31 research outputs found

    Landfill Gas for Energy: Its Status and Prospect in Indonesia

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    Indonesia, a nation with more than 230 million population, is the world\u27s largest archipelagic state located between Asia and Australia continents. In 2000, the production of municipal solid waste (MSW) or refuse in 384 Indonesian cities was about 80,235 tons or 320,940 m3 per day. Refuse generation is predicted to increase five times by 2020. Waste composition is influenced by external factors, such as geographical location, the population\u27s standard of living, energy source, and weather. Generally, ahigh percentage of organic matter of refuse is between 61 and 72 per cent by weight. The presence of paper, plastic, glass, and metal ranges from 0.4 to 13 per cent. The current handling of refuse in Indonesia is mostly used the disposal land of unhealthy landfill in the form of open dumping. Around 450 units of open dumping have been in operation in Indonesian big cities. These open dumping landfills cause some problems ranging from odor to health problems. Center of Environmental Technology, BPPT has been preparing to carry out landfill mining both for its compost and gas. The gassampling must be done first before it is pumped for energy use. The gas is suggested to be utilized for generating energy, for example for electricity. Initial test indicated that the composition of methane gas (CH4) is around 50%, which is a good enough for energy generation. If the percentage of burnable gas is too low to be used for generating electric energy, it might be mixed with high content of heating value of natural gas (dual fuel system). This paper will present the conditions of open dumping of landfill inIndonesia, and the status and the distribution of its containing gas. From this knowledge of the amount and distribution of landfill gas, it will be analyzed for suggestion how the mined gas will be suitably utilized by the people

    Analisis Kimia Limbah B3 Untuk Menentukan Efisiensi Penghancuran Dalam Uji Bakar Di Insinerator

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    One effective way to reduce industrial hazardous wastes is to burn them in the incinerators. A variety of advantages of the waste incineration has caused businesses on employing incinerator for hazardous waste destruction in Indonesia. Regulation of the State Minister for the Environment No. 18/2009 allows business people to have licensesto treat hazardous waste through incinerator but according to the Decree of the Head of the Environmental Management Agency (BAPEDAL) No.: Kep-03/1995 they must meet requirement of achieving 99.99% or more destruction removal efficiency (DRE) and other requirements. A demonstration of achieving DRE is done through a trial burn test (TBT). Prior to TBT, the chemical analyses of the wastes need to be done in the laboratory.Themost difficult compund to be burned in the TBT can be selected based on concentrations and heating values of those results. In this research, chemical analyses of three kinds of waste, contaminated gloves, wasterwater treatment sludge, and infectious medical wastes, have been carried out. The principal organic hydrocarbons (POHCs) analyzedare found to be 1.1 Dichlorethylene, 1.1.1 Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene with the respective average concentrations of 1.411, 0.311, and 0.166 mg/kg. The respective calculated heat of combustion indexs are 38.45, 57.78 and 84.20. Thus, Tetrachloroethylene is a POHC that is most difficult to be burned and therefore it ischosen to be a representation of all POHCs of the wastes for TBT. Sampling method of Tetrachloroethylene emission uses US EPA Method 30 –Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST). During TBT it is also suggested to measure particulate, metals, chloride acid (HCl), and other emitted gases (O2, CO, CO2, gaseous emission rate, gas watercontent) with standard sampling methods. These data could be use to standarize and support the calculationn of the sampling results

    Persyaratan Laboratorium Lingkungan Dan Kondisinya Di Indonesia

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    The level of environmental quality is indicated by how much the pollutants enter into and stay in it, that is whether they are still below or already above the regulated pollutants standard. In knowing pollutant concentration in the environment, pollutantmeasurement must be done by employing appropriate instrument and using qualified/ certified operator. Therefore, the role of environmental laboratory is crucial in preparing instrumentation, operator, as well as standard operating procedure (SOP) in order for sampling and analysis of pollutants to work properly and result qualified data. This type of laboratory is strongly determined by how the laboratory is operated with the standard mechanism, called good laboratory practice (GLP). GLP will be met by the laboratory that owns the current state of the art instrumentation, capability and experience of the operator/analyst in conducting sampling and analysis, availability of SOP, capability to control thequality (Quality Control) and to assure the quality (Quality Assurance) of its work and the results. Some of laboratory in Indonesia has received certification from National Committee on Acreditation (KAN). However, the granted certification from the KAN must be first checked whether it is for all or part of the laboratory capabilities. Second, whether during the analysis it is already checked the accuracy and preciseness of the instrument employed. Unlike in developed countries, this type of such check has not so far been done in Indonesia. In term of QualityAssurance, the institution that grants the laboratory certification, for example KAN in Indonesia, will send blind samples to targeted laboratory to analyze how much the concentration of certain pollutants detected by this laboratory. Third, whether the operators have strongly followed the existing SOP. Thus, in order to operate laboratory in a right procedure and accuracy, a lot of work must be done carefully in order to result a qualified data. This paper is going to describe and to evaluate how the environmental laboratory is operated and how their condition in Indonesia

