43 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of the study of the etiological structure and clinical features of acute intestinal infections of viral, bacterial and mixed etiology in children hospitalized in a specialized department of Children's Clinical Hospital №9 named G. N. Speransky, city of Moscow in 2008—2016. It was found that during 9 years of follow-up, the number of hospitalized patients with acute intestinal infections does not have an obvious tendency to decrease. More than half of hos-pitalized patients are children 1—7 years old. Among the reasons for acute intestinal infections of established etiology, viral agents (rotaviruses and noroviruses) prevail. Among bacterial intestinal infections, the most urgent are salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis and staphylococcal infection.  В статье представлены результаты изучения этиологической структуры и клинических особенностей острых кишечных инфекций (ОКИ) вирусной, бактериальной и смешанной этиологии у детей, госпитализированных в специализированное отделение ДГКБ №9 им Г.Н. Сперанского г. Москвы в 2008—2016 гг. Установлено, что на протяжении 9 лет наблюдения количество госпитализированных пациентов с ОКИ не имеет очевидной тенденции к снижению. Более половины госпитализированных пациентов составляют дети в возрасте 1—7 лет. Среди причин ОКИ установленной этиологии преобладают вирусные агенты (ротавирусы и норовирусы). Среди бактериальных кишечных инфекций наибольшую актуальность представляют сальмонеллез, кампилобактериоз и стафилококковая инфекция. 

    Decision Analysis in Project Management Process

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    Very often we complain about the decisions that were previously made. Yet the fact is that the decisions made were based on the knowledge we had before. By now we have gained more knowledge. Therefore the common problem of making decisions is that decisions are not made reliable enough because parameters in risk assessment and supply chain management are underestimated or not robust enough. In this paper we propose a framework that will try to predict future situations collectively and increase the reliability of decision making. Project management is the art of making right decision. Project managers are faced by huge array of choices. Decision analysis is used in strategic planning, operational management, and other areas of business. Decision analysis helps companies to determine optimal exploration and production strategies with uncertainties in cost, prices, and exploration prospects. This paper describes project management steps and the way they can be supported by Intelligent Decision Support system (IDSS). The main parameters assessed are total cost of the projects, time of the project total fulfilment, number of subcontractors, location factors, and etc. IDSS will enable to collect data, propose possible alternative decisions, and provide risk assessment

    Manufacturing Projects Cash-Flow Dynamics and Risk Management

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    A project portfolio is referred to as an optimal combination of specified projects to best achieve defined goals of an enterprise. The goals may imply either economic and business strategies, or technical strategies. This paper presents an idea of project portfolio management in intelligent decision support systems (IDSS), which emphasizes on the problem of resource allocation, in particular cash. A rational way of distributing cash among different projects is modeled. We propose a concept of cash-flow dynamics module, which can be plugged into IDSS. The IDSS allows project managers to make decisions regarding the order of priority for projects' launching times based on risk and profitability of projects. This paper describes how this module can support cash-flow management processes, from budgeting for future periods to tracking real-time cash flow. Based on an analogy between cash-flow processes and physical flow of fluid, a cash-flow dynamics model is introduced. The theory of Bernoulli principle for cash-flow planning and tracking is applied