6 research outputs found

    Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Copano NGL Services (Markham), LLC, 2.8-mile Pipeline, Matagorda County, Texas

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    Report Title: Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Copano NGL Services (Markham), LLC, 2.8- mile Pipeline, Matagorda County, Texas Report Date: January 2015 Report Number: WSA Technical Report No. 2015-02 Agency: Texas Historical Commission (THC). Permit Number: Texas Antiquities Permit 7079. Project Description: William Self Associates, Inc. (WSA), conducted cultural resources agency coordination and an archaeology survey for a proposed new 2.8-mile (4.5 kilometer [km]) segment of the 12-inch Copano NGL Services (Markham), LLC (Copano NGL), pipeline in Matagorda County, Texas. Coordination with the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and the archaeology survey were conducted consistent with the requirements of the Texas Natural Resources Code Title 9, Chapter 191 (Antiquities Code of Texas) and accompanying Rules of Practice and Procedure for the code (Texas Administrative Code, Title 13, Chapter 26). The proposed project crosses Texas A&M University property. Texas A&M University is a state entity, and therefore the investigations were subject to regulation by the THC through the Texas Antiquities Code (TAC) and the TAC permitting process. Proposed survey methods were approved by the THC in an initial project coordination letter dated September 25, 2014 (Karbula 2014). The project was conducted under TAC Permit 7079. Pedestrian and reconnaissance survey supplemented with shovel testing was conducted in undisturbed portions of the 2.8-mile (4.5 km) linear survey corridor, which was 30 meters (m) in width (200 feet) and covered a total of 6.8 acres. As per the minimum survey standards of the THC, transects were spaced 30 m apart, and shovel tests were placed at a rate of 16 per mile along the transects, though no transects or shovel tests were conducted in highly disturbed or developed areas, which represented a large portion of the project area. In total, 22 negative shovel tests and three negative backhoe trenches were excavated in support of the investigation. No archaeological sites or any prehistoric or historic-age cultural materials were recorded, recovered, or observed. No features or evidence of prehistoric- or historic-age occupation were identified. Acres Surveyed: 6.8 Project Number: WSA 2014-60 Project Location: Matagorda County, Texas Unevaluated Properties: 0 NRHP Eligible Properties: 0 NRHP Ineligible Properties: 0 NRHP Listed Properties: 0 Isolated Occurrences: 0 Total Project Resources: 0 Recommendations: WSA concludes that there exists a low probability that cultural resources eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or for designation as a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL) exist on the surveyed property due to the broad extent of existing disturbances and a preponderance of negative shovel tests and backhoe trenches. WSA respectfully requests THC concurrence with the conclusion that there exists a low probability that significant NRHP- or SAL-eligible cultural resources will be impacted by the proposed project. WSA recommends and respectfully requests THC concurrence that with regards to SALs, project construction within the areas of ground disturbance and physically impacted areas of approximately 2.8 miles (4.5 km) be allowed to proceed under the TAC, and that all TAC permit consultation for the proposed project be considered concluded and complete

    Intensive Archaeological Survey Investigations of a Proposed 125-Acre Lakewood Community Park for the City of Leander, Williamson County, Texas

