12 research outputs found

    Family Health Promotion: Perawatan Luka Pascakhitan, Metode Konvensional yang Optimal di Wilayah Pontianak Selatan

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    Circumcision has proven health benefits. Circumcision is a type of acute wound that requires wound care that is free from infection and moist wounds. Parents assume that the circumcision wound will heal by itself and no disease or abnormality will occur. The impact of post-circumcision wounds leading to further health problems can be prevented through parental behavior in caring for post-circumcision wounds. Problems arising from post-circumcision such as phimosis (a condition where the foreskin cannot be pulled back from around the tip of the penis), preventing urinary tract infections, making the penis clean, and reducing the risk of developing penile carcinoma. The purpose of this health promotion is to increase parents' knowledge about post-circumcision wound care in order to provide mental readiness for children who will undergo circumcision. The target of this health promotion is the community in Jalan Wonobaru Gang Madyosari, South Pontianak. The method of implementation this health promotion includes discussion and simulation with the stages of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The results of this health promotion obtained 77% of participants were able to answer the questions correctly and two participants were able to practice the conventional method of post-circumcision wound care. Health promotion participants revealed that knowing post-circumcision wound care is important to minimize complications.Khitan terbukti memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan. Khitan adalah jenis luka akut yang memerlukan perawatan luka yang bebas dari infeksi dan luka yang lembab. Orang tua beranggapan luka khitan akan sembuh dengan sendirinya dan tidak akan terjadi penyakit atau kelainan apapun. Dampak dari luka pascakhitan yang mengarah ke masalah kesehatan lebih lanjut dapat dicegah melalui perilaku orang tua dalam merawat luka pascakhitan. Masalah yang timbul akibat pascatindakan khitan seperti phimosis (kondisi dimana kulup tidak bisa ditarik kembali dari sekitar ujung penis), mencegah infeksi saluran kemih, membuat penis menjadi bersih, dan mengurangi resiko terkena karsinoma penis. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua tentang perawatan luka pascakhitan agar mampu memberikan kesiapan mental bagi anak yang akan menjalani khitan. Sasaran PkM ini adalah masyarakat di Jalan Wonobaru Gang Madyosari, Pontianak Selatan. Metode pelaksanaan PkM ini meliputi diskusi dan simulasi dengan tahapan persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hasil PkM ini diperoleh 77% peserta mampu menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dengan benar, serta dua orang peserta mampu mempraktikkan kembali cara perawatan luka pascakhitan dengan metode konvensional. Peserta PkM mengungkapkan bahwa mengetahui perawatan luka pascakhitan penting guna meminimalkan komplikasinya

    Family Management on Children with Autism

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    Background: Children with autism had disorder in their physical, mental, and cognitive development and socialization function, which then brought burden in family care. Method: This research used phenomenological approach by involving three type families and was conducted in Pontianak, West Borneo. Result: This research found four themes in nuclear families: the role of parent in treatment of ASD, the role of nuclear family as a caregiver for ASD, the virtue of therapy for children and mood change as parent. Three themes in extended family: the role of parent in treatment of ASD, the role of extended family as a caregiver ASD and mood change as parent. Three themes in single parent: the role of single parent with ASD, the virtue of therapy for children and consequences as a single parent. Conclusion: Each type of family had differences of parenting pattern and burden level in treatment of autistic children

    Manajemen Stres Akademik pada Remaja dengan Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

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    One of the causes of stress in adolescents occurs at school.  Academic stress on students due to learning activities such as skipping school, leaving class hours prematurely, arriving late to school, collecting late assignments collected, and quitting school because they are unable to follow the learning in the chosen Department. Academic stress can lead to depression if not treated properly. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) can effectively reduce academic stress, control anxiety, and tension. The purpose of this Community Service (PkM) is to improve students’ knowledge about stress and how to manage stress with Progressive Muscle relaxation (PMR). The target of this PkM is students of Class XII Department of modeling design and Building Information (DPIB) SMKN 01 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. This PkM implementation method includes stress discussion and simulation of PMR techniques. The evaluation results after students perform PMR simulation obtained 41.2% feel relaxed, 26.5% feel comfortable, 20.6% feel calm, and 11.8% do not feel any change.Penyebab terjadinya stres pada remaja salah satunya terjadi di sekolah.  Stres akademik pada siswa akibat aktivitas belajar seperti bolos sekolah, meninggalkan jam pelajaran sebelum waktunya, terlambat datang ke sekolah, tugas terlambat dikumpulkan, dan berhenti dari sekolah dikarenakan tidak mampu mengikuti pembelajaran di jurusan yang dipilihnya. Stres akademik dapat mengakibatkan depresi jika tidak diatasi dengan baik. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) dapat mengurangi stres akademik secara efektif, mengendalikan kecemasan, dan ketegangan. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang stres dan cara manajemen stres dengan Progressive Muscle relaxation (PMR). Sasaran PkM ini adalah siswa kelas XII jurusan Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan (DPIB) SMKN 01 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat. Metode pelaksanaan PkM ini meliputi diskusi stres dan simulasi tentang teknik PMR. Hasil evaluasi setelah siswa melakukan simulasi PMR diperoleh 41,2% merasakan rileks, 26,5% merasa nyaman, 20,6% merasa tenang, dan 11,8% tidak merasa ada perubahan

