31 research outputs found


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    This study examines the relative price of a standard market basket of food items and a market basket of healthier alternatives. Because people in low-income neighborhoods may have fewer grocery stores and transportation alternatives, the effects of store size and competition on the price of a market basket is estimated.Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    This study measures the welfare changes in agriculture and to consumers should people eat the recommended levels of fruits and vegetables for a cancer prevention diet. An equilibrium displacement model is used to measure the change in welfare to fruit and vegetable industries, other commodities, and agricultural input markets.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Linkages Between Greater Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Agriculture

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    This study will estimate the benefits to fruit and vegetable industries and consumers should people in the U.S. meet the USDA minimum dietary guidelines. Specifically the objectives of the study are to 1) estimate the benefits to fruit and vegetable industries and consumers should people eat the general and subgroup 7-a-day and 9-a-day recommendation; 2) estimate the benefits should smaller increases of only 10 percent or 25 percent be achieved; and 3) determine how agricultural inputs, including land and labor, would be affected by the increase in demand for fruits and vegetables. To protect against the incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer the 2005 USDA dietary guidelines recommend the consumption of 3 to 4 fruit servings and 4 to 5 vegetable servings a day. They also provide recommendations on the composition of fruit and vegetable consumption as well as the level. For example, almost one serving of dark leafy vegetables is recommended per day. Depite the known health benefits, many people do not eat the amounts recommended in the USDA dietary guidelines and low income consumers (those whose median household income is less than 25,000ayear)eatfewerservings.BasedontheNHANES4(Nationalhealthandnutritionexaminationsurvey)andNHANES5,averageconsumptionoffruitbylowincomeconsumerswouldneedtoincreasebyatleast83percentatmeetthe3adayrecommendationand39percentinordertomeetthe4adayrecommendation.Peopleinhigherincomehouseholdsonlyneedtoincreaseconsumptionbyonly60percentforfruitand30percentforvegetables.Theproportionalincreasesinconsumptionassumethatpeoplenolongereatpotatochipsorfrenchfriesinordertomeetdietaryguidelinesonfatconsumption.Ashiftinconsumptionpatternstotherecommendedlevelswouldcausethedemandforfruitsandvegetablestorisesignificantly,leadingtohigherpricesandincreasedproduction,shiftingtheuseofagriculturalresources(suchasland,labor,andwater)intotheproductionofthosecommodities,andbenefitingtheentireagriculturalsector.Despitethepotentialgainstoagriculture,thesevalueshavebeenignoredinpreviousstudiesofimprovednutrientintake.Suchabenefittoproducersmightjustifyadditionalpublicsectorinvestmentinpromotinghealthierdiets.Thechangesinprices,agriculturalproduction,agriculturalinputusage,andtradewillbesimulatedusinganequilibriumdisplacementmodel.Thedualapproachusedinthisanalysislaysoutbasicdemandandsupplyequationsfromdemandandcostfunctionstoshowhowequilibriumconditionschangeinresponsetoshocks,suchasanincreaseinthedemandforfruitsandvegetables.Thefunctionscharacterizethefinalmarket,allowforsubstitutabilitybetweenmarketingandnonmarketinginputsinthemarketingsector,includesthefarmsector,andchangesininputuseresultingfromchangesincropmixandsubstitutabilityinland,laborandotherinputs.Equilibriumdisplacementmodelshavebeenwidelyusedtoestimatethebenefitsofagriculturalresearchagriculturalpoliciesandthebenefitstothedairyindustryofasocialmarketingprogramtomiddleschoolchildren.Themodelisparameterizedwithfarm,marketandconsumptiondata.TheincreaseinfruitandvegetableconsumptionismodeledasashiftinthedemandcurvewiththeshiftequaltothepercentageincreaseneededtomeettheUSDAdietaryguidelines.Producersurplusisestimatedfromthechangesingrowerpricesandagriculturalproduction,lesschangesinthecostofinputs.Consumersurplusforpeoplelivinginlowincomehouseholds(lessthan25,000 a year) eat fewer servings. Based on the NHANES4 (National health and nutrition examination survey) and NHANES5, average consumption of fruit by low-income consumers would need to increase by at least 83 percent at meet the 3 a day recommendation and 39 percent in order to meet the 4 a day recommendation. People in higher-income households only need to increase consumption by only 60 percent for fruit and 30 percent for vegetables. The proportional increases in consumption assume that people no longer eat potato chips or french fries in order to meet dietary guidelines on fat consumption. A shift in consumption patterns to the recommended levels would cause the demand for fruits and vegetables to rise significantly, leading to higher prices and increased production, shifting the use of agricultural resources (such as land, labor, and water) into the production of those commodities, and benefiting the entire agricultural sector. Despite the potential gains to agriculture, these values have been ignored in previous studies of improved nutrient intake. Such a benefit to producers might justify additional public sector investment in promoting healthier diets. The changes in prices, agricultural production, agricultural input usage, and trade will be simulated using an equilibrium displacement model. The dual approach used in this analysis lays out basic demand and supply equations from demand and cost functions to show how equilibrium conditions change in response to shocks, such as an increase in the demand for fruits and vegetables. The functions characterize the final market, allow for substitutability between marketing and non-marketing inputs in the marketing sector, includes the farm sector, and changes in input use resulting from changes in crop mix and substitutability in land, labor and other inputs. Equilibrium displacement models have been widely used to estimate the benefits of agricultural research agricultural policies and the benefits to the dairy industry of a social marketing program to middle school children. The model is parameterized with farm, market and consumption data. The increase in fruit and vegetable consumption is modeled as a shift in the demand curve with the shift equal to the percentage increase needed to meet the USDA dietary guidelines. Producer surplus is estimated from the changes in grower prices and agricultural production, less changes in the cost of inputs. Consumer surplus for people living in low-income households (less than 25,000 a year median income) and higher income households is estimated from the changes in retail prices and final market quantities consumed by each income group.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    The cost of the glassy-winged sharpshooter to California grape, citrus and nursery producers

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    In the late 1990s, widespread outbreaks of Pierce's disease in grapevines were linked to transmission via the glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS), threatening California's multibillion-dollar table, raisin and wine grape industries. Government agencies responded to the crisis by implementing two control programs to manage GWSS. We analyzed the long-term economic impact of these two programs on citrus, grape and nursery producers. The net economic effects on all citrus producers and on grape producers in the southern San Joaquin Valley were insignificant, while all grape producers in the Temecula Valley saw an average increase in annual production costs of about 13.04anacre.BasedonoursurveyofnurseriesinSouthernCalifornia,approximately1113.04 an acre. Based on our survey of nurseries in Southern California, approximately 11% had an infestation in 2008 and 2009, but only 3.0% in 2010. Average losses to nurseries per GWSS infestation were about 12,238. Nursery producers also undertook a variety of pest control methods to prevent infestations and plant losses, and to meet quarantine regulations. Average annual per-acre costs of these approaches were 2,975forbarriermethodstopreventGWSSfromenteringapremises,2,975 for barrier methods to prevent GWSS from entering a premises, 1,032 in pesticide controls and $1,588 for in-house monitoring

    Yes We Can: Eating Healthy on a Limited Budget

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    This study examines the relative price of a standard market basket of food items and a market basket of healthier alternatives. Because people in low-income neighborhoods may have fewer grocery stores and transportation alternatives, the effects of store size and competition on the price of a market basket is estimated