76 research outputs found

    The main ideas of Catholic education according to Pope Pius XI and the Polish Jesuit Rev. Marian Morawski : a study of traditional Catholic social order

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    W artykule omówione zostały poglądy papieża Piusa XI w kwestii zasad katolickiego wychowania i edukacji, a następnie ujęcia te zostały porównane z refleksją polskiego jezuity o. Mariana Morawskiego. U podstaw tych rozważań leży tradycyjna, przedsoborowa nauka o państwie i jego relacjach z Kościołem. Analiza została przeprowadzona w oparciu o wybrane teksty źródłowe i ukazuje długie trwanie tradycyjnej doktryny Kościoła w czasach nowożytnych. Badania były przeprowadzone z perspektywy historii idei. Pius XI i o. Morawski bronili doktryny Kościoła i poddawali krytyce ataki na chrześcijaństwo, biorące się z idei rewolucyjnych i socjalistycznych.The article discusses the views of Pope Pius XI on the principles of Catholic education, and then compares these ideas with reflection of polish jesuit father Marian Morawski SJ. These considerations is based on traditional, ante-conciliar doctrine about the country and its relations with the Church. The analysis was conducted on the selected source texts and shows the long duration of the traditional doctrine of the Church in modern times. The research was carried out with methodology of history of ideas. Pius XI and Rev. Marian Morawski defended the doctrine of the Church and given criticism of attacks on Christianity, featured with revolutionary and socialist ideas

    The contribution of Nicolaus Copernicus to Jagiellonian ideas

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    On the history of discovery the the rare-earth elements

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    With reference to the existing literature, the article reviews the history of discovering rare-earth elements (lanthanides) from the late 18th to the mid-20th century. By outlining the main stages of this story, the author analyzes biographies of chemists, presents the geography of discoveries and the development of analytical methods in inorganic chemistry. The text also mentions the scientific errors and disputes between scholars. From the perspective of the philosophy of science, this history is an important example of the mutual relationship between empirical knowledge and its theoretical justification in science

    Z dziejów polskiej neoscholastyki

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    Inspiracja religijna w systemie wiedzy przyrodniczej św. Tomasza z Akwinu

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    RELIGIOUS INSPIRATION IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS’ NATURAL SCIENCE SYSTEMThe article discusses chief aspects of religious inspiration of the views of St. Thomas on science. The main tenets of the Christian religion provided the Dominican scholar with an opportunity for critical assessment of various views of Aristotle and other Greek thinkers. As he built his system of metaphysical knowledge, Aquinas often spoke on subjects of nature and scientifi c methodology. His discussions reveal multiple religious infl uences and a religious inspiration to expand the fi eld of the human vision of the world while preserving the autonomy of respective sciences. Study of his views helps place the distinguished 13th-century author in the history of scientifi c development in Western thought

    New book on Early Enlightenment in Poland

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    „Una voce dicentes”. Hierarchiczna wizja rzeczywistości w rycie mszy trydenckiej i w jej teologicznym uzasadnieniu

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    UNA VOCE DICENTES. THE HIERARCHICAL VISION OF REALITY IN THE TRIDENTINE RITE MASS AND ITS THEOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATIONThe article uses characteristic examples to present a hierarchic order of reality as seen in gestures, acts, and prayers of the Catholic Tridentine Mass ritual, which was in use from the early Middle Ages (when it had developed this form in Western Church) until Paul VI’s reforms of 1969. This liturgy, recently (2007) appreciated by pope Benedict XVI and cleared for free use by priests as an „extraordinary form of the Roman rite”, expresses with great force, using a number of complex symbols, the Catholic vision of the natural and supernatural world. The various aspects of the ritual were grounded in acts of the Magisterium and in theologians’ writings as cited in notes

    New book on XIII-th Century Thomism

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