    Maternal Barriers in Raising Children with Special Needs in Rural Areas: A Qualitative Study

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    It is not easy for mothers living in rural areas to raise children with special needs because various obstacles arise from both within and outside the family. This study aimed to explore various obstacles for mothers in raising children with special needs, especially in rural areas. The research design used in this study was descriptive qualitative. The sample in this study consisted of 55 mothers who were selected using purposive sampling method. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured face-to-face interviews and through focus group discussions. The data collected in this study was then analyzed using thematic analysis. There are 3 themes generated in this research including 1) family perception, 2) financials, and 3) access to health care services. Information obtained from this research can provide solutions for families to overcome or get out from the existing barriers and provide information to the government to provide health services to families with children with special needs in rural areas

    Relationship Between Knowledge Level With Motivation To Visit Mothers To Posyandu Pertiwi Sungai Ambawang District

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    Background: Posyandu is an integrated service to provide convenience and benefits for the community to maintain and improve the health status of mothers and children through improving the ability of cadres, management, and functions of posyandu. The results of previous studies reported a lack of motivation and activity of mothers in posyandu activities, which had an impact on the health condition of toddlers. Purpose: This study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge with the motivation to visit the mother under five to the Posyandu Pertiwi, Central Java Village, Sungai Ambawang District.Research Method: Quantitative research with cross-sectional study design. The population in this study were mothers who had children under five at Posyandu Pertiwi, Central Java Village, with a total of 357 people, with a sample size of 78 respondents, using a consecutive sampling technique.Results: Data analysis using the chi-square test, the results show that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge of mothers under five with motivation to visit during the pandemic period at the Posyandu with = 0.000 (ρ <0.05).Keywords:

    Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Kesehatan Jiwa Usia Muda (Remaja) Pendekatan Keluarga Dan Agama Sebagai Preventif Psychosocial Trauma

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    The general objective of community service with Health Education on Young Mental Health (Adolescents) this Family and Religion approach as Psychosocial Trauma is to increase promotive efforts to stimulate the creation of mental health for young people (adolesencents) in LPKA class IIB Sungai Raya by optimizing the role of the family and religious base, is expected to be able to form characteristics of adolesecents who always have strong religious beliefs in thinking and acting, positive thinking, actualizing themselves well, and having a better outlook on life. The PKM method is to use lecture and discussion techniques. The target of this activity is young people (adolesencents) who inhabit LPKA class IIB Sungai Raya Pontianak Regency. The PKM implementing team is a lecturer involving, educational staff and students of the STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak. The results of the implementation of the PKM showed the enthusiasm of active participants because the theme of health was never known by students in the LPKA class IIB Sungai Raya and the activities took place in an orderly manner. Of the 25 health participants, 80% of participants were able to answer correctly from the 5 questions given during the summative evaluation. an increase in knowledge of the participants about mental health

    The relationship between domestic violence and women’s sexual function in the city of Puntianak

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    The increasing number of domestic violence every year causes many health problems mainly women’s reproductive health. This violence may influence the sexual life in their families, especially women’s sexual function. It is known that the sexuality is as a part of family’s life. The fulfilled family will guarantee their pleasurable sexual life. At this point, no research has been conducted to investigate whether there is a relationship between the domestic violence and the sexual function in Pontianak. The research was planned to investigate the relationship between domestic violence and women’s sexual function in Pontianak


