51 research outputs found

    Research on correlation between nitrogen compounds, iron and manganese concentrations in drinking water supply systems

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    A wide range of material sources potentially contribute to contaminant loads in potable water. The ability of water supply systems to act as emission control barriers to tap water micro pollutants, thereby providing environmental benefits in addition to potable water savings, have not been fully explored. This paper investigates the sources, presence and potential fate of a selection of nitrogen micro pollutants in water supply systems. All of the investigated compounds are listed under the requirements to the quality of water intended for human consumption. Significant water quality changes are identified. A wide range of potential treatment trains are available for water treatment and reuse but treatment efficiency data for nitrogen substances is very limited. Nitrogen substances removal through water treatment is following to be predominantly due to ammonium ions, nitrate and nitrite limited concentrations requirement, with only minor contributions to the water supply network. The majority of conventional water treatment plants periodically supply water with nitrogen compounds residual to the potable water distribution system. Hence, it is important to ensure that other nitrogen sources control options (e.g. pipelines materials, and groundwater sources controls) for potable water supply continue to be pursued, in order that nitrogen compounds emissions from these sources are effectively reduced and/or phased out as required under the demands of the requirements to the quality of water intended for human consumption. The aim of this research was to estimate the correlation between nitrogen compounds, iron and manganese concentrations in drinking water supply pipelines in Vilnius (Lithuania) and Warsaw (Poland). First published online: 11 Oct 201

    Aspects of wastewater treatment on short rotation plantations (SRP) in Poland

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    The use of wastewater on short rotation plantations (SRP) can be an effective way of wastewater treatment as well as a source of water and nutrients for growing plants. Wastewater nutrient reusing is necessary, especially in the case of nutrients which come from non‐renewable resources, as phosphorus. The production of mineral fertilisers is usually a resource‐consuming and energy‐consuming process. Nutrient removal from wastewater in conventional wastewater treatment technologies is also energy‐consuming and expensive. That's why the reuse of nutrients from the waste streams is very important from both economic and environmental point of view. Taking into consideration climatic conditions (annual precipitation, temperature, length of vegetation period), environmental goals (concerning reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, increase of share of renewable energy in total energy production and protection of water resources) and other social and economic aspects, there is a large potential of fast‐growing plant species development in Poland. To obtain high and stable energy biomass production, irrigation and fertilisation will be needed, what in simple and low‐cost way, can be realised by irrigation with wastewater. Nuotekų naudojimo trumpos rotacijos plantacijose Lenkijoje aspektai Santrauka Nuotekų naudojimas trumpos rotacijos plantacijose gali būti efektyvus nuotekų tvarkymo būdas, taip pat drėgmės šaltinis ir maistinė medžiaga augalams. Nuotekose esančių maistinių medžiagų pakartotinis naudojimas yra būtinas, ypač kai maisto medžiagos gaunamos iš neatsinaujinančių šaltinių, pvz., fosforas. Mineralinių trąšų gamybai dažnai reikia daug žaliavų ir energijos. Maistingų medžiagų šalinimui iš nuotekų taikant tradicines nuotekų tvarkymo technologijas taip pat reikia daug energijos, ir tai yra brangiai kainuojantis procesas. Todėl nuotekose esančių maistingų medžiagų antrinis panaudojimas yra labai svarbus ekonominiu ir aplinkosauginiu požiūriais. Atsižvelgiant į klimato būklę (metinis kritulių kiekis, temperatūra, vegetacijos trukmė), aplinkosauginius tikslus (šiltnamio efektą didinančių dujų mažinimas, atsinaujinančios energijos dalies padidinimas bendroje energijos gamyboje ir vandens išteklių apsauga) ir kitus socialinius bei ekonominius aspektus, Lenkijoje yra galimybė didinti greitai augančių augalų rūšių plotus. Norint greitai ir stabiliai išauginti daug biomasės, reikia augalus drėkinti ir tręšti ir tam gali būti naudojamos nuotekos. Reikšminiai žodžiai: maistinių medžiagų antrinis panaudojimas, drėkinimas nuotekomis, greitai augantys augalai, atsinaujinanti energija, vandens ir oro tarša. Возможности использования сточных вод на плантациях растений короткой ротации в польше Резюме Использованиe сточных вод на плантациях растений короткой ротации может быть эффективным средством ухода за сточными водами, а также источником влаги и пищевых продуктов для растений. Вторичное использование пищевых продуктов из сточных вод является обязательным, особенно в тех случаях, когда пищевые продукты получаются из невосстанавливающихся источников, например, фосфор. Производство минеральных удобрений требует многих сырьевых материалов и энергии. Процесс удаления пищевых продуктов из сточных вод с помощью традиционных технологических методов является дорогостоящим и требующим больших энергетических затрат. Поэтому вторичное использование пищевых продуктов из сточных вод важно в экономическом и природоохранном отношении. С учетом климатических условий (годового количества осадков, температуры, срока вегетационного периода), природоохранных целей (уменьшения количества тепловых газов, увеличения доли восстанавливаемой энергии в общем производстве энергии, охраны водных ресурсов), а также других социальных и экономических аспектов в Польше имеется возможность развивать сорта быстрорастущих растений. Для того, чтобы уровень продукции биомассы был высоким и стабильным, необходимо постоянное орошение и подкормка. Для этих целей и могут использоваться сточные воды. Ключевые слова: вторичное использование пищевых продуктов, орошение сточными водами, быстрорастущие растения, восстанавливаемая энергия, загрязнение воды и воздуха. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Obinutuzumab as a new therapeutic opportunity for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Obinutuzumab (also known as GA101) is a humanized, glycoengineered type II monoclonal antibody targeted against CD20. Studies in animal models suggest that obinutuzumab shows superior efficacy, as compared with rituximab, by inducing direct cell death and increased antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity activity with less complement – dependent cytotoxicity. In clinical trials, obinutuzumab in monotherapy and in combination with other agents showed an activity against chronic lymphocytic leukemia, even in rituximab – resistant patients. This article presents the review of current publications concerning the mechanism of action, efficacy and safety of obinutuzumab