    Condition of Water Resource in Indonesia and Its Environmental Technology

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    Water resource is one of the most important resources for life and development. In Indonesia, the increasing population and development results the increased demand of water. On the other hand, water resource availability has become limited and has been at critical level for several locations. Around 65% Indonesian population (~ 125 Million people) live in Java island which is only 7% of total Indonesia continental area. The decrease of water resource is caused by some factors, namely pollution, deforestation, heavy agricultural activities, and the change of the function of catchment area. This paper will give some brief description how water resource in Indonesia distributes and what the appropriate technologies have been used for the treatment of low quality of water in order to fulfill the human life needs

    Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) Pemetaan Jaringan Pipa Dan Titik Properti Pelanggan Di PT Aetra Air Tangerang

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    Teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) adalah teknologi yang memiliki kemampuan untuk secara geografis mengumpulkan, mengelola, memanipulasi dan memvisualisasikan data spasial (spasial) yang terkait dengan posisi permukaan bumi pada peta sesuai dengan posisi sebenarnya dari permukaan bumi dengan Titik koordinat Informasi tentang pemetaan titik pelanggan pelanggan pipa dan PDAM di Tangerang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tim teknis di PDAM terutama pada PDAM PT Aetra Air Tangerang untuk membantu pengolahan data jaringan pipa dan titik properti pelanggan juga untuk dipvisualisasikan ke peta dalam bentuk digital. Hasil yang ditampilkan oleh sistem adalah data distribusi dan poin properti pelanggan juga pandangan pendukung lainnya seperti daerah perbatasan, jalan, tempat tinggal, reservoar, sumber air dan asesoris dapat ditampilkan dalam data peta dan tabulasi

    Pengaruh Externalitas Pada Stuktur Biaya Produksi Biodiesel Mikroalga Sebagai Sumber Energi Ramah Lingkungan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan biomassa mikroalga sebagai bahan baku biodieselalternatif yang ramah lingkungan. Perbandingan semua variabel biaya produksi antara mikroalgadan biodiesel kelapa sawit menggunakan proses produksi sistem analisis siklus analisis siklus hidupdiperpanjang (extended LCA) di evaluasi. Penggunaan sistem extended LCA dapat mencakupisemua variabel komoditas lingkungan sehingga potensi biomassa mikroalga sebagai materialyang terbarukan, rendah dalam penggunaan lahan dan berkelanjutan dapat dipromosikan. Nilai-nilai variabel komoditas lingkungan diperkirakan melalui pendekatan kesediaan membayar (WTP)menggunakan perangkat lunak yang di kembangkan oleh Strategi Prioritas Lingkungan (EPS).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan biaya produksi biodiesel dari mikroalga danminyak sawit setelah dimasukkannya biaya variabel eksternalitas nya. Biaya produksi biodieseltertinggi berasal dari tahap segar produksi biomassa tandan buah kelapa sawit (49%-64 %) daritotal biaya. Analisis extended LCA menyimpulkan bahwa kenaikan mikroalga dan biaya produksiminyak biodiesel sawit adalah sekitar 2,6 % dan 17,7%. Biomassa untuk produksi biodiesel darimikroalga relatif lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dari kelapa sawit karena berbagai kendalapada penggunaan mikroalga dapat ditangani. Selain itu, mikroalga memiliki kontribusi yang signifikandalam gas rumah kaca (GRK) mitigasi dengan mengganti bahan bakar fosil di masa depan melaluiperannya sebagai biodiesel