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    Penggunaan dressing menjadi sangat penting untuk mendukung penyembuhan luka. Dressing modern yang lama membutuhkan biaya yang mahal, sehingga perlu inovasi perawatan luka menggunakan pembalut wanita sebagai dressing.&nbsp; Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pembalut wanita terhadap terjadinya maserasi, penyerapan eksudat , infeksi dan penyembuhan pada luka Desain Cohort Prospective Longitudinal, 29 sampel di observasi dengan menggunakan pembalut wanita sebagai secondary dressing. Aplikasi pembalut wanita digunakan pada satu luka untuk satu pembalut berdasarkan luas luka. Observasi selama 4 minggu dengan pergantian balutan per 2 hari dan follow up setiap minggu. Pemeriksaan maserasi dan penyembuhan luka menggunakan instrument baku DMIST Scale setiap minggu. Infeksi menggunakan teknik swab didasar luka pada awal dan minggu ke - 4, kemudian di ukur dengan alat ukur bacteri count. Eksudat di ukur dengan timbangan digital setiap minggu. Uji statistik Friedman Test menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pada maserasi (0,000), eksudat (0,035). Wilcoxon Signed Ranks menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh pada infeksi (0,655). Repeated Measure Annova menunjukkan ada pengaruh pada penyembuhan luka (0,027). Manajemen eksudat menjadi sangat penting karena dapat menjadi maserasi dan peningkatan infeksi yang berdampak pada lama penyembuhan luka. Diharapkan praktisi luka dapat memperhatikan faktor penyembuhan luka. &nbsp; Kata Kunci: Pembalut wanita, Maserasi, Penyembuhan luka, Diabetic Foot UlcerPenggunaan dressing menjadi sangat penting untuk mendukung penyembuhan luka. Dressing modern yang lama membutuhkan biaya yang mahal, sehingga perlu inovasi perawatan luka menggunakan pembalut wanita sebagai dressing.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pembalut wanita terhadap terjadinya maserasi, penyerapan eksudat , infeksi dan penyembuhan pada luka Desain Cohort Prospective Longitudinal, 29 sampel di observasi dengan menggunakan pembalut wanita sebagai secondary dressing. Aplikasi pembalut wanita digunakan pada satu luka untuk satu pembalut berdasarkan luas luka. Observasi selama 4 minggu dengan pergantian balutan per 2 hari dan follow up setiap minggu. Pemeriksaan maserasi dan penyembuhan luka menggunakan instrument baku DMIST Scale setiap minggu. Infeksi menggunakan teknik swab didasar luka pada awal dan minggu ke - 4, kemudian di ukur dengan alat ukur bacteri count. Eksudat di ukur dengan timbangan digital setiap minggu. Uji statistik Friedman Test menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pada maserasi (0,000), eksudat (0,035). Wilcoxon Signed Ranks menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh pada infeksi (0,655). Repeated Measure Annova menunjukkan ada pengaruh pada penyembuhan luka (0,027). Manajemen eksudat menjadi sangat penting karena dapat menjadi maserasi dan peningkatan infeksi yang berdampak pada lama penyembuhan luka. Diharapkan praktisi luka dapat memperhatikan faktor penyembuhan luka. Kata Kunci: Pembalut wanita, Maserasi, Penyembuhan luka, Diabetic Foot Ulce

    PENGALAMAN PERAWATAN KELUARGA DALAM MENCEGAH KEKAMBUHAN PENYAKIT ASMA PADA ANAK DI PUSKESMAS SANGGAU LEDO KABUPATEN BENGKAYANG: Family Treatment Experience in Preventing Asthma Repeat in Children at The Sanggau Ledo Health Center, Bengkayang District

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    Asma dapat terjadi karena adanya suatu peradangan kronis di saluran pernafasan akibat adanya penyempitan saluran pernafasan karena adanya suatu inflamasi eosinofilik yang berlebih. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengalaman Perawatan Keluarga Dalam Mencegah Kekambuhan Penyakit Asma Pada Anak. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif studi fenomenologi dan wawancara mendalam Jumlah partisipan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 10 partisipan. Hasil : penelitian ini mendapatkan 4 tema yaitu pengalaman pengetahuan, pengalaman respon fisik, pengalaman psikologis dan pengalaman penatalaksanaan. Kesimpulan : Pencegahan kekambuhan asma pada anak memberikan pemahaman pada keluarga tentang penyakit asma,  respon fisik agar tidak sering terjadi kekambuhan dengan cara membatasi aktivitas fisik yang berat, jika dilakukan maka ada jeda waktu untuk istirahat hingga kondisi siap untuk beraktivitas kembali. Respon psikologis menerima dengan ikhlas keadaan tubuh apabila asma dikarenakan factor keturunan. Serta menghindari fatkor pencetus. Penatalaksanaan persiapan obat yang biasa di gunakan dan terapi

    Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Kesehatan Jiwa Usia Muda (Remaja) Pendekatan Keluarga dan Agama sebagai Preventif Psychosocial Trauma

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    The general objective of community service with Health Education on Young Mental Health (Adolescents) this Family and Religion approach as Psychosocial Trauma is to increase promotive efforts to stimulate the creation of mental health for young people (adolesencents) in LPKA class IIB Sungai Raya by optimizing the role of the family and religious base, is expected to be able to form characteristics of adolesecents who always have strong religious beliefs in thinking and acting, positive thinking, actualizing themselves well, and having a better outlook on life. The PKM method is to use lecture and discussion techniques. The target of this activity is young people (adolesencents) who inhabit LPKA class IIB Sungai Raya Pontianak Regency. The PKM implementing team is a lecturer involving, educational staff and students of the STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak. The results of the implementation of the PKM showed the enthusiasm of active participants because the theme of health was never known by students in the LPKA class IIB Sungai Raya and the activities took place in an orderly manner. Of the 25 health participants, 80% of participants were able to answer correctly from the 5 questions given during the summative evaluation. an increase in knowledge of the participants about mental health