    Zmiany genetyczne w chłoniaku rozlanym z dużych komórek B

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    Chłoniak rozlany z dużych komórek B (DLBCL) jest najczęstszym rodzajem chłoniaka u dorosłych i stanowi 30–40% wszystkich chłoniaków niehodgkinowskich. Większość pacjentów z DLBCL może być wyleczona za pomocą standardowego schematu immunochemioterapii zawierającego rytuksymab, cyklofosfamid, doksorubicynę, winkrystynę i prednizon (R-CHOP), jednak 30–40% pacjentów ma nawrót choroby lub jest opornych na leczenie pierwszego rzutu. Zrozumienie patogenezy DLBCL jest więc niezbędne do zidentyfikowania nowych potencjalnych celów terapeutycznych i opracowania nowych schematów leczenia w walce z tą chorobą. W przedstawionej pracy podsumowujemy obecną literaturę, skupiając się na zmianach genetycznych, w tym mutacjach somatycznych, zmianach liczby kopii i translokacjach chromosomowych zidentyfikowanych w DLBCL

    Influence of environmental factors on retention of extensive green roofs with different substrate composition

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    Increasing recognition is being given to the adaption of green roofs in urban areas to enhance the local ecosystem. Green roofs may bring several benefits to urban areas including flood mitigation Analysis of environmental factors affecting the outflow of green roofs is the subject of many studies. The work assessed how environmental factors moisture of structural layers and antecedent dry weather period influence the retention on two types of green roof substrates. The monitoring of environmental factors and amount of runoff was carried out on two models of green roofs covered by extensive vegetation (mosssedum-herbs) with substrates of an organic-mineral and mineral composition for 8 months. A statistical regression approach identified potential antecedent meteorological factors and moisture indicators of extensive green-roof retention. Continuous field monitoring data revealed the combined effects of rainfall depth and antecedent dry weather period to explain the measured stormwater retention under a moderate climate conditions regime. It is important to incorporate site-specific planning and assessment prior to green infrastructure design

