22 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Appearance Decomposition Using Point Cloud Representation

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    Intrinsic decomposition is to infer the albedo and shading from the image. Since it is a heavily ill-posed problem, previous methods rely on prior assumptions from 2D images, however, the exploration of the data representation itself is limited. The point cloud is known as a rich format of scene representation, which naturally aligns the geometric information and the color information of an image. Our proposed method, Point Intrinsic Net, in short, PoInt-Net, jointly predicts the albedo, light source direction, and shading, using point cloud representation. Experiments reveal the benefits of PoInt-Net, in terms of accuracy, it outperforms 2D representation approaches on multiple metrics across datasets; in terms of efficiency, it trains on small-scale point clouds and performs stably on any-scale point clouds; in terms of robustness, it only trains on single object level dataset, and demonstrates reasonable generalization ability for unseen objects and scenes.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Multi-Loss Weighting with Coefficient of Variations

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    Many interesting tasks in machine learning and computer vision are learned by optimising an objective function defined as a weighted linear combination of multiple losses. The final performance is sensitive to choosing the correct (relative) weights for these losses. Finding a good set of weights is often done by adopting them into the set of hyper-parameters, which are set using an extensive grid search. This is computationally expensive. In this paper, we propose a weighting scheme based on the coefficient of variations and set the weights based on properties observed while training the model. The proposed method incorporates a measure of uncertainty to balance the losses, and as a result the loss weights evolve during training without requiring another (learning based) optimisation. In contrast to many loss weighting methods in literature, we focus on single-task multi-loss problems, such as monocular depth estimation and semantic segmentation, and show that multi-task approaches for loss weighting do not work on those single-tasks. The validity of the approach is shown empirically for depth estimation and semantic segmentation on multiple datasets.Comment: Paper was accepted at the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2021 (WACV2021

    Physics-based Shading Reconstruction for Intrinsic Image Decomposition

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    We investigate the use of photometric invariance and deep learning to compute intrinsic images (albedo and shading). We propose albedo and shading gradient descriptors which are derived from physics-based models. Using the descriptors, albedo transitions are masked out and an initial sparse shading map is calculated directly from the corresponding RGB image gradients in a learning-free unsupervised manner. Then, an optimization method is proposed to reconstruct the full dense shading map. Finally, we integrate the generated shading map into a novel deep learning framework to refine it and also to predict corresponding albedo image to achieve intrinsic image decomposition. By doing so, we are the first to directly address the texture and intensity ambiguity problems of the shading estimations. Large scale experiments show that our approach steered by physics-based invariant descriptors achieve superior results on MIT Intrinsics, NIR-RGB Intrinsics, Multi-Illuminant Intrinsic Images, Spectral Intrinsic Images, As Realistic As Possible, and competitive results on Intrinsic Images in the Wild datasets while achieving state-of-the-art shading estimations.Comment: Submitted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU

    EDEN: Multimodal Synthetic Dataset of Enclosed GarDEN Scenes

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    Multimodal large-scale datasets for outdoor scenes are mostly designed for urban driving problems. The scenes are highly structured and semantically different from scenarios seen in nature-centered scenes such as gardens or parks. To promote machine learning methods for nature-oriented applications, such as agriculture and gardening, we propose the multimodal synthetic dataset for Enclosed garDEN scenes (EDEN). The dataset features more than 300K images captured from more than 100 garden models. Each image is annotated with various low/high-level vision modalities, including semantic segmentation, depth, surface normals, intrinsic colors, and optical flow. Experimental results on the state-of-the-art methods for semantic segmentation and monocular depth prediction, two important tasks in computer vision, show positive impact of pre-training deep networks on our dataset for unstructured natural scenes. The dataset and related materials will be available at https://lhoangan.github.io/eden.Comment: Accepted for publishing at WACV 202

    ShadingNet: Image Intrinsics by Fine-Grained Shading Decomposition

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    In general, intrinsic image decomposition algorithms interpret shading as one unified component including all photometric effects. As shading transitions are generally smoother than reflectance (albedo) changes, these methods may fail in distinguishing strong photometric effects from reflectance variations. Therefore, in this paper, we propose to decompose the shading component into direct (illumination) and indirect shading (ambient light and shadows) subcomponents. The aim is to distinguish strong photometric effects from reflectance variations. An end-to-end deep convolutional neural network (ShadingNet) is proposed that operates in a fine-to-coarse manner with a specialized fusion and refinement unit exploiting the fine-grained shading model. It is designed to learn specific reflectance cues separated from specific photometric effects to analyze the disentanglement capability. A large-scale dataset of scene-level synthetic images of outdoor natural environments is provided with fine-grained intrinsic image ground-truths. Large scale experiments show that our approach using fine-grained shading decompositions outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms utilizing unified shading on NED, MPI Sintel, GTA V, IIW, MIT Intrinsic Images, 3DRMS and SRD datasets.Comment: Submitted to International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV

    PIE-Net: Photometric Invariant Edge Guided Network for Intrinsic Image Decomposition

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    Intrinsic image decomposition is the process of recovering the image formation components (reflectance and shading) from an image. Previous methods employ either explicit priors to constrain the problem or implicit constraints as formulated by their losses (deep learning). These methods can be negatively influenced by strong illumination conditions causing shading-reflectance leakages. Therefore, in this paper, an end-to-end edge-driven hybrid CNN approach is proposed for intrinsic image decomposition. Edges correspond to illumination invariant gradients. To handle hard negative illumination transitions, a hierarchical approach is taken including global and local refinement layers. We make use of attention layers to further strengthen the learning process. An extensive ablation study and large scale experiments are conducted showing that it is beneficial for edge-driven hybrid IID networks to make use of illumination invariant descriptors and that separating global and local cues helps in improving the performance of the network. Finally, it is shown that the proposed method obtains state of the art performance and is able to generalise well to real world images. The project page with pretrained models, finetuned models and network code can be found at https://ivi.fnwi.uva.nl/cv/pienet/