896 research outputs found

    Open educational programs, as a new approach in the implementation of educational programs of higher education

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    The article describes a new approach in the implementation of educational programs of higher education, based on "openness" principles, namely, high availability, both in terms of eliminating formal barriers to entry into the program, and so clarity of presentation achieved during the development of the program learning outcomes, as well as the maximum content, organizational and technological flexibility and individualization of the educational process in accordance with the interests, conditions and educational objectives of the studentВ статье описывается новый подход в реализации образовательных программ высшего образования, основанный на принципах «открытости», а именно высокой доступности, как с точки зрения устранения формальных барьеров вхождения в программу так и наглядности представления достигаемых в ходе освоения программы результатов обучения, а также максимальной содержательной, организационной и технологической гибкости и индивидуализации учебного процесса в соответствии с интересами, условиями и образовательными целями обучаемог

    Electronic information and educational environment of the University: architecrure and functions

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    The article describes the model of the electronic information and educational environment, ensuring the implementation of all the mandatory list of functions defined by the federal state educational standards of higher education. Describes the concept, structure and architecture of this information systemВ статье рассмотрена модель реализации электронной информационно-образовательной среды вуза, обеспечивающей выполнение всего обязательного перечня функций, определенного Федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами высшего образования. Описана концепция, структура и архитектура информационной систем

    Electronic information and educational environment of RSVPU

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    The article describes the electronic information and educational environment, that is built on the basis of integration of different tools and services used for the implementation of the educational process envisaged types of academic work. Describes the concept, structure and interface of this information systemВ статье рассмотрена электронная информационно-образовательная среда, построенная на основе интеграции различных инструментов и сервисов, используемых для реализации предусмотренных учебным процессом видов учебной работы. Описана концепция, структура и интерфейс информационной систем

    Tools for the development of learning objects in artistic education

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    Wave Function of a Brane-like Universe

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    Within the mini-superspace model, brane-like cosmology means performing the variation with respect to the embedding (Minkowski) time τ\tau before fixing the cosmic (Einstein) time tt. The departure from Einstein limit is parameterized by the 'energy' conjugate to τ\tau, and characterized by a classically disconnected Embryonic epoch. In contrast with canonical quantum gravity, the wave-function of the brane-like Universe is (i) τ\tau-dependent, and (ii) vanishes at the Big Bang. Hartle-Hawking and Linde proposals dictate discrete 'energy' levels, whereas Vilenkin proposal resembles α\alpha-particle disintegration.Comment: Revtex, 4 twocolumn pages, 3 eps figures (accepted for publication in Class. Quan. Grav.

    Boosted coupling of ATP hydrolysis to substrate transport upon cooperative estradiol-17-beta-D-glucuronide binding in a Drosophila ATP binding cassette type-C transporter

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    ATP binding cassette type-C (ABCC) transporters move molecules across cell membranes upon hydrolysis of ATP; however, their coupling of ATP hydrolysis to substrate transport remains elusive. Drosophila multidrug resistance-associated protein (DMRP) is the functional ortholog of human long ABCC transporters, with similar substrate and inhibitor specificity, but higher activity. Exploiting its high activity, we kinetically dissected the catalytic mechanism of DMRP by using E2-d-glucuronide (E2G), the physiologic substrate of human ABCC. We examined the DMRP-mediated interdependence of ATP and E2G in biochemical assays. We observed E2G-dependent ATPase activity to be biphasic at subsaturating ATP concentrations, which implies at least 2 E2G binding sites on DMRP. Furthermore, transport measurements indicated strong nonreciprocal cooperativity between ATP and E2G. In addition to confirming these findings, our kinetic modeling with the Complex Pathway Simulator indicated a 10-fold decrease in the E2G-mediated activation of ATP hydrolysis upon saturation of the second E2G binding site. Surprisingly, the binding of the second E2G allowed for substrate transport with a constant rate, which tightly coupled ATP hydrolysis to transport. In summary, we show that the second E2G binding-similar to human ABCC2-allosterically stimulates transport activity of DMRP. Our data suggest that this is achieved by a significant increase in the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to transport.-Karasik, A., Ledwitch, K. V., Aranyi, T., Varadi, A., Roberts, A., Szeri, F. Boosted coupling of ATP hydrolysis to substrate transport upon cooperative estradiol-17-beta-D-glucuronide binding in a Drosophila ATP binding cassette type-C transporter