance of regular Varroa monitoring and management

    A national survey of managed honey bee 2015–2016 annual colony losses in the USA

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    <p>Managed honey bee colony losses are of concern in the USA and globally. This survey, which documents the rate of colony loss in the USA during the 2015–2016 season, is the tenth report of winter losses, and the fifth of summer and annual losses. Our results summarize the responses of 5725 valid survey respondents, who collectively managed 427,652 colonies on 1 October 2015, an estimated 16.1% of all managed colonies in the USA. Responding beekeepers reported a total annual colony loss of 40.5% [95% CI 39.8–41.1%] between 1 April 2015 and 1 April 2016. Total winter colony loss was 26.9% [95% CI 26.4–27.4%] while total summer colony loss was 23.6% [95% CI 23.0–24.1%], making this the third consecutive year when summer losses have approximated to winter losses. Across all operation types, 32.3% of responding beekeepers reported no winter losses. Whilst the loss rate in the winter of 2015–2016 was amongst the lowest winter losses recorded over the ten years this survey has been conducted, 59.0% (<i>n</i> = 3378) of responding beekeepers had higher losses than they deemed acceptable.</p