    Znaczenie limfocytów Th17 w odporności przeciwnowotworowej

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    CD4+ T helper (Th) cells play an important role in modulating immune responses. Th17 cells are a newly established Th subpopulation. Th17 cells differentiate in the presence of TGF-β and IL-6 in mice or IL-1β and IL-6 in humans, depending on the transcription factor RORγt. IL-23 stabilizes the Th17 cells phenotype and helps Th17 cells acquire effector functions. Th17 secretes IL-17, IL-21, and IL-22, which play significant role in the immune response against viruses, extracellular bacteria and fungi, as well as in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. The systemic and local activity of IL-17 and Th17 seems to be an important part of development of autoimmune reaction. Th17 cell subpopulation has been described in many types of cancer, including gastric cancer, melanoma, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer, but it remains unclear whether Th17 cells promote or inhibit tumor progression and the mechanism of their involvement in tumor immunity is unknown.This review summarizes the current knowledge on the role of Th17 cells in tumor immunity

    Prognostyczna wartość mutacji NOTCH1 i MYD88 u pacjentów z przewlekłą białaczką limfocytową

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    Introduction: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is one of the most common type of leukemia in adults with highly heterogenous clinical course of the disease. Currently available prognostic factors are not fully efficient in predicting the course of CLL. New molecular mutations like NOTCH1 and MYD88 could partly explain the CLL heterogeneity and help in identifying clinically relevant groups of patients. Material and methods: NOTCH1 c.7544_7545delCT (n=200) in PEST domain (exon 34) and MYD88 L265P (n=60) mutations was investigated by (ARMS) amplification refractory mutation system. Expression of MYD88 in CLL was assessed in (PB) peripheral blood (n=60) and (BM) bone marrow (n=92) CLL patients and 25 (HVs) healthy volunteers using qRT-PCR. Results: NOTCH1 mutation occurred in 18/200 (9.0%) CLL patients. Patients harboring NOTCH1 mutations prevalently belonged to aggressive cases, i.e. cases with an unmutated IGVH gene status, expression of CD38 and ZAP-70. MYD88 mutation occured in 2/60 (3.3%) CLL patients. MYD88 mutations were strikingly enriched among patients expressing mutated IGVH genes. Our study demonstrated significantly higher PB MYD88 expression than in HVs and relevantly higher PB MYD88 expression in comparison with BM (respectively pWstęp. Przewlekła białaczka limfocytowa (PBL) jest najczęstszą postacią białaczki u dorosłych. Chorzy z PBL stanowią heterogenną grupę kliniczną. Obecnie dostępne czynniki rokownicze nie są do końca skuteczne w prognozowaniu przebiegu PBL. Nowe mutacje molekularne, takie jak NOTCH1 i MYD88, mogą częściowo wyjaśnić heterogenność PBL i być pomocne w klasyfikacji grup chorych już przy rozpoznaniu. Materiał i metody. Mutację NOTCH1 c.7544_7545delCT (n = 200) w domenie PEST (exon 34) i MYD88 L265P (n = 60) oznaczano metodą ARMS. Ekspresję MYD88 we krwi obwodowej (n = 60) i szpiku kostnym (n = 92) pacjentów z PBL i 25 zdrowych ochotników oceniano przy użyciu metody qRT-PCR. Wyniki. Mutację w genie NOTCH1 wykryto u 18/200 (9%) pacjentów z PBL. Pacjenci z mutacją NOTCH1 należeli do grupy z bardziej agresywnym przebiegiem choroby: niezmutowanymi łańcuchami IGVH, ekspresją CD38 i ZAP-70. Mutację MYD88 wykryto u 2/60 (3.3%) pacjentów z PBL i należeli oni do grupy ze zmutowanymi genami IGVH. Mediana ekspresji MYD88 we krwi obwodowej pacjentów z PBL była istotnie wyższa niż u zdrowych ochotników, a także istotnie wyższa niż w szpiku kostnym (odpowiednio p < 0,0001 i p = 0,0015). Nie stwierdzono korelacji między ekspresją MYD88 we krwi obwodowej i szpiku kostnym a ekspresją ZAP-70, CD38 oraz stanem mutacji IGVH. Wnioski. Mutacje w genie NOTCH1 są znacznie częściej wykrywane u pacjentów z niekorzystnymi parametrami komórek białaczkowych i mogą stanowić czynnik predykcyjny gorszego rokowania u pacjentów z PBL. Niezbędne są dalsze badania nad rolą mutacji MYD88 jak czynnika prognostycznego i predykcyjnego u pacjentów z PBL