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    Report Title: Intensive Archaeological Survey Investigations of a Proposed 125-Acre Lakewood Community Park for the City of Leander, Williamson County, Texas Report Date: August 2015 Report Number: WSA Technical Report No. 2015-21 Agency: none Permit Number: Texas Antiquities Code Permit 7296 Project Description: WSA, Inc. (WSA) conducted a 100% pedestrian archaeological survey with shovel testing for the proposed City of Leander, Lakewood Community Park in Williamson County, Texas. The project is sponsored by the City of Leander Parks and Recreation Department and owned by the City of Leander and the investigations are subject to the Texas Antiquities Code (TAC) and TAC permitting. The project was conducted under Texas Antiquities Permit 7296. A total of 27 pedestrian transects were surveyed at 30 m intervals, and two additional transects were conducted parallel to the shoreline. A total of 40 negative shovel tests were excavated in compliance with the THC minimum survey standards for acreage based projects. One prehistoric lithic scatter archaeological site was identified during the investigations (41WM1308). The site consists of a low density, displaced area of tested chert cobbles and flakes confined to the ground surface. No subsurface artifacts were present and no artifacts were collected. No other cultural resources were observed or identified in the project area. Previously recorded prehistoric archaeological site 41WM1159 overlaps the eastern border of the proposed project. The site was not revisited due to the construction of a bermed earthen dam and gravel road in the site area and inundation. This site was previously recorded as a surficial lithic scatter with no observed features and recommended as not eligible for inclusion on the NRHP or as a SAL. Acres Surveyed: 125 Project Number: WSA 2015-27 Project Location: City of Leander, Williamson County, Texas Unevaluated Properties: 0 NRHP Eligible Properties: 0 NRHP Ineligible Properties: 1 (41WM1308) NRHP Listed Properties: 0 Isolated Occurrences: 0 Total Project Resources: 1 Recommendations: Site 41WM1308 is recommended as not eligible as a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL) nor as eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). WSA requests THC concurrence that site 41WM1308 is not SAL or NRHP eligible and that the site does not warrant any further archaeological investigations. WSA concludes that there exists a low probability that cultural resources eligible for SAL or NRHP listing exist on the surveyed property based on pedestrian survey and negative shovel testing. WSA respectfully requests THC concurrence with the conclusion that there exists a low probability that significant NRHP- or SAL-eligible cultural resources will be impacted by the proposed project. WSA recommends and respectfully requests THC concurrence that with regards to SALs, project construction within the areas of proposed ground disturbance be allowed to proceed under the TAC, and that all TAC permit consultation for the proposed project be considered concluded and complete. All project records will be submitted for professional curation and permanently housed at the Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory (TARL) of the University of Texas at Austin, in partial completion of TAC Permit 7296

    Archaeological and Metal Detection Investigations of a 4-acre Proposed Development at the Levi Jordan Plantation State Historic Site (41BO165), Brazoria, Texas

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    Report Title: Archaeological and Metal Detection Investigations of a 4-acre Proposed Development at the Levi Jordan Plantation State Historic Site (41BO165), Brazoria, Texas. Report Date: February 2015 Report Number: WSA Technical Report No. 2015-03 Agency: Texas Historical Commission Permit Number: Texas Antiquities Code (TAC) Permit 7083 Project Description:On behalf of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), William Self Associates, Inc. (WSA), conducted metal detecting and shovel test survey investigations of the east side of the Levi Jordan Plantation State Historic Site (41BO165), Brazoria County, Texas. The THC sponsored the current survey investigations in advance of proposed infrastructure improvements to a currently unoccupied, forested 4-acre tract on the northeast side of the property adjacent to FM 524. The surveys were conducted consistent with the requirements of the Texas Natural Resources Code Title 9, Chapter 191 (Texas Antiquities Code [TAC]) and accompanying Rules of Practice and Procedure (Texas Administrative Code, Title 13, Chapter 26), under Texas Antiquities Permit 7083. The metal detection survey included the participation experienced, volunteer metal detectorists under the guidance of the WSA archaeology team. The investigations were focused on the proposed location of six boreholes, on an approximately 0.3 mile-long (1,600 ft) by 10 foot wide utilities corridor, as well as the locations of a proposed visitor center, parking lot, maintenance complex, and walking trail. These areas were subject to metal detecting at close spacing (approximately 2-m) by three metal detectorists. This was followed immediately by a shovel test survey, with tests placed at proposed borehole locations and then judgmentally based on metal detector survey results. Thirteen negative shovel tests were excavated in support of the survey investigations. Acres Surveyed: 4 Project Number: WSA 2014-105 Project Location: Brazoria County, Texas Unevaluated Properties: 1 NRHP Eligible Properties: 0 NRHP Ineligible Properties: 0 NRHP Listed Properties: 0 Isolated Occurrences: 0 Total Project Resources: 0 Recommendations: The location of the structural remnant is recommended for avoidance by the current project. Should there be any proposed ground disturbing impacts to the feature location, WSA recommends additional archaeological investigations in the form of hand excavated test units and metal detection prospection and recovery, to determine the nature, context, and extent of the feature, and any possible association with the plantation and its important historic context as a State of Texas Historic Site. The feature was identified by the metal detectorists as a relatively large area containing a high volume of buried metal that will require extensive excavation and treatment beyond Phase I survey level recording techniques to expose and thoroughly sample. Indications are from the WSA surveyed portions of the 4-acre tract, that plantation-era artifacts are present, but in low density and widely scattered, and with the exception of the potential feature location (structure remnant), the area contains no intact, plantation-era features. Recovered artifacts are consistent with the use of majority of this area as active cropland during the primary plantation period. WSA recommends and respectfully requests THC concurrence that, except for the feature location as mapped in this report, there is a low probability that additional archaeological investigations will add to our understanding of plantation-age features or events within the investigated area. WSA recommends and respectfully requests that, except for the feature location as mapped in this report, there is little likelihood that any SAL or NRHP eligible components to Site 41BO165 will be impacted by the proposed project. WSA recommends and respectfully requests that, except for the feature location as mapped in this report, no additional archaeological investigations are warranted within the approximately 4-acre project area prior to construction, and that the remainder of the proposed project may proceed to construction with regard to the TAC, and that all TAC reporting-related consultations for the remainder of the proposed project be considered concluded and complete. All recovered artifacts will be curated at the THC Austin facility. All modern trash documented during the investigations has been discarded

