98 research outputs found

    Applied Methods for Transparent Materials Inspection

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    Řada průmyslových linek obsahuje kamerové inspekční systémy zvyšující jakost produkce. Předložená práce se proto zabývá aplikacemi metod počítačového zpracování obrazu v defektoskopii. Konkrétně se jedná o vyhodnocení závadnosti skleněných lahví v potravinářských provozech pomocí vizuálního systému BTCAM612, který je ve stávající konfiguraci instalován v tuzemsku a několika zemích ve světě. Systém je vyvíjen ve spolupráci s brněnskou vývojovou firmou CAMEA spol. s r.o. a je jejím výhradním vlastníkem. V samotné práci je postupně popsán celý proces kontroly kvality láhve. V první řadě je to hardwarové pořízení snímků tří hlavních částí láhve podléhajících inspekci. Jedná se o hrdlo, dno a stěnu láhve. Následují kapitoly o zpracování obrazu a klasifikaci příznaků. Příznaky jsou z obrazu získány na základě detekce nehomogenit skleněného materiálu. Velká část práce je zaměřena na filtraci syntetických vzorů ze dna láhve pomocí funkcí komplexních invariantů. Takové vzory se vyskytují v řadě provozů východních zemí, kde se v poslední době rozmáhá trh s inspekčními systémy a kontrolou kvality průmyslových linek vůbec.A lot of production lines contain camera inspection systems that increase quality of production. Therefore this presented work deals with applications of computer image processing methods in defectoscopy. Concretely the thesis is concerned with defects evaluation of glass bottles in food operations by the help of visual system BTCAM612, which is in existing configuration installed inland and in several foreign countries. The system is developed in conjunction with developer company CAMEA Ltd. from Brno and it is its sole ownership. The whole process of bottles inspection is described in sequence. First of all it is the hardware acquisition of images of three main controlled parts of bottles – neck, bottom and side. Next chapters are concentrated on image processing and features classification. The features are obtained from image by methods based on detection of in-homogeneities on glass material. Essential part of work is focused on filtration of synthetic patterns from bottles bottoms using function of complex invariants. These patterns are occurred especially in many plants in eastern countries, where marketplace with inspection systems and generally with quality inspection of industrial lines is expanded lately.

    Compact Representation of Value Function in Partially Observable Stochastic Games

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    Value methods for solving stochastic games with partial observability model the uncertainty about states of the game as a probability distribution over possible states. The dimension of this belief space is the number of states. For many practical problems, for example in security, there are exponentially many possible states which causes an insufficient scalability of algorithms for real-world problems. To this end, we propose an abstraction technique that addresses this issue of the curse of dimensionality by projecting high-dimensional beliefs to characteristic vectors of significantly lower dimension (e.g., marginal probabilities). Our two main contributions are (1) novel compact representation of the uncertainty in partially observable stochastic games and (2) novel algorithm based on this compact representation that is based on existing state-of-the-art algorithms for solving stochastic games with partial observability. Experimental evaluation confirms that the new algorithm over the compact representation dramatically increases the scalability compared to the state of the art

    On commuting isometries

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    Posun data

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    TeX-Tagung Dante '93 in Chemnitz (9. – 12. 3. 1993)

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    Ghostscript versus ps2pk

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    A remark concerning uniqueness of the Wold decomposition of finite-dimensional stationary processes.

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    summary:The uniqueness of the Wold decomposition of a finite-dimensional stationary process without assumption of full rank stationary process and the Lebesgue decomposition of its spectral measure is easily obtained

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