    The correlation of mutations and expressions of genes within the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in breast cancer : a preliminary study

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    There is an urgent need to seek new molecular biomarkers helpful in diagnosing and treating breast cancer. In this elaboration, we performed a molecular analysis of mutations and expression of genes within the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in patients with ductal breast cancer of various malignancy levels. We recognized significant correlations between the expression levels of the studied genes. We also performed a bioinformatics analysis of the data available on the international database TCGA and compared them with our own research. Studies on mutations and expression of genes were conducted using High-Resolution Melt PCR (HRM-PCR), Allele-Specific-quantitative PCR (ASP-qPCR), Real-Time PCR molecular methods in a group of women with ductal breast cancer. Bioinformatics analysis was carried out using web source Ualcan and bc-GenExMiner. In the studied group of women, it was observed that the prevalence of mutations in the studied PIK3CA and AKT1 genes was 29.63%. It was stated that the average expression level of the PIK3CA, PIK3R1, PTEN genes in the group of breast cancer patients is lower in comparison to the control group, while the average expression level of the AKT1 and mTOR genes in the studied group was higher in comparison to the control group. It was also indicated that in the group of patients with mutations in the area of the PIK3CA and AKT1 genes, the PIK3CA gene expression level is statistically significantly lower than in the group without mutations. According to our knowledge, we demonstrate, for the first time, that there is a very strong positive correlation between the levels of AKT1 and mTOR gene expression in the case of patients with mutations and without mutations

    Phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland after 8 years of operation – a case study

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    Horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands can effectively treat high levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids. They are also effective as phosphorus trap but usually for a short time. This phenomenon was observed in the presented case study, an example of subsurface flow reed bed filled with “improved” site soil where it was assumed that the permeability of bed would increase as a result of reed penetration. Fine grained site soil was initially effective trap for phosphorus from wastewater. However, during operation clogging of bed media proceeded and phosphorus sorption capacity used up. In general, the longevity of subsurface flow wetlands as phosphorus sinks depends on the hydraulic load, phosphorus load and the type of the media used in bed construction. To be effective as phosphorus sorbent, substrate should contain high levels of Ca, Al and Fe oxides and possess suitable sorption capacity, quick time of reaction and suitable permeability. Fosforo šalinimas iš buitinių nuotekų horizontaliosios popaviršinės tėkmės dirbtiniame biologiniame tvenkenyje Santrauka Dirbtinai įrengti horizontaliosios popaviršinės tėkmės tvenkiniai efektyviai valo didelio BDS (biologinio deguonies sunaudojimo) bei suspenduotųjų kietųjų medžiagų labai užterštas nuotekas. Jie trumpam taip pat efektyvūs kaip fosforo absorbentai. Šis reiškinys tirtas stebint popaviršinę tėkmę vandens augmenijos priveistame pagerintame grunte. Buvo manoma, kad vagos pralaidumas dėl vandens augmenijos padidės. Smulkiagrūdis gruntas iš pradžių fosforą iš nuotėkų sorbavo efektyviai. Tačiau proceso metu dėl teršalų pertekliaus tvenkinio sorbcinė geba baigėsi. Apibendrinant, ilgalaikė biologinių tvenkinių fosforo sorbcijos geba priklauso nuo jų hidraulinės apkrovos, fosforo kiekio ir įkrovos, naudojamos įrengiant tvenkinį, tipo. Kad fosforo sorbentas būtų efektyvus, substratas turi būti atitinkamos pradinės sorbcinės talpos ir laidumo. Jame turi būti didelis kiekis Ca, Al bei Fe oksidų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: vietinis nuotekų valymas, buitinės nuotekos, popaviršinės tėkmės dirbtiniai biologiniai tvenkiniai, fosforo šalinimas First Published Online: 14 Oct 201