    Archaeological Survey of 33 Miles of the Agua Dulce to Midway Pipeline Replacement Project, San Patricio and Nueces Counties, Texas

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    Report Title: Archaeological Survey of 33 Miles of the Agua Dulce to Midway Pipeline Replacement Project, San Patricio and Nueces Counties, Texas Report Date: August 2015 Report Number: 2015-32 Agency: None Permit Number: None Project Description: WSA conducted cultural resource coordination and archaeological survey investigations for a proposed Koch Pipeline Company, LP (KPL), Agua Dulce to Midway pipeline replacement project in San Patricio and Nueces Counties, Texas. WSA conducted intensive Phase I pedestrian survey with shovel testing of the proposed 33 mile (53.1 km) pipeline segment, roughly between the cities of Agua Dulce and Odem, Texas. Coordination was conducted with the Texas SHPO, and survey investigations consistent with Section 106 of the NHPA (1992, as amended). The project may be subject to Section 106 of the NHPA due to proposed impacts to WOUS, including wetlands, under the jurisdiction of the USACE, Galveston District, and the need for project Section 404/10 compliance and permitting under the Clean Water (1972, as amended) and River and Harbors Acts. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) is identified as a 33-mile-long corridor measuring 75 feet (22.7 m) wide (approximately 297.10 acres) consisting of the maintained pipeline ROW. A total of 97 shovel tests were conducted and all were negative. No new archaeological sites were identified. Two archaeological sites were revisited within the proposed pipeline Right-ofWay (ROW) (41NU12 and 41SP185). The portions of Sites 41NU12 and 41SP185 that overlap the proposed pipeline ROW are recommended as not eligible as any possible contributing elements to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of these two sites, nor as contributing elements to any State Antiquities Landmarks (SALs). No further archaeological investigations are recommended for the portions of the APE that overlap the site boundaries of both sites. The overall NRHP and SAL eligibility of these two sites remains undetermined, as current investigations occurred only within the APE (pipeline ROW). Survey investigations were conducted adjacent to but outside of the site boundaries of Site 41NU63. No elements of Site 41NU63 were identified within the APE. There will be no project impacts to Site 41NU63. Acres Surveyed: Approximately 297.10 acres Project Number: 2015-14 Project Location: San Patricio and Nueces Counties, Texas Unevaluated Properties: 0 NRHP Eligible Properties: 0 NRHP Ineligible Properties: 2 NRHP Undetermined Properties: 0 NRHP Listed Properties: 0 Isolated Occurrences: 0 Total Project Resources: 2 Recommendations: WSA respectfully requests SHPO concurrence that there exists a low probability that NRHP- or SAL-eligible cultural resources or contributing components of cultural resources will be affected by the proposed pipeline project, due to existing buried pipelines and other disturbances, as well as a preponderance of negative shovel tests at USACE jurisdictional drainages and wetlands, and other HPAs along the approximately 33-mile-long proposed alignment. WSA recommends and respectfully requests SHPO concurrence that with regards to historic properties and SALs, project construction within the APE of approximately 33 miles (53.1 km) be allowed to proceed under Section 106 of the NHPA, and that all Section 106 consultation for the proposed project be considered concluded and complete

    Intensive Archaeological Survey Investigations of a Proposed New 20-Mile, 12-Inch Copano NGL Services (Markham), LLC (Copano NGL), Sweeny Pipeline Lateral in Matagorda and Brazoria Counties, Texas

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    Report Title: Intensive Archaeological Survey Investigations of a Proposed New 20-Mile, 12-Inch Copano NGL Services (Markham), LLC (Copano NGL), Sweeny Pipeline Lateral in Matagorda and Brazoria Counties, Texas. Report Date: February 2015 Report Number: WSA Technical Report No. 2015-05 Agency: USACE Galveston District, State Historic Preservation Officer Permit Number: none Project Description: William Self Associates, Inc. (WSA) conducted cultural resource coordination and archaeological survey investigations for a proposed new 12-inch Copano NGL Services (Markham), LLC (Copano NGL), Sweeny Pipeline Lateral in Matagorda and Brazoria Counties, Texas. WSA conducted intensive Phase I pedestrian survey with shovel testing and backhoe trenching of the proposed new 20-mile (32.18 kilometer [km]) pipeline segment, north of the cities of Markham, Bay City, Van Vleck, and Sweeny, Texas. Coordination was conducted with the Texas State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and survey investigations consistent with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA, 1992, as amended). The project may be subject to Section 106 of the NHPA due to proposed impacts to Waters of the United States (WOUS), including wetlands, under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Galveston District, and the need for project Section 404/10 compliance and permitting under the Clean Water (1972, as amended) and River and Harbors Acts. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) is defined as the approximately 20 mile (32.18 km) proposed linear alignment within a 200 foot (60 m) wide survey corridor (100 feet [30 m] on either side of the centerline) representing approximately 491 acres. The survey consisted of a total of 147 shovel tests (eight positive) and 10 backhoe trenches (two positive). Two sites were recorded during these investigations (41MG140 and 41MG141). Historic-age site 41MG140 consists of a surficial late 19th century residential artifact scatter with a few remnant features. The site boundaries slightly overlap the survey corridor. This site is recommended as not eligible for inclusion on the NRHP or as a SAL and for no further archaeological investigations. No intact site elements remain within the survey corridor. There will be no project impacts to the remaining site elements. Archival research indicates no known link of the previous inhabitants to local or nationally significant persons, themes or events. Site 41MG141 consists of a multi-component historic-age and deeply buried prehistoric archaeological site. As originally planned, site 41MG141 overlapped the survey corridor and areas of temporary and permanent workspace for the pipeline. Copano rerouted the proposed work space and permanent right-of-way to avoid site 41MG141. The reroute was subject to additional negative shovel tests and backhoe trenches. There will be no project impacts to site 41MG141. The historic component of site 41MG141 is recommended as not a contributing element to any po- tential NRHP eligibility of site 41MG141, and for no further archaeological investigations. The prehistoric component to 41MG141 as surveyed and mapped in this report is recommended for additional archaeological testing level investigations to determine NRHP eligibility should there be any proposed ground disturbing activities deeper than one meter below the ground surface, due to the activities of any state or federally sponsored projects or undertakings. The northeast boundary of the prehistoric component of 41MG141 is located north of the current survey corridor and remains undetermined. The formal NRHP eligibility of site 41MG141 remains undetermined. No artifacts were collected from either archaeological site due to a lack of landowner permission. No other archaeological sites, features or evidence of prehistoric- or historic-age occupation were identified outside of the two recorded sites. Acres Surveyed: 391 Project Number: WSA 2014-60 Project Location: Matagorda and Brazoria Counties, Texas Unevaluated Properties: 0 NRHP Eligible Properties: 1 NRHP Ineligible Properties: 1 NRHP Listed Properties: 0 Isolated Occurrences: 0 Total Project Resources: 2 Recommendations: WSA respectfully requests SHPO concurrence that any proposed state or federal ground disturbing impacts to the prehistoric component of site 41MG141 (deeper than 1 m below the ground surface) be subjected to NRHP test level archaeological investigations to determine formal eligibility to the National Register. WSA requests SHPO concurrence that the historic component of 41MG141 is not a contributing element to any potential NRHP eligibility of site 41MG141 and warrants no further archaeological investigation. WSA requests SHPO concurrence that the NRHP eligibility of site 41MG141 remains undetermined. WSA respectfully recommends SHPO concurrence that site 41MG140 is not NRHP eligible and warrants no further archaeological investigations. WSA concludes and respectfully requests SHPO concurrence that there exists a low probability that NRHP- or SAL-eligible cultural resources will be affected by the proposed pipeline project, due to existing co-located buried pipelines and other disturbances, and a preponderance of negative shovel tests and backhoe trenches at USACE jurisdictional drainages and wetlands, and other high probability areas along the approximate 20 mile proposed alignment. WSA recommends and respectfully requests SHPO concurrence that with regards to historic properties and SALs, project construction within the APE of approximately 20 miles (32.18 km) be allowed to proceed under Section 106 of the NHPA, and that all Section 106 consultation for the proposed project be considered